精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/ Twitter Q&A - LVL 71 to 80 XP decreased in Patch 4.3 Blizzard did a small Q&A session on Twitter and confirmed, among other things, that the XP required to level from level 71 to 80 would be reduced in Patch 4.3 Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment Q: Are you considering making any changes to the time it will take to level to cap for newbie players after the next expansion? A: We'll be decreasing the experience needed for levels 71-80 in patch 4.3. That's all I have for now. Q: Will we see more "intro raids" like Naxx10 in Wrath? A: Raid Finder is being designed to offer a similar experience. Q: Any chance for a less steep learning curve in the game? I mean players hit a brick wall at 85, make previous content harder. A: If anything, you'll see more variable endgame content in the future to allow players additional progression paths. Q: Will any of the new Darkmoon Faire stuff be accessible at all times, or will it all be contained within that one week? A: The updated 4.3 Darkmoon Faire is likely to be available the first week of every month for both factions. Q: Will there be a "random raid" component to the Raid Finder letting us enter raids we've been previously saved to, like LFG & Trolls? A: Raid locks will likely work like LFG under Raid Finder, though details of the system (coming soon) will better explain why. Q: Any chance we'll possibly have a chance to get an old quest item or two restored for transmogrification once it comes out? A: If there are really popular item looks, we'll consider adding new ways to obtain them. Q: Will disc priests be getting their bubble graphic changed for DA "soon", is this still happening? A: Last time we spoke with the class design team, they said the Divine Aegis effect will likely change in 4.3. Q: Will the Raid Finder allow access to lower raids? A: Probably not for 4.3, but it's something we'd like to do. Q: Will the 4.3 Raid finder allow me to group with my cross-realm friends? A: Hard to say at this stage in development. -- 當火焰領主拉格納羅斯倒下時, 突然出現一個傳送門, 索爾走了進來. 索爾: 火源之界不可一日無主, 否則艾澤拉斯將生靈塗炭. 索爾拾取了薩弗拉斯,炎魔拉格納羅斯之手. 索爾獲得了火焰領主的成就. 索爾: 都怪之翼. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ggsuperda:頭推 08/30 10:49
squalljack:練了5隻85 每次都北列要練最久 所以要滿級越來越快了 08/30 10:49
Ithildin:我都快練完了才說... 08/30 10:49
realion:3倍都提高到80了 08/30 10:50
kkboy:喵的昨天才剛85 08/30 10:51
diego99:他怎麼不早說... 08/30 10:52
Ithildin:提高三倍的時候我招兵買馬已經三個月 都沒享受 08/30 10:52
patoo:隨機RAID要出現了嗎~~~ 08/30 10:53
tree459:這樣專業技能提升越來越難了,到85還要回去農霜紋布 08/30 10:54
cat05joy:真棒 還剩兩隻75的賊術!! 08/30 10:54
linceass:練小隻越來越通暢了 08/30 10:55
wildbloodcat: 腸 08/30 10:56
emip:練北烈真的很無聊,整整12級 08/30 11:01
