精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
轉自:http://www.mmo-champion.com/ Interviews: Warcraft After Cataclysm Tom Chilton and Greg Street have been making the rounds again with interviews on IGN and Gamasutra. Patch 4.3 If you add up all of the Deathwing encounter stages, it will be the longest fight in the game. Each stage of the fight will take place in a different location and offer some loot. The encounter starts at Wyrmrest Temple, progressing toward the players being on Deathwing's back while he is flying toward The Maelstrom. The new five man encounters will build up to the Deathwing fight, similar to how the Icecrown five man instances built up to the Lich King. To combat the complaints of armor always looking the same, there is a sub-lead who is in charge of guiding the art team to produce new styles not found in the game yet. After Cataclysm More armor customization could be coming in the future; Transmogrification was a solution that could be finished in time for Patch 4.3. After Patch 4.3, and the world event, the team is going to focus on keeping players entertained and enjoying the game. There are more people that played World of Warcraft, but no longer play World of Warcraft, than the number of people that currently play World of Warcraft. They want to lower the barrier to entry and find some way to bring back players that no longer play. On Mists of Pandaria: "Most of the time when we do anything panda-related it's going to be a comic book or a figurine or something like that." They realize some people quit because they made the content more accessible to everyone and it no longer felt elite. Raids are significantly harder than they were in WotLK, but the rewards are not much better than heroic five man rewards. This causes a lack of motivation to raid. They believe that each spec plays like a separate class, making the game feel as if there are 30 classes. Player created content is still in the back of their minds because of how well it worked in Starcraft II. Developing tools for players would take a lot of work, but the reward would be great as well. Blue Posts Worgen Mounts These mounts are mainly being added to even up the number of mounts Alliance players can get, compared to Horde players. Mount collectors and those of you interested in going for the mount achievement have been asking for this for a while, and the additional horses will address that issue. The Worgen's unique racial mount equivalent is the Running Wild skill. That's not going anywhere. Transmogrification: Incomplete tier sets This is going to be half the fun for a lot of people looking forward to Transmogrification; finding