精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/4,i9 第二篇來自TenTonHammer,是跟鬼蟹的訪談 Ten Ton Hammer: Is Patch 4.3 going to be the last major content patch in the Cataclysm storyline? 4.3會是大災變最後的一個主要patch嗎 Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street: It will be the last major one, this is the last one with the big raid tier and a new PvP season. We may offer smaller patches afterwards but we’ve not really decided yet. However, they’re not going to offer a lot of content, this is the climax of Cataclysm, right here! 沒錯,這是最後一個有著大型團隊副本跟PVP套裝的patch 我們之後可能會出一些小的patch 還沒有決定 但4.3會是大災變的高潮 Ten Ton Hammer: Are you concerned about the perception that we’ve moved through the Cataclysm storyline so quickly? After all, the expansion isn’t even a year old. 對於有些人認為大災變的故事線進展太快 你的看法如何? 畢竟這個資料片還進行不到一年 Greg: Well we’ve said for a long time that the key to keeping players happy and focused on the game is to release content more frequently. We’ve had patches with nine months gaps in the past and we’ve had expansions that had taken two or more years. That’s kind of the reality but that’s not where we wanted to be so it’s taken us a long time but we’re finally getting into the mode where we can release content pretty quickly now so we’ll see how it works out. 我們之前說過設計遊戲是要讓玩家感到高興並且更頻繁的關注遊戲的改版消息 我們之前是每九個月上一個patch 所以一個資料片會運行超過兩年 但現在我們認為不需要那麼久 我們希望能更新的更加快速 Ten Ton Hammer: So tell us more about the five-man content you’ve hinted at for this patch. What can we expect? 可以告訴我們4.3的五人副本消息嗎? Greg: It’s very cool. There are three separate dungeons and they’re all part of the Caverns of Time. In the first dungeon, you are sent to the future to see, more of less, what will happen if Deathwing wins. What happens - and this is a spoiler - if Deathwing wins all life on the planet is destroyed. 非常酷。 會分成三個副本 入口都在時光之穴 第一個你需要到未來去看如果死亡之翼勝利世界會被摧毀成甚麼樣子 當然以下有雷 整個世界都被摧毀了 沒有生命 The dungeon takes place in an almost apocalyptic atmosphere where nothing is left but the shades of former heroes. There’s a crazy opening scene where you see the corpse of Deathwing himself impaled on the broken tip of Wrymrest Temple. It’s a really powerful-looking image and players are really going to see that and be like “What’s going on here?” 這整個副本會圍繞在世界末日的氛圍之中 甚麼都沒有 只有過往英雄的陰影 你會看到一個瘋狂的開場 死亡之翼的屍體被破碎的龍眠神殿尖端給刺穿 這副景象會讓玩家感受到 揪竟發生了甚麼事情 Ten Ton Hammer: So what about the second dungeon? 第二個副本呢? Greg: The second dungeon actually takes you back to the past. So, in order to defeat Deathwing, players are going to have to acquire this really powerful artifact from Azeroth’s history called the Dragon Soul. But to get the Dragon Soul, they’re going to have to go back to the time of the War of the Ancients, right when Azshara and her Night Elves had the portal open that allowed demons to come through the Well of Eternity. So right before all that happened, players will have to go in and deal with Azshara and a bunch of demons then snatch the Dragon Soul away. That one in particular is going to be a very lore-heavy dungeon. 第二個副本會回到過去 玩家要回到過去取得惡魔之魂以擊敗現在的死亡之翼 不過要拿到這東西 需要回到上古之戰 那段艾薩拉跟夜精開啟傳送門把惡魔送到永恆之井的故事 所以在這些事情發生以前 玩家需要去應付艾薩拉和她愉快的惡魔朋友們 並且奪取惡魔之魂 這段會是一個史詩級的地城 Ten Ton Hammer: And the third dungeon? 第三個副本呢? Greg: The third one goes back to the modern day where players - with the Dragon Soul in hand - have to escort Thrall to Wrymrest Temple where the final showdown with Deathwing will take place. It’s going to be an escort-style dungeon, kind of like Escape from Durnholde Keep, especially as Thrall is there. You’ll be fighting some minions of the Twilight’s Hammer, some Twilight Dragons and eventually get to Wyrmrest. 第三個副本則要回到現代 玩家獲取惡魔之魂並且護送索爾到龍眠神殿 也就是死亡之翼會到達的地方 這會是一個護送的地城 就像是逃離敦霍爾德逃一樣 你會跟許多暮光議會的手下交戰 其中包含暮光龍 Ten Ton Hammer: And will that storyline eventually lead players directly into the raid? 