精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ONISUKA (トゥットゥルー)》之銘言: : We're at GamesCon in Cologne, Germany, and just did an interview with Tom : Chilton, Lead Game Developer and Chris Robinson, Lead Art Director, in which : they revealed a lot of details regarding patch 4.3 - and it seems that the : announcement of it being huge was no joke: 我們稍早在德國科隆的GamesCon會場與設計總監卡幹、美術總監克里斯羅賓森訪談過,他 們揭露了許多 4.3更新的細節──看來先前宣佈說 4.3大有來頭是玩真的。 譯按:那位美術頭目我不知道有沒有匿稱xd 先照翻了 : Patch 4.3 will bring us the Deathwing raid instance! This means it's likely : that we'll be able to fight the Aspect of Death in an epic encounter within : this year. The raid that was originally expected for this patch, the "Abyssal : Maw", was cut from the schedule because, as Chilton states, the setting and : the story were not convincing enough. 4.3更新包括了死亡之翼團隊副本!意即玩家將能在今年內與這頭代表死亡的巨龍之主來 場史詩級的戰鬥。原先傳出深淵之喉是此次更新主打,如今因為設定與故事背景不夠完善 而作罷,卡幹如是說。 要與死翼來場激烈的......史詩網愛嗎。其實我本來以為4.0奧胖4.2蘿絲 4.3奈普子4.4死翼,然後4.5來個反逆的石母咧 這樣整張4.0可謂上天下地水深火熱 : Furthermore, 4.3 will also bring three entirely new 5-man instances - Chilton : assured us that these won't contain any re-vamped content, but instead be : brand new with unique design and models. Chilton also hinted at one of those : being within the Caverns of Time, allowing players to experience another : great moment of Warcraft Lore first-hand. 此外, 4.3還將推出三個全新的五人副本,卡幹掛保證這次不會又是「某某回歸」的新瓶 舊酒,而會有全新且獨特的設計與模組。卡幹也提到其一是時光之穴,玩家可以再次得到 魔獸系列重大歷史的第一手體驗。 entirely new、還有稍後提到的brand new... BZ繼coming soon後,連new也沒人會信了XD : The interview also revealed the purpose of the "mystery ethereals" in : Stormwind (and likely other cities, too). The "Transmogrifier" NPC will allow : players to change the displayed model of equipment to that of another item : while keeping the original attributes: Transmogrification is only possible : within an armor class - Plate armor can only assume the looks of other Plate : armor, for example. 會談中也為大家說明了暴風城裡的神秘繃帶人(其他城裡應該也有)所為何來。「鑄形師」 將幫助玩家替換他們當前裝備的模組,顯示成另一件裝備的外觀,同時完全保留當前裝備 的屬性數值。注意了,鑄形僅能幫你替換屬於同一裝甲等級的裝備──也就是鎧甲只能換 成另一件鎧甲的外觀。 繃帶人我一時忘記中文翻啥了 懶得開遊戲查 鑄形是我流暫譯 : Class restrictions apply to Transmogrification - Warriors cannot transmogrify : their armor to look like Death Knight tier sets. : The developers are considering whether they should only allow using the : models of equipment that has already been obtained 鑄形還有另一項職業限制──戰士無法把他們的裝備外觀弄得像死騎的地城套裝。 設計師仍在考慮他們是否該設下限制,只讓玩家使用之前已取得的裝備外觀。 話說有些散裝跟T裝用同一個模組耶 : The "Void Storage" is a very large bank-esque storage which allows old : equipment to be stored, freeing up inventory/bank slots for players. The : developers aren't sure yet about the definition of "old equipment". The cost : of the storage (and whether there even is one) is another thing that is not : yet decided 而「虛無倉庫」是個運作起來如同遊戲裡銀行的儲藏系統,可以存放舊的裝備,拯救玩家 所剩不多的物品欄和銀行空間。設計師此刻仍未能定義何為「舊裝備」。至於此存放系統 的收取費用多寡,乃至還要不要收費,皆是未定之事。 同,虛無倉庫也只是我隨便暫譯一下 : Another possible feature that was hinted at is the possibility of "void : stored" equipment being available to other characters on the account (NOTE: : That part might be speculation from Gamona, not cross-server transfers : actually confirmed. Hard to tell.) 另一個可能的更動是,有消息說「虛無倉庫」內的存放物可以讓同帳號的其他角色使用。 (注意,這部分是Gamona網站的推測,能否跨伺服轉移也還沒證實。很難說啦。) Gamona是此系列文第一po裡頭提到的那個德國網站 : Overall, it seems that we've got a huge patch ahead of us - a new raid, three : brand new instances, Transmogrification and Void Storage. 總之,看來我們有個大更新──一個新的團隊副本,三個全新五人地城,鑄形系統和虛無 倉庫。 原文來自MMO http://0rz.tw/xd0Qw 本文僅行翻譯及譯者碎念 無特定立場及額外推論 翻譯內容若有錯誤 懇請指教 謝謝! -- PvE伺服器奧妮克西亞聯盟公會陰森幼幼電視台 隆重鉅獻 《黑魂‧新譯冰塞篇》 我只看見…水晶!在主人計畫的每一個部份中,RL的黑手是…無可避免的…別說我沒警告過 你,無賴!附魔師們,拆裝!你的裝備無法在此得到更換!拆裝時間?我想我開了一堆閃亮 的水晶。RL要爆嘍!大夥聽著,好消息!我想我開出全艾澤拉斯上最黑的loot!歡迎黑手! 水晶滿盈。RL放流!你開了一個…很黑的loot。我的黑手正在生效。加把勁,英雄們!你感 覺到RL的冰冷黑手正要開王的屍體嗎?我喜歡這種諷刺感。 到底是多會黑手啊這群混帳! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Dheroblood:雖然是聯盟的 不過這簽名黨看了會會心一笑 08/18 01:03
guithawk:雷德:我才是真黑手 08/18 01:05
boblu:可以讓其他角色用來鑄型 而非穿著 這樣比較合裡吧 08/18 01:11
bhenry1990:簽名檔XD 08/18 01:13
※ 編輯: milkreaver 來自: (08/18 01:22)
capoboy:不對啊~~ 我只是要改顏色而已啊~ 暗黑薩滿逼逼~~~ 08/18 01:41
jasonjung:同伺服同聯盟同公會推黑手XD 08/18 01:45
prismwu:奈普子是哪招阿xd 08/18 01:50
crazyfor5566:BZ繼coming soon後,連new也沒人會信了XD 08/18 01:51
Wolfen:推簽名檔XDDDDD 08/18 02:56
hoe1101:都說是時光之穴怎可能不是回歸系列 08/18 07:58
beartim:時空之穴可以不回歸阿@@ 08/18 08:04
beartim: 光 08/18 08:04
adayoegi:推陰森幼幼電視台 雖然我不是你們公會的XD 08/18 08:05
cidcheng:我一定要改鑄回聖騎T2呀啊啊啊啊~~ 08/18 10:20
KRSmp:簽名檔好強大啊XDD 08/18 10:50
sad2:我覺得讓同帳號的角色使用還蠻合理的 08/18 11:11
yukinoba:繃帶人是叫"以太人",虛無倉庫正式翻譯應該會是"虛空倉庫 08/18 15:15
whoamiaa:簽名檔笑死我了 08/18 15:50