精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前言:暴風雪在一周前跟各大媒體進行訪談,並且以NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement) 來限制他們在今天才能發布4.3的訪談內容。 不過由於訪談版本很多(目前鬼蟹跟卡幹至少都有兩種不同的訪談內容), 所以底下將這些情報做些翻譯,其中也包含一些前面沒提到的消息。 BTW,文章有點多,所以都簡略翻譯 http://ppt.cc/W0E~ Joystiq的訪談內容,參見今天下午的翻譯 http://ppt.cc/!9_g Eurogamer的訪談內容,受訪者是卡幹 Eurogamer: Can you tell us more about the final stage of the battle with Deathwing? 可以告訴我們與死亡之翼的最終戰鬥是如何? Tom Chilton: Well, the final stage takes place in The Maelstrom, actually. It's a very long encounter. You start of at Wyrmrest Temple defeating various minions of Deathwing. There are basically six bosses that lead up to the Deathwing encounter itself. 最終戰鬥會在大漩渦,是一場非常長的戰鬥 你會在龍眠神殿擊敗死亡之翼的爪牙 基本上在死亡之翼前會有六個BOSS Once you get to the Deathwing encounter it takes place, at first, at Wyrmrest Temple, where Thrall uses the Demon Soul to essentially take a shot at Deathwing and wound him. At that point you get onto a gunship and you para-drop from the gunship onto Deathwing and you fight Deathwing on his back, essentially peeling off his armour plates trying to expose him and make him weaker. 當你開始跟死亡之翼戰鬥之時, 在龍眠神殿索爾會用惡魔之魂對死亡之翼造成重創 這時你需要跳上砲艇,並且會從砲艇被丟到死亡之翼的背上與牠戰鬥 想辦法把牠身上的裝甲拆下來讓牠變得更弱 Once you've weakened him enough to where you've got him essentially wrestled to the ground - he's flying towards The Maelstrom, trying to get away, a lot like he did much earlier when he escaped and tried to gather his strength once again. You wrestle him down and then you fight the final, corrupted version of him, where all the horrible corruption that has affected Deathwing is all coming out, and it all comes to an end there in The Maelstrom. 當你成功讓死亡之翼變得虛弱後, 牠會開始飛向大漩渦,企圖跟牠以前一樣逃跑並想辦法再一次恢復自己的力量 你需要把牠打下來已進入最後階段,與腐化的死亡之翼戰鬥 所有腐化死亡之翼的東西都會從牠身上跑出來,並且會在大漩渦結束 Eurogamer: Are there separate wings to the Deathwing instance? 死亡之翼副本會有許多分開的區域嗎? Tom Chilton: It takes place in a variety of different areas within Wyrmrest Temple. Some are outside of Wyrmrest Temple, some are at the top of Wyrmrest Temple, and some of them are even in the instances like the Eye of Eternity. 這個團隊副本會在龍眠神殿的各個區域內發生戰鬥 有些在神殿外部 有些在頂部 也有些像是永恆之眼一樣有傳送門 Eurogamer: Will famous NPCs help us fight? 會有有名的NPC協助戰鬥嗎? Tom Chilton: Correct. There are a lot of the different major NPCs in Warcraft lore helping out. Obviously Thrall plays a huge part in this. He also plays a huge part in the dungeon encounters that lead into the raid. You're also interacting with Alexstrasza and a lot of the different Aspects. 會的,有許多WOW的著名NPC會出現並協助 當然索爾是最重要的一位,他也在地城副本當中扮演一個重要角色 帶領玩家前進到團隊副本 另外你也可以看到雅立史卓莎和其他龍王 Eurogamer: Will there be new Legendary items in Patch 4.3? 4.3會有新的橘武嗎? Tom Chilton: We do plan to have a set of Legendary daggers, so all the rogues out there can rejoice. That's currently our only firm plan for Legendary items. There will almost certainly be a Legendary quest line associated with the daggers. There's still a possibility of doing armour pieces that are Legendary in terms of their item level and colour, but we haven't yet determined whether or not we're going to do that. 我們的確計畫要設計一套傳說級匕首 所有天賦的盜賊都適用 而且關於這匕首有會有專屬任務線 (下面這段我看不太懂 ...) Eurogamer: Transmogrification has been discussed on your website. Why is it we can't transmogrify Legendary weapons? 為什麼不能塑型傳說武器呢? Tom Chilton: We decided against it because we wanted to protect the identity of Legendary items, because if you see something that looks like a Legendary, you instantly know that it is a Legendary. We try as much as possible to keep them feeling special and very unusual; it's still that not all that many players in the game have them. 我們希望能保有傳說武器的獨特性 傳說武器必須要有它的價值 我們希望能讓這些武器非常特別 畢竟不是所有玩家都已經獲得 Eurogamer: Can effects on items be swapped around? 