這個故事線會讓玩家直達團隊副本嗎? Greg: The raid picks up at Wyrmrest with Thrall and the Dragon Aspects, ready to fight the big dragon. When you start off, Deathwing has realized that maybe he’s in trouble so he sends all of his forces and the players are defending Wyrmrest from the attack. There are Twilight’s Hammer agents, powerful elementals, there are dragons and minions of the Old Gods … so quite a different crew of creatures they have to fight off including the first several bosses. 團隊副本會從龍眠神殿開始 你將要與索爾及龍亡們對抗死亡之翼 一開始死亡之翼覺得碰到麻煩 所以會派出手下在龍眠神殿與玩家交戰 這些手下包含暮光之錘 元素怪 還有古神的手下以及龍 這些怪物會在前幾個BOSS中出現 Then the largest Twilight Dragon you’ve ever seen attacks the top of Wyrmrest and he’s so big, he can’t even land on top. The players are going to be on the platform fighting him off and he flies around strafing the Temple. Assuming that dragon can be defeated, players will then be able to use the Dragon Soul to blast Deathwing and weaken his armor enough to kill him. 之後會出現一隻超大的暮光龍 因為牠太大了 所以牠無法站在龍眠神殿上 玩家需要在平台上跟牠戰鬥 牠會在龍眠神殿外環繞飛行並攻擊神殿 當玩家把這隻龍擊敗後 便可以用惡魔之魂去削弱死亡之翼以及牠的裝甲 並且殺了牠 The first time they shoot Deathwing, he starts to retreat so he can go back to Deepholm and nurse his wounds again. But, of course, the heroes can’t let that happen so they board an airship and chase him down. Then they actually parachute down onto Deathwing’s back and start to just pry his armor off of him, to weaken him so they can make the killing blow. He doesn’t want them on his back so Deathwing’s doing all sorts of aerial manoeuvres to try and dislodge them. Meanwhile his corrupted blood and various Old God-ish tentacles are rising out of his back to try and fight the players off. 第一時間惡魔之魂擊中死亡之翼時 牠會想要撤退回地深之源並且治療好牠的傷口 但玩家不會讓這件事情發生的 所以就坐上了飛船去追牠 他們會不斷的飛上死亡之翼的背部去拆掉牠身上的裝甲並且讓牠變弱 死亡之翼會在空中不斷的旋轉希望能甩落玩家 之後古神的觸手以及死亡之翼被腐化的血液會阻止玩家 Assuming they succeed in that fight, Deathwing crashes down into the Maelstrom but, of course, he’s very, very powerful and he’s not out yet! He rises back out of the Maelstrom and, at this point, the corruption inside of him is breaking out, his armor has been pried off and he’s almost a creature of pure corruption and hatred; he looks almost demonic with all these tendrils of lava coming out of him and there’s a very epic, enormous fight as the players go from the little landmasses around the Maelstrom, moving from landmass to landmass fighting off the tentacle and then a wing, then fighting his tail while the Dragon Aspects in dragon-form are flying around overhead trying to help you, periodically with their special powers. 當他們成功的打贏這場戰鬥後 死亡之翼會摔落到大漩渦 但由於牠很強 所以沒有真的摔下去 牠會再次飛起來並飛離大漩渦 這時候牠內部被腐化的東西會跑出來 牠的裝甲被撬開 而且牠變成一個被腐化的怪物 牠看起來像惡魔而且這些岩漿的觸手會從牠身上伸出 這會是一場史詩級的戰鬥 玩家需要在許多漂浮在大漩渦上的島嶼上移動 並且與這些觸手戰鬥 龍王們會在上方以龍族型態支援玩家 提供特殊的能力 Ten Ton Hammer: So what is Deathwing’s loot table going to be like? Is he the source of the Tier 13 gear? 所以死亡之翼的掉落會是?牠會提供T13的裝備嗎? Greg: One of the different things about the rewards this time around is all of the tier sets are in the raid itself. Players won’t be able to use Valor Points to buy stuff this time around, they actually need to defeat the raid bosses. That gear will drop on the first couple of bosses and, in the grand tradition of Warcraft bosses, Deathwing only drops weapons and these weapons are slightly more powerful than the rest of the raid tier in terms of item level. 有件跟之前不同的事情是 玩家只能在團隊副本內拿到T裝 玩家不能用勇氣點數換得 他們需要擊敗副本的BOSS才行 T裝會出現在前幾個BOSS 而死亡之翼只會掉落武器 這些武器比之前的都還要強 Players also have a chance to get some Epic gems out of the raid tier so they ’ll be able to have some purple gems to replace the gems in their current gear. 玩家也有機會獲得史詩寶石 所以他們可以用紫色的珠寶替換藍色的 Ten Ton Hammer: When you say “better than the rest” does this mean he’ll drop a nice Legendary? 