matching sets and combinations that look awesome together While it's too early to say for sure, it's possible that after this feature launches, there will be a number of items that people request become available to Transmogrify. We're going to monitor this feedback and hopefully be able to build on the feature based on that, however, that's not to say every item people ask for will suddenly appear in the game. Three Talent Specs Indeed, as Xarthat said, we're still really keen for players to put a lot of thought and decision into their character's chosen talent specs. Sure, it would be handy to have more specs lined up to swap in or out when faced with a different situation, but right now we feel that your talent spec(s) should be something you choose, maybe refine over time, and hopefully pwn with. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ericryuken:恩恩 09/03 14:52
iscu:嗯嗯 09/03 14:53
ZzERICzZ:喔喔 09/03 14:54
senas:對 我也這麼覺得 09/03 14:54
cyc647:恩恩 09/03 14:54
a5447:原來如此 09/03 14:55
mamatoto:快推!!不然會讓人覺的我看不懂英文 09/03 14:55
coolrock:太好了~~等超久 09/03 14:57
wildbloodcat:上次不是說三天賦不可能,怎麼自掌嘴巴了 09/03 14:59
neverbbs:三天賦太好了 09/03 15:00
stanwhale:所以死翼是要打半小時嗎 09/03 15:00
iscu:小德表示 我要四天賦 09/03 15:00
Minagi2005:跟死翼的戰鬥是多次的遭遇戰,第一次遭遇在龍眠神殿 09/03 15:01
zack867:以我破破的英文 看不太懂是不是要開放三天賦.... 09/03 15:01
Burdened:很合理啊 坦 補 DD PVP 2個天賦怎麼夠 09/03 15:01
BardOrpheus:因為上線人數銳減吧 加入的新人太少 所以想辦法留老人 09/03 15:02
psalmian:比照之前的意見 暫時不打算開放 希望玩家慎選並活用所選 09/03 15:02
asdX:死翼的戰鬥會被分成好幾段 不會一場打完 且每段都有loot 09/03 15:02
asdX:更多的裝備塑型 狼人座騎 三天賦還要再討論 09/03 15:03
h45279802:====================犧牲樓下====================== 09/03 15:03
stanwhale:是阿 我的意思是 徹底擊敗他總共要花那麼久時間喔 09/03 15:04
DONmilK:nga上有篇死翼的猜想文也是分成許多部分來打 猜的蠻準的 09/03 15:04
Burdened:太慢啦 流失的玩家 即使WOW變好玩也來不及了 09/03 15:05
mtflying3037:我擔心d3會像某可樂把旗下某Q果汁拿掉一樣....... 09/03 15:07
riverT:@DONmilK 之前官方就放出消息說會拆成好幾個部分 09/03 15:10
nellstock:沒有說要開三天賦 09/03 15:15
KAEN:WOW失敗的原因是現在RAID不適合阿凡了吧... 09/03 15:16
godofaluba:嗯嗯 果然是該來等D3了..... 09/03 15:20
PTTco:今天天氣很好.... 09/03 15:24
KEN50091:分段打部位破壞會有多的獎勵嗎 09/03 15:30
darksol:RL:獵人等等上去放爆炸陷阱 LOOT沒掉下來的話扣你DKP! 09/03 16:44
zephyr0093:血五兆的木樁王 推整整三天 09/03 17:10
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: ONISUKA (トゥットゥルー) 看板: WOW 標題: Re: [情報] 4.3及浩劫與重生之後;今日藍帖 時間: Sat Sep 3 15:14:40 2011 ※ 引述《ONISUKA (トゥットゥルー)》之銘言: 轉自:http://www.mmo-champion.com/ Interviews: Warcraft After Cataclysm 訪談:浩劫與重生之後的魔獸世界 Tom Chilton and Greg Street have been making the rounds again with interviews on IGN and Gamasutra. 在IGN及Gamasutra上,Tom Chilton及Greg Street兩位WOW設計師再次接受了訪談 Patch 4.3 關於Patch 4.3 If you add up all of the Deathwing encounter stages, it will be the longest fight in the game. 