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http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2419-Patch-4.3-Updated-Information- Transmogrification-Preview Patch 4.3 Interviews - Updated Interviews keep hitting the web and we now know a few more things thanks to the interviews on Kotaku, Gamona.de, and Buffed.de! New Raid ‧Deathwing raid will be the final raid of the expansion. ‧You will even get to ride on Deathwing's back during the fight, apparently to take him down over multiple phases. ‧The project for an Abyssal Maw is gone for the moment, the storyline wasn't convincing enough/fitting. 5-Man Instances ‧3 new 5-man instances will be added in this patch. ‧One of the instance will be in the Caverns of Time, for the War of the Ancients Transmogrifier (Preview below) ‧The Transmogrifier NPC, which will let you change the appearance of any armor piece on you, while retaining the stats of your current gear. (= T12 stats, but with the Tier 2 look!) ‧Players won't be able to change the appearance of their armor into another armor type or class armor set, and you might have to own the armor before you can use it to swap the appearance of your existing armor. Void Storage ‧The Void Storage is a new type of bank where players will be able to store their old armors in order to free up space in their regular bank. ‧It will hold 100-150 items. Anything stored there will lose all gems and enchantments. Raid Finder ‧The Raid Finder will be introduced in Patch 4.3, it will work like the Dungeon Finder. Darkmoon Faire ‧There will be a new Darkmoon Faire island with a bunch of new activities such as "Whack-a-Gnome" "Whack-a-Gnoll" (Sorry gnomes!) -- 團隊搜尋器到底要如何像地城搜尋器呢 拭目以待 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wolver:這東西很久以前就有了,根本沒人排 08/18 13:01
如果改成可以10人隨機副本 那應該很有趣
HTRex:核彈等級的踩地雷 08/18 13:02
asgard1991:一踩下去就掉進萬惡淵藪啦~~~ 08/18 13:04
TachibanaMik:獎勵:雷龍坐騎 (使用隨機團隊系統完成100次) 08/18 13:05
Janel:然後要給30%的隨機buff嗎? 08/18 13:06
reaturn:然後十個人十個打法~大家都不鳥各自為政 08/18 13:09
出了還是一堆人會去用的拉 看那隨機 一堆人說喊好雷好雷 還不是乖乖的去排 ※ 編輯: yipi1357 來自: (08/18 13:11)
imjeffreylee:這很久以前就有了嗎 我怎麼都沒看到@@ 08/18 13:12
Siaotou:雙Z可以無限刷 你組10個人無限刷火源不好嗎 這是好東西呀 08/18 13:13
DarkKinght:我覺得難說,畢竟團隊副本比起5人來說更吃配合度 08/18 13:14
DarkKinght:尤其10人職業組合卡很死,雖然現在隨機有時候很雷 08/18 13:14
DarkKinght:但是起碼還是有一定程度的穩定度,隨機團對我很難想像會 08/18 13:15
DarkKinght:有多少穩定度在..... 08/18 13:15
swbthj:如果可以無限刷的話大家還是會乖乖去排 08/18 13:16
reaturn:應該說可以無限刷就會有組固定團去排,而不是去滅爽爽 08/18 13:18
p910520670:進組的時候會發現有人穿PVP裝 08/18 13:20
Fron:這東西,印象3.0剛出隨機就有了,真的很少人用.. 08/18 13:22
Fron:因該是很少人知道,在加上大家怕雷吧,我看都沒超過10個排._. 08/18 13:23
wolfman:但是現行的不會把團隊組好...只是讓人知道有誰想打 08/18 13:24
crazyfor5566:現有的那個只是類似佈告欄的東西 08/18 13:24
garfunkel:趕快把REALID組團隊做出來才是正經啦 08/18 13:24
patoo:隨機會這麼多人去排主要還是因為獎勵啊 隨機團隊?不看好 08/18 13:27
kducky:"應"該 08/18 13:32
henrygod:獎勵:之翼坐騎 (使用隨機團隊系統完成100次) 08/18 13:37
capoboy:偉業: [核彈拆除者] 完成隨機團隊副本100次 08/18 13:38
CRAZMELO:Void Storage....finaly..... 08/18 13:39
hoe1101:早就該做了 有空弄ZGZA炒冷飯還不如抄點有用的東西給玩家 08/18 13:42
detective14r:不可能做realid組團隊吧... 那樣誰要轉服? 08/18 13:42
iterator:舊的團隊搜尋器以前是不少人在用的.. 08/18 14:11
iterator:一直到5人副本跟團隊的界面被拆在兩個地方,又不能同時列 08/18 14:12
iterator:就再也沒人去點團隊那個.. 08/18 14:12
Ethan96:會不會有9個親友團vs1個隨機路人..... 08/18 19:17
sakueinozomi:倒覺得有用 有時9缺1就很不錯呀 08/19 16:43
SuperHOW:Transmogrifier比團隊搜尋器重要阿,都等幾年了 08/21 08:37