skyabsence:太好了 我的兩支人物還在7x.. 08/30 11:02
bye2007:4.3快上吧.... 08/30 11:05
CJ3CJ3CJ3:10職都練完了 08/30 11:06
FZK:任務的動線越做越好 所以以現在的眼光就會覺得北域任務很煩 08/30 11:07
Ithildin:TBC:喔喔 當年大陸跑透透有夠崩潰 08/30 11:09
Ithildin:WotLK:喔喔 TBC一次給十個驚嘆號看了都煩 08/30 11:09
Ithildin:CATA:直接照著解任務就好 北域還要自己算動線 讚 08/30 11:09
Ithildin:不過單線式的缺點是我沒辦法跳著解喜歡的部分... 08/30 11:10
emip:新式的一小區一小區任務其實我覺得玩起來很緊迫 不是很喜歡 08/30 11:11
emip:不過有新東西總是比較好! 08/30 11:11
Ithildin:不過解起來不需要"最速升級攻略"來排路線也很順暢 08/30 11:13
Ithildin:WotLK解到第三次我就看著文章機械式的在解 不然一直回頭 08/30 11:13
Ithildin:A給你個任務到某某地撿東西 後來B又叫你回去打怪 超煩 08/30 11:14
Ithildin:TBC其實也這樣 不過EXP縮短後就沒啥感覺 一下就過了 08/30 11:14
emip:一邊看pps一邊練,六人行我從頭到尾看三輪了~~ 08/30 11:14
y3xu6ye08:太好了,我快要68了XDDD 08/30 11:15
DOTAZAN:都10職85了,無所謂了(哭 08/30 11:15
KEINO:好,開另一邊陣營來練10職85吧 (誤) 08/30 11:17
ddt442:樓上去練敵對陣營啊~ 08/30 11:18
Meacock:德政O_Q 08/30 11:19
BearJW:問一下十職85的有開招兵買馬嘛?@@ 08/30 11:19
BearJW:我在4.0後練一隻1~85全身金裝還是要遊戲時間六天多 08/30 11:20
DOTAZAN:我只有一隻招兵買馬到60級,都是默默苦練QAQ 08/30 11:20
BearJW:真有耐心阿XD 08/30 11:21
york1987:有沒有人要挑戰全種族全職業85的? 08/30 11:22
Ithildin:全種族全職業那要幾個帳號啦... 08/30 11:23
Ithildin:我十職業分別是聯盟的各種族 不過沒排列組合= = 08/30 11:24
scorpio0920:全種族全職業有多少人物啊? 一個帳號上限好像是50? 08/30 11:25
S2357828:9職9隻85 1隻70 沒招兵 08/30 11:25
Ithildin:50還是20我忘了 反正不能每個server開滿 XD 08/30 11:25
herson8852:不如把外域的任務做得好解點..外域任務都超卡的= = 08/30 11:26
BearJW:全部50 08/30 11:26
mayanino:部落角色都練完,聯盟角色都4隻80+了... 08/30 11:34
Nadialove:哭 也不早點說 昨天剛存月卡 08/30 11:35
mayanino:CATA最討厭的就是當某一個任務怪你怎麼都打不到,組隊隊伍 08/30 11:35
mayanino:又一堆在守株待兔時,只能花幾十分鐘在那個地方大眼瞪小眼 08/30 11:36
juncat:早該這樣...把60-68也減少一些吧 甚至拜託開78接新任務吧 08/30 11:37
lpb:靠北 我昨天新練的角色剛好80了...硍 08/30 11:39
shihyang2006:好早就全85了 都不知怎麼練起來的= = 08/30 11:41
optimisticjj:終於 08/30 11:45
IcJack:可惡 今天賊剛79...... 08/30 11:52
Benjamin901:哇咧,我的大媽薩滿昨天才80 08/30 12:01
yboa:YES!我小牧師62級 照我練的速度剛好可以享受到! 08/30 12:08
DOTAZAN:去外域真是痛苦...北列境好一點但是也沒多快Orz 08/30 12:08
bye2007:前面有風聲 下一個資料片會重做外域 就會改任務動線了 08/30 12:12
bestrick:可以練時知道70等了 08/30 12:14
Daniel66:外域最痛苦 風景醜音樂又難聽 08/30 12:30
BearJW:到外域會想趕快離開地獄火半島... 08/30 12:32
bye2007:也沒那麼糟吧 無印1~60年代都撐過來了 那格蘭和讚格沼澤的 08/30 12:34
bye2007:風景和音樂也不錯啊 地獄火半島是差了點.... 08/30 12:35
bye2007:還有60~68 我覺得已經很快了....當然若能再少一點也不錯XD 08/30 12:36
psychoF:我不覺得BZ會改外域耶@@ 但這種事很難說 08/30 12:48
songsi:悲劇 十職練完了 08/30 12:56
KaworuNagisa:北裂任務又臭又長 然後還要一直跑 08/30 13:08
aresa:北裂都要解四張地圖 崩潰,外域才兩張 08/30 13:24
psychoF:外域兩張大概抵北裂三張 ˊˋ 08/30 13:24
psychoF:...我這算表情符號吧@@ 08/30 13:25
pikapika425:我還有6隻要衝....聖德薩術死騎剛好吃到BUFF >////< 08/30 13:28
Beoulve:太好了 我的第2隻戰士剛升到68 看來可以練到70等4.3了 08/30 13:38
Beoulve:我沒有10職85 但我快要10隻85了… 08/30 13:39
nessele:還好10職還沒開始練XD 08/30 13:39
superLM:還好月卡還沒存 08/30 13:48
capoboy:這樣有機會寒冰王冠不用去了... 08/30 14:02
Dovelpc:10職85滿裝quit的表示:嗯? D3出了嘛 08/30 14:12
ehbnsqaa:可以開始重新練一隻,改版剛好可以70...XD 08/30 14:46
NALA371:德政 先衝本尊博學等4.3 08/30 16:31
zxcqwe:還好我沒玩過WOW 08/30 22:09