如果你把所有面對死亡之翼的階段全部加起來,你會發現這會是有史以來最長的戰鬥 Each stage of the fight will take place in a different location and offer some loot. 每個階段都會在不同的地方進行戰鬥,而且都會提供裝備掉落 The encounter starts at Wyrmrest Temple, progressing toward the players being on Deathwing's back while he is flying toward The Maelstrom. 與死亡之翼的遭遇將會從龍眠神殿開始, 並且持續進行到玩家站在死亡之翼的背上飛向大漩渦 The new five man encounters will build up to the Deathwing fight, similar to how the Icecrown five man instances built up to the Lich King. 新的五人副本設計成建立起對抗死亡之翼的戰鬥,如同巫妖王時期的三個五人副本 To combat the complaints of armor always looking the same, there is a sub-lead who is in charge of guiding the art team to produce new styles not found in the game yet. 為了解決每次都有人抱怨裝備都長的一樣,這次有個小組領導著美術團隊, 要求他們設計出與以往不同的裝備特色 After Cataclysm 浩劫與重生之後 More armor customization could be coming in the future; Transmogrification was a solution that could be finished in time for Patch 4.3. 更多的裝備客製化;塑型會是解決的方法,即將在4.3上線 After Patch 4.3, and the world event, the team is going to focus on keeping players entertained and enjoying the game. 過了4.3以及世界事件以後,研發團隊希望目標放在能讓玩家持續享受這款遊戲 There are more people that played World of Warcraft, but no longer play World of Warcraft, than the number of people that currently play World of Warcraft. 有許多玩家曾經玩過魔獸世界,但已經不再玩魔獸世界了, 這數量已經超過現在仍在玩魔獸世界的玩家們(這繞口令喔...) They want to lower the barrier to entry and find some way to bring back players that no longer play. 他們希望能降低新手及再次回鍋魔獸世界的難度並且將失去的玩家找回來 On Mists of Pandaria: "Most of the time when we do anything panda-related it's going to be a comic book or a figurine or something like that." 關於熊貓人,他們表示:大多時間我們做跟熊貓有關的事情, 通常只是出在漫畫或者模型,或者這類的東西上面(別去想資料片了...) They realize some people quit because they made the content more accessible to everyone and it no longer felt elite. 他們發現許多玩家quit魔獸世界是因為他們覺得遊戲內容已經太普及化, 而不再感到特別史詩(我不想用高端這詞,但好像比較容易理解...) Raids are significantly harder than they were in WotLK, but the rewards are not much better than heroic five man rewards. This causes a lack of motivation to raid. 團隊副本比起巫妖王之怒時期又更難了一些,但是獎勵卻沒有比五人英雄副本好太多 這是許多人不想打團隊副本的原因之一 They believe that each spec plays like a separate class, making the game feel as if there are 30 classes. 他們相信每個天賦都代表著獨立的職業,讓遊戲裏感覺有三十個職業 Player created content is still in the back of their minds because of how well it worked in Starcraft II. Developing tools for players would take a lot of work, but the reward would be great as well. 由於星海爭霸二在玩家自訂遊戲的成功, 使得他們仍在考慮讓玩家自訂一些魔獸世界裏的遊戲內容, 給玩家們的開發工具雖然會花很多時間設計,但他的成效應該會很不錯的 Blue Posts 藍帖 Worgen Mounts 關於狼人座騎(我知道很多人都在罵...) These mounts are mainly being added to even up the number of mounts Alliance players can get, compared to Horde players. Mount collectors and those of you interested in going for the mount achievement have been asking for this for a while, and the additional horses will address that issue. 