精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Rogue Legendary and Patch 4.3 Another interview showed up today in The Escapist. The most important part is the Rogue Legendary dagger and new raid level difficulty, but the important points are all below. Rogues will get a legendary dagger and exciting quest line to go with it. The lore for the dagger has not been decided upon yet. Looking for Raid tool raids will be easier than normal raids using a new level of difficulty (Looking For Raid). The Looking for Raid tool will only work for 25 man raids, not 10 man. Players will get different achievements and loot from doing Random Raid mode, no normal mode achievements or perks will be gained. This will introduce players to the content and mechanics of the fights so that they are more prepared for an actual raid. The new five mans will have tighter story integration with the Deathwing Raid than Icecrown Heroics did. The Dragonflights will work together to help take down Deathwing. Deathwing's random zone burning will continue at least until the end of Patch 4.3. They might be talking about Pandas at Blizzcon. 盜賊群表示: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
skyabsence:賊眾真棒... 09/14 07:23
ttty789:1對還是單1把阿 差很多的... 09/14 07:34
kuonet:逼我玩4.3就是了 09/14 07:40
kducky:可以做成一把 附帶效果是再做出一把 09/14 07:41
declare:希望是一把做出來,裝下去變成裝備兩把XD 09/14 07:42
ARREAT:我猜是一把雙頭匕首 可拆卸成兩把使用 09/14 09:50
scorpio0920:樓上的推文讓我想到雙頭龍。(遮臉) 09/14 10:31
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: d200190 (瞌睡熊) 看板: WOW 標題: Re: [情報] Rogue Legendary and Patch 4.3 時間: Wed Sep 14 07:39:56 2011 ※ 引述《declare (Declare)》之銘言: Rogue Legendary and Patch 4.3 Another interview showed up today in The Escapist. The most important part is the Rogue Legendary dagger and new raid level difficulty, but the important points are all below. Rogues will get a legendary dagger and exciting quest line to go with it. The lore for the dagger has not been decided upon yet. 盜賊將會有橘武匕首以及刺激的相關任務線,關於這把匕首的背景資訊尚未決定。 Looking for Raid tool raids will be easier than normal raids using a new level of difficulty (Looking For Raid). 隨機團隊搜尋器找到的副本較正常的副本簡單。 The Looking for Raid tool will only work for 25 man raids, not 10 man. 隨機團隊副本只適用於25人。 Players will get different achievements and loot from doing Random Raid mode, no normal mode achievements or perks will be gained. 隨機團隊會有一些不一樣的成就和掉寶,但無法獲得正常團隊的成就或特殊獎勵。 This will introduce players to the content and mechanics of the fights so that they are more prepared for an actual raid. 隨機團隊的功能是向玩家介紹副本內容與戰鬥機制,以期面對真正的副本。 The new five mans will have tighter story integration with the Deathwing Raid than Icecrown Heroics did. 新五人副本將有完整緊湊的故事線來和死亡之翼作連結 The Dragonflights will work together to help take down Deathwing. 巨龍軍團將會幫助玩家擊倒死亡之翼。 Deathwing's random zone burning will continue at least until the end of Patch 4.3. 死亡之翼還是會滿世界飛 They might be talking about Pandas at Blizzcon. Blizzcon可能會討論到熊貓人。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: d200190 來自: (09/14 07:41)