塑型可以影響物品特效嗎? Tom Chilton: The item effects are associated with the item that you're using for looks. 只會呈現你所穿的裝備的物品特效 Eurogamer: You're adding the option to buy back armour sets that have disappeared from the game - can we also buy back patched-out items like the Corrutped Ashbringer? 墮落灰燼使者可以塑型嗎? Tom Chilton: We are going to have a variety of different items that used to be available but aren't available any more, but it's not going to be all-inclusive. I don't believe that one [the Corrupted Ashbringer] is going to be available, although it's always a possibility for the future. We also have plans to try to make some of the older PVP armour sets available, although not necessarily through the Darkmoon Faire. 目前沒有打算將墮落灰燼使者做為可塑型的對象 我們也希望舊的PVP套裝可以拿來塑型 不過不見得會在暗月馬戲團中出現 Eurogamer: Can you transmogrify a PVE set with a PVP set? 可以把PVE裝備塑型成PVP裝備嗎? Tom Chilton: Yeah. 可以。 Eurogamer: Patch 4.3 brings the Raid Finder. Will this lock us to raids for a week or can we clear their content more than once a week? 4.3的團隊搜尋器可以在一周內重複打同一個副本嗎? Tom Chilton: That's definitely the intent, yeah. We do not expect there to be an enforced lock-out when you use the Raid Finder. The item level is not going to be as high as if you do it in the normal or heroic difficulty. You'll still be able to get epic items that are still really high level. 可以 我們不希望團隊搜尋器把副本進度給吃掉 但是利用團隊搜尋器打的副本裝備會比普通難度的團隊副本還要低 Eurogamer: Are you happy with the current raiding difficulty? 你對於現在的副本難度滿意嗎? Tom Chilton: In large part, that's why we're adding the lower difficulty level of the Raid Finder. There's a huge distribution of player organisation and skill in the game and it's very difficult to cram that in to two difficulty modes without someone being unhappy - either the hardcore players or the casual players or the middle-of-the-road organised guilds. We feel like we need this third difficulty. 這是一個我們將團隊搜尋器的副本難度調低的原因 我們發現有些休閒玩家對於團隊副本還是感到困難 所以我們覺得需要提供第三個難度 We plan to tune the content with the Raid Finder with the assumption that it is 25 random people being put together. If you're an ordinary player that just wants to see the content and have some fun and get some good items from doing it - even if they're not as good as the items in normal or heroic - then you'll be able to do it that way. 我們希望團隊副本是由25個隨機的玩家組成 因此你可以藉由團隊搜尋器來體驗副本內容 而且獲得一些還不錯的獎勵 當然這些獎勵沒有普通團隊副本來的好 You won't get as many prestige rewards. You won't have the full extent of the achievements or titles or mounts and stuff like that. 你不會藉由團隊搜尋器獲得座騎或成就 Eurogamer: Are there going to be new recipes? 會有新的圖樣嗎? Tom Chilton: There certainly are quite a few new profession recipes. We also introduce the epic gems in this patch, and they'll be available only through the normal and heroic difficulty of the Deathwing raids. 有 而且史詩珠寶會在4.3中出現 只有在普通或英雄難度下的死亡之翼副本內才會得到 Eurogamer: When is patch 4.3 coming? 4.3甚麼時候來? Tom Chilton: We should be on the Public Test Realm soon, within a couple of weeks. 幾周後就會上PTR -- 還有兩個訪談 分到下一篇翻譯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (09/19 23:33)
valley7788:請問何謂PTR?? 09/19 23:38
clamsama:公開測試伺服器 09/19 23:38
DarkKinght:測試伺服器 09/19 23:39
DarkKinght:我比較好奇的是用團隊搜尋器打王掉的裝備等級會比較低 09/19 23:39
DarkKinght:那這樣就算可以重複打,會有人想要用嗎? 09/19 23:40
clamsama:一定有啊,落物ilv只要比378高就會有很多人去打 09/19 23:41
ONISUKA:另外幾篇會提到 第二輪打以後 可能不能分寶 09/19 23:41
orz65535:如果4.3raid等級是N398 H411的話 隨機團隊大概會定在384 09/19 23:44
spirit761127:史詩珠寶只能在死翼的副本中得到 09/19 23:45
detective14r:我覺得 噴寶方式可以改成 打贏都有一個袋子 09/19 23:54
detective14r:有機率開出裝備 寶石 .. 等等 09/19 23:55
detective14r:就跟小時候打隨機的袋子一樣 09/19 23:55
chemikelvin:那珠寶專業的是能幹嘛 我存一堆徽章根本沒用 09/19 23:59
pooqoqpo:應該還是有用吧,換圖學新配方。 09/20 00:01
aresa:圖樣當然要重新換過一次阿!! 09/20 00:02
chemikelvin:說不定圖樣也是王掉XD 09/20 00:02