這些座騎只是為了要讓聯盟玩家所獲得的座騎數量跟部落一樣多 許多座騎收藏家以及那些為了座騎成就的玩家一直在詢問兩邊數量不等這件事情, 所以我們才加入了新的馬讓雙方的數量相等 The Worgen's unique racial mount equivalent is the Running Wild skill. That's not going anywhere. 狼人專有座騎等同於他的跑步姿態 Transmogrification: Incomplete tier sets 關於塑型 This is going to be half the fun for a lot of people looking forward to Transmogrification; finding matching sets and combinations that look awesome together 有許多玩家正在熱烈討論該如何蒐集舊有的裝備並且組合成好看的造型 While it's too early to say for sure, it's possible that after this feature launches, there will be a number of items that people request become available to Transmogrify. We're going to monitor this feedback and hopefully be able to build on the feature based on that, however, that's not to say every item people ask for will suddenly appear in the game. 雖然現在說還太早,但是在未來塑型上線以後,會有許多的裝備會讓玩家想要塑型。 我們會監測這些回報並將這些比較多玩家想要塑型的裝備建立一個清單讓玩家塑型, 但這並不代表著所有你們想要的裝備都會直接出現在遊戲中(這邊有點不太會翻...) Three Talent Specs 三天賦專精 Indeed, as Xarthat said, we're still really keen for players to put a lot of thought and decision into their character's chosen talent specs. 事實上我們仍在對玩家猶豫著自己的角色該選擇哪種天賦這件事情持續關注 Sure, it would be handy to have more specs lined up to swap in or out when faced with a different situation, but right now we feel that your talent spec(s) should be something you choose, maybe refine over time, and hopefully pwn with. 如果玩家們有更多的天賦選擇可以切換自然可以解決問題, 但現在我們仍認為天賦是需要你去做選擇及捨棄, 當然或許未來有可能會改變 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Jayli168:有翻有推 09/03 15:17
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (09/03 15:19)
sugodo:好棒!我想要三天賦!這樣我就可以玩 神聖/戒律/pvp 了! 09/03 15:18
setom:三天賦!! 小D聖騎表示: 09/03 15:19
psalmian:樓上明顯沒看懂 意思是暫時沒打算開放 09/03 15:20
Fron:這樣死翼成就會是5-6個戰鬥加起來嗎 lol 09/03 15:23
bcatw763:1王:死翼的右翼 2王:死翼的左翼 3王:死翼的下巴 4王: 09/03 15:25
davidgw:小D天賦樹永遠不夠用 09/03 15:26
farseer7:死翼的大根 09/03 15:26
nellstock:IGN訪談說人數只從1140萬掉到1110萬 巴哈wow的人氣也重 09/03 15:27
nellstock:回第二了 只輸給LoL 看來好多人還是不離不棄 09/03 15:27
devilshadow:YA 我是30萬人其中之一 09/03 15:28
nbgfdew:SC2在自定遊戲方面有比WC3成功= =? 功能是比較強啦..... 09/03 15:29
rufjvm12345:他們仍在考慮讓玩家自訂一些魔獸世界裏的遊戲內容 09/03 15:30
blackxo4u86:為什麼狼人坐騎會是馬啊 都怪之翼 09/03 15:30
Dalaia:我也是30萬中的之一... 09/03 15:31
Dalaia:這說到一些重點 美工 就是美工啦 爛透了 終於要正視這問題 09/03 15:32
Dalaia:10人裝=25人裝 這也許也是流失玩家的原因之一 09/03 15:33
linceass:30萬之一 QUIT不玩但還是可以看討論區 09/03 15:34
NVK:覺得使用"高端"不舒服,可以試試"頂尖"或"精英",都比史詩貼近 09/03 15:44
sen16888:有些職業三頁只有一個RL會收開三天賦幹啥? 09/03 15:46
atpx:三天賦應該就是讓玩家擁有1 PVP與 2PVE天賦能用吧 09/03 15:52
h45279802:最好不要開三天賦...一直弄更方便的系統只會加重現在的 09/03 15:52
atpx:不然PVP伺服器的PVE玩家顯得自保能力太弱了 09/03 15:52
h45279802:情況,你一上線就要煩惱3種天賦、三種配裝、雕文... 09/03 15:53