frostmourne:應該是飛到4.3結束為止 之後的死亡之翼=dead body 09/14 07:47
andy801119:一大早的翻譯就競爭這麼激烈 09/14 07:47
frostmourne:還好啦 才3個人0.0 09/14 07:48
psychoF:橘武匕首!? 橘武清倉!? 09/14 07:48
frostmourne:差不多拉 1個版本約2把 09/14 07:49
frostmourne:60:槌+劍+(拿不到的使者) 70:雙刀+弓 09/14 07:50
frostmourne:80:補槌+斧頭 85:法杖+匕首 而且雙刀都開放給DK了 09/14 07:50
frostmourne:不給賊愛一下說不過去 09/14 07:51
Vakabird:開始要有大量得賊冒出來了嗎XD? 09/14 07:54
leo255112:賊要翻身了嗎XD 09/14 07:55
loya1981:看來"立於火中"的成就會變成偉業了 09/14 08:08
swbthj:團隊搜尋器的副本較簡單 那可以連刷嗎? 09/14 08:11
sugodo:我覺得團隊搜尋器這樣很好啊 一方面不影響"高玩"的"成就感" 09/14 08:12
sugodo:一方面又可以讓苦無實戰經驗的玩家嚐試 以後可以只要求隨機 09/14 08:13
sugodo:團隊成就就夠了吧?至少會打了(BZ都說是用來熟悉團隊用的) 09/14 08:13
OctJimmy:如果團隊隨機掉的裝是359(以火源為例)..會有多少人打呢 09/14 08:16
sugodo:會有想證明自已有實力但因為沒成就不能打的玩家去打… 09/14 08:17
sugodo:或是想練戰術的團隊去打(吧) 09/14 08:17
potionx:一堆職業都能拿匕首啊,只有盜賊拿真是太爽了... 09/14 08:18
frostmourne:樓上不能這樣講吧0.0 只有賊拿匕首近距離敲人較多咩 09/14 08:19
frostmourne:獵人拿只是稱屬性(有更好的法杖) 戰士會去拿匕首敲人? 09/14 08:20
frostmourne:那還不如說戰士也可以拿法杖敲人 冏mmm 09/14 08:20
Ommmmmmmmmmm:所以死翼要上場了嗎?還以為看的到艾薩拉女王0.0 09/14 08:37
yuliwow:hunter weapon(?) 09/14 08:49
potionx:爽度跟實用是兩回事情...60.70.85賊都能拿,夠爽了。 09/14 09:09
patoo:25人的隨機副本…我覺得有點可怕 09/14 09:24
bloodruru:大推熊貓人~~~~~~ lol 09/14 09:35
bloodruru:薩滿:我能骰這個嗎? RL:___ 09/14 09:36
shihyang2006:薩滿真的可憐 09/14 09:40
vjuko:隨機團隊的CD怎麼吃 CD共享 怕跟電子零件一樣 防呆不防蠢 09/14 09:46
vjuko:被黑進度 如果不共CD 一個CD有兩次機會拿裝 09/14 09:47
vjuko:換裝換更快了 09/14 09:49
gn00399745:隨機團隊掉落跟正常團隊不一樣= = 09/14 09:49
vjuko:不一樣歸不一樣 但是你部位一定擺脫不了那17個部位 裝等也 09/14 09:51
vjuko:應該會一樣吧 可能只有屬性不一樣 多了另一個選擇 09/14 09:52
gn00399745:>>隨機團隊比較簡單<< 09/14 09:54
gn00399745:裝等一樣的可能性不高吧 應該是比普通還簡單的fun mode 09/14 09:55
patoo:隨機制度這種東西有個重點 就是要會過 你隨機過不了王 根本 09/14 09:58
patoo:沒人會想用 看BZ要怎麼改了 而且誰要帶團 分裝又是個問題 09/14 09:59
patoo:25人又不像5人 你要配幾坦幾補? 09/14 10:00
vjuko:比較簡單 只是防呆不防蠢 EX暮光雙龍正面噴火 被噴一兩下OK 09/14 10:02
vjuko:但是不閃 一直被噴會死吧 而且也說到重點 如果裝等比較低 09/14 10:03
vjuko:共CD的話 就真的是普通休閒玩家選擇 09/14 10:03
beartim:也不失為一種想法啦~ 像我新練了個戰坦分身 也不太敢去坦 09/14 10:13
beartim:火源 不過如果真能有個好的簡單一點的隨機團隊可以讓我先 09/14 10:14
beartim:去練習一些技巧或什麼的 即使共CD我也會先去練吧~ 09/14 10:14
beartim:不過感覺實際做出來有很多問題要考量阿@@ 怕又做壞就... 09/14 10:15
Hydran:隨機團隊最麻煩的在分工吧 而且還只限25人 09/14 10:16
scorpio0920:野德能用的傳說武器呢? (敲碗) 09/14 10:32
myran:都說了有不同的掉寶,說不定很簡單但是跟五人掉落差不多 09/14 11:51
myran:說不定只是讓你知道王會用啥招式練習一下的場合而已 09/14 11:51
myran:畢竟25個沒默契的烏合之眾加上不能挑人的問題太難一定被罵的 09/14 11:52