精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
轉自:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/3469601 Adventurers will be tested like never before in 4.3 as they take on Deathwing and his minions, emerging with powerful new treasures. Please enjoy this preview of the warlock tier 13 set, as well as a visual guide to tiers 1 through 12 for Transmogrification purposes. http://us.media2.battle.net/cms/gallery/TYAMJPJ36BC01315540258661.jpg
Warlock – Faceless Shroud A set with the flavor of the Old Gods about it - General Vezax from the Ulduar raid was a reference point. Any warlock tier is a great opportunity to bring a dark and warped aesthetic to player gear and this set was especially ripe for the treatment. Replacing the caster’s face with writhing tentacles was the ‘hook’ I started the concept with and built out from there. We always try to include numerous points of illumination into a tier set as it helps to tie the various armour pieces together – whether that be glowing gemstones, fiery runes or, as in this case, bulging otherworldly eyes! Warlock Tiers 1-12 http://us.media5.battle.net/cms/gallery/WKTZ081NEW3I1315540267533.jpg
-- 這是觸手對吧 觸手 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
log56:嘴巴那個是什麼東西 !? 09/10 00:51
rantea7m:恐怖連結拉!這什麼鬼! 09/10 00:51
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (09/10 00:51)
log56:香腸嘴 囧a 09/10 00:53
AncientLich:術士終於鬼觸化了!! 09/10 00:53
n220110:以奧杜亞團隊副本中的威札斯將軍為藍本... 09/10 00:55
stanwhale:咬著一條蟲嗎XD 09/10 00:55
stanwhale:扣掉臉我覺得還OK啦 09/10 00:56
log56:吼吼,還好我是戰士,不是術士 XD 09/10 00:57
bostafu:終於連玩家也要玩墮落梗了... 09/10 00:57
Dheroblood:好在有朔型 09/10 00:58
evincebook:術:咬著蚯蚓打王輸出會變高喔^.< 09/10 00:58
bhenry1990:觸手系...一看還以為是舌頭在顏藝 09/10 01:00
godofaluba:其實那是香腸嘴 09/10 01:01
Evq3:胎割 09/10 01:01
Heal:看到第一個反應..直接罵髒話了 囧 09/10 01:01
g3sg1:還是T9比較讚 09/10 01:02
a12073311:我發現偶數的都不錯 09/10 01:04
bye2007:克蘇恩....? 09/10 01:06
detective14r:很有型阿!! 09/10 01:07
bye2007:術士T1~T7都不錯 之後囧了 09/10 01:07
frozen1314:術士:小二,來兩條香腸! 09/10 01:07
CrazyLord:完了...有點害怕獵人.... 09/10 01:08
SITC:還是覺得T8順眼 09/10 01:09
sugodo:牧師能不能來個有點像是神職者的套裝呀(哭) 09/10 01:09
stanwhale:我覺得123看起來有點遜耶 囧 09/10 01:10
duocarot:觸手系很棒啊!!! 09/10 01:13
pocky0511:術士:就讓你看看最後的惡魔化身 所謂的最後就是自己變成 09/10 01:14
pocky0511:上古邪神(觸手 觸手) 09/10 01:14
gagoga:好淫穢... 09/10 01:18
cuptea:這美工....... 09/10 01:20
WEII1233:其他都還好 嘴巴那個我無法接受 09/10 01:21
altcd:很有特色啊 哈哈 09/10 01:22
KIDNEY:超棒的啦!!! 09/10 01:22
goin90062:反正打算塑型T7....不在意 09/10 01:22
Heal:打算用T6.. 09/10 01:23
jtk155586:T6翅膀超帥~~ 啪啪啪 09/10 01:25
linceass:還是喜歡T2 T5 T6 09/10 01:26
korsg:這一條香腸是怎樣... 09/10 01:29
wildbloodcat:我覺得這個頭盔好! 09/10 01:31
boblu:有形+1 整天跟惡魔力量打交道 變成觸手 play 也是很合理 09/10 01:31
au3rupy3:反正從來沒顯示過頭盔 我比較在意肩膀好不好看XD 09/10 01:31
ilris:哦好棒!觸手!腸子! 09/10 01:33
Daniel66:觸手跟惡魔有關係嗎.. WOW的惡魔跟上古之神是不同陣營.. 09/10 01:34
FelReaver:我喜歡! 09/10 01:34
muzik:感覺都是在喬觸手的角度而已...在喬跟惡魔溝通的天線嗎= = 09/10 01:48
declare:觸手跟H漫比較有關>///< 09/10 01:51
vythxsheep:這太有才了 希望會動O爪O 09/10 02:05
aresa:T5跟T10真的好漂亮.... 09/10 02:35