jinmin88:期待WOW的編輯器弄出來, 或許以後會有WOW版狼人村..超讚 09/03 15:53
atpx:當然有人會說不爽不要玩拉, 所以真的很多人不完了 09/03 15:53
SSamuel:天賦樹永遠不夠用,就像獸欄,可以再加大一點嗎QQ 09/03 15:54
atpx:另外如果某些專職dd還是在副本只能dd不能做其他事的話, 人數 09/03 15:55
atpx:大概也不會回流了.複合職做得跟你一樣好, 找複合職彈性還高些 09/03 15:56
atpx:以10人Raid來說....25R當然可以容忍多點專職DD存在 09/03 15:57
potionx:死亡之翼:p1放話p2放火p3放龍p4放骨p5放霧p6放血p7放寶。 09/03 16:09
light20735:小D:四天賦才夠用... 09/03 16:11
duolon:=====我只能說那些追求史詩感覺的玩家比起速食玩家少多了== 09/03 16:23
killord:哈哈哈哈 看到專職沒位子我就想笑XDXDXD 09/03 16:23
duolon:====根本沒必要為了那些玩家再次改回LV60時代那種難度===== 09/03 16:23
patoo:RAID那裡我覺得BZ完全搞錯方向… 09/03 16:23
duolon:====倒是可以把速食跟史詩結合起來....大概幾個月後讓速食= 09/03 16:24
duolon:====吃的到以前的史詩 還有別再NERF獵人特殊寵物!!@$!@$=== 09/03 16:24
killord:多龍您不是有一陣子去SC2版有沒用等號了嗎?那陣子很清新 09/03 16:25
atpx:10R 1坦聖/d 1補聖/d不罕見,兩賊/獵/法應該不多吧,很難理解? 09/03 16:29
hahn:那是暑假的巴哈人氣才稍微高一點吧 過各兩周就知道了 09/03 16:35
choosin:推翻譯 還有回到龍眠!! 期待~"~ 09/03 16:35
killord:我想到quit了這麼久 看到終於死到專職了所以想笑而已XDXD 09/03 16:40
Solidsanke:那段是在講quit的WOW玩家已經>現在在玩的玩家數? 09/03 16:51
atpx:他說的應該是有儲值過但是沒有繼續儲值的帳號>有繼續儲 09/03 16:52
eDrifter:10人團隊變成主流後, 是"史詩"不起來的. 真是裝備讓人不 09/03 16:52
eDrifter:想打? 09/03 16:53
wolver:QUIT人數>現有玩家人數 現有如果有1000萬,那QUIT的>1000萬 09/03 17:07
wolver:很明顯就是遊戲本身無法吸引玩家. 09/03 17:08
KIDNEY:10人25人共LOOT實在很鳥 能用的裝就是那幾件 火源更是明顯. 09/03 17:08
wolver:看火源的每日設計就知道,天賦也越來越死了. 09/03 17:10
wolver:PVP.PVE過於互相影響,更是兩邊吃力不討好 09/03 17:10
dog1984:新新三本365or372大放送? 09/03 17:11
liwmewmew:離開遊戲的人數 高於 還有繼續遊戲的人數 09/03 17:13
liwmewmew:意指目前遊戲人數 低於 總人數的一半啦~~甚至更低 09/03 17:13
liwmewmew:如果一人一帳號 也就是會員帳號有一半都死的了... 09/03 17:14
aggressorX:怎麼改都回不去了 wow終於要掰了嗎 09/03 17:15
choosin:曾經活著死掉的人也終有一天會比還活著的多... 09/03 17:15
choosin:除非無止境的成長或復活 09/03 17:16
gn00399745:拜託開放像上古捲軸那樣的dlc給玩家自訂 09/03 17:25
gn00399745:我想玩魔獸少女~~ 09/03 17:25
holysea:這有難度,因為其中有很大部分是工作因素沒辦法繼續玩 09/03 17:27
gn00399745:反正BZ都承認美工失敗了 就讓使用者自己開發吧!! 09/03 17:27
holysea:沒新手加入死掉的帳號比例只會越來越高 09/03 17:27
gn00399745:開發一個模組編輯器!! 09/03 17:27
phire:現在有1000萬人,可是玩過的人超過兩千萬。 09/03 17:33
BearJW:"這次有個小組領導著美術團隊" 哪表示以前都隨美術亂搞就是 09/03 17:39
shinwind:嚴格來說wc3也就紅那幾個地圖 而且沒其他競爭者 09/03 17:39
shinwind:WC3的自訂很強 只是假像 09/03 17:40
choosin:能紅那幾張地圖也已經很強了 達成真相的需求是什麼? 09/03 17:43
shinwind:問題在沒競爭者 09/03 17:51
SnakeO:想辦法讓G團盛況重現...比較能留住休閒玩家..@@ 09/03 18:06
telescopy:既然給狼人座騎只是為平衡聯盟方的座騎數量,那至少隨便 09/03 18:08
telescopy:挑一個現在沒有的動物呀...驢或騾都不錯! 09/03 18:09
trigungo:專職DD還是有很多位置可以表現..找不到團應該是人口問題 09/03 18:19
Changel:缺人缺的兇 09/03 18:35
a12073311:小D 熊 貓 野性PVP(戰場) 野性PVP(競技場) ... 09/03 19:28
simon301:我覺得開放三天賦的前提是 也要能隨時變換裝的重鑄數值 09/03 19:41
simon301:不然開放三天賦有什麼意義?? 還不是要多帶一套裝兩套裝 09/03 19:42
ndstop:小D不夠的不是天賦樹 是包包欄位! 09/03 19:49
Snowman:曾想過以後boss像戰神一樣分部打 果然死翼就做出來了 09/03 20:55
qmo668:有翻有推 09/04 01:32
Loid:t11頭肩都次級品還不開放 上線時間很零碎的玩家根本拿不到 09/04 16:04
Loid:改4.2沒多久就quit了 套裝取得像3.3那樣還好得多 09/04 16:05