當你說比之前都還要來的好 是否代表著死亡之翼會掉落傳說武器? Greg: We do have a Legendary weapon as part of this tier but it doesn’t drop from Deathwing. It’s a constructed Legendary, just as the last few have been, and it’s a pair of daggers than can be used by Rogues. You can get a main- and off-hand dagger and we’re constructing them so that all three Rogue specs will benefit from having the daggers. 我們會製作傳說武器 但是不會在死亡之翼上掉落 這是一個需要打造的傳說武器 是一雙只能給盜賊用的匕首 你可以獲得主手跟副手武器 我們會設計他們讓三系盜賊都適用 Ten Ton Hammer: You say they’re constructed, can you say anything specifically about the storyline surrounding the daggers? 你說他們需要打造 可以描述一下這個匕首的故事線嗎? Greg: It’s a really cool storyline. In the Cataclysm leveling experience, there’s a quest in the Badlands where the Red Dragonflight have managed to recover the last uncorrupted Black Dragon egg. Well that egg hatches and inside is a Black Dragon prince who’s free of the taint of the Old Gods so he ’s not a fan of Deathwing. He’s kind of got his own hidden agenda and in order to follow through on this, he reaches out to Rogue players because they always have this little something going on the side, other players in the group are like “What have you been up to?” “Oh nothing, nothing”. Meanwhile they’ve been helping this little Black Dragon assassinate his enemies in return for the chance to get their hands on this pair of legendary daggers. 這會是一個很酷的故事線 大災變的升級體驗中 有一個在荒蕪之地黑龍蛋的故事 當那個蛋孵化後 成長成一個黑龍王子 牠是一個不受古神控制 也不是死亡之翼的手下的黑龍 牠有著牠自己的隱藏使命 所以牠與盜賊玩家接觸 這些盜賊玩家會幫助這小黑龍對抗敵人 並且有機會得到傳說的匕首 Ten Ton Hammer: Thrall’s been getting a lot of coverage, both in-game and in the novels. We take it he’s going to have a huge role in Deathwing’s demise? Is he going to die? 索爾碰到許多抉擇 不論是遊戲還是書中 他會在死亡之翼的對抗中佔有重要角色嗎? 或者他會死? Greg: Chris Metzen would kill us if we killed him off! We have big plans for Thrall and one of the interesting things for us is to see the player speculation on his role. The fun thing for us is that the story is pretty long and we’re not going to wrap everything up in a neat little package in 4.3. We have a lot of plans for Thrall in the future. 如果索爾死了Chris Metzen會瘋掉吧! 我們有多計畫會讓索爾參予這次的事件並佔有重要角色 有趣的是這些故事相當長 我們不希望所有事情都在4.3中說完 我們還有許多對索爾的未來計畫 Ten Ton Hammer: So, moving on to another topic, why did you guys decide to revamp the Darkmoon Faire? 提到另一個主題 你們為甚麼要重新製作暗月馬戲團? Greg: We kept having more and more ideas like wanting to add a game to the Faire. We have this list and we’re not going to be able to add everything right away but we wanted roller coasters and ferris wheels and stuff like that but it just wouldn’t fit in the space around Thunderbluff or Elwynn Forest so we decided to build this entire island that the Faire can just take over. So the Darkmoon Faire that people are used to will just be the portal to reach this island and now we can make it this whole carnival thing and give it this whole Disneyworld feel rather than just a few little booths like we have today. 我們持續有著更多新的想法 例如增加一個新的馬戲團 不過我們發現雷霆崖跟艾爾文森林好像放不太下新的馬戲團等等 索以我們覺得要建一個新的島嶼 暗月馬戲團可以讓玩家用傳送門到達島嶼 並且我們設計許多新東西讓它很像迪士尼樂園 Ten Ton Hammer: Transmogrification has been one of the most discussed and controversial aspects of 4.3. Are you pleased with how it’s working out? 塑型是4.3的另一個重點 可否可以向我們介紹一下? Greg: It’s something we’ve talked about for a long time, we’ve always been really nervous to go there but we felt like players were… well one of the constant criticisms which come up is players don’t feel like they're very different from other players. That’s become even more of a problem as more and more players get into dungeons and raiding, they come out of the raid and they end up looking like the Mage sitting next to them. 塑型是一個討論很久的東西 但許多玩家抱怨自己跟其他玩家看起來沒有太大不同 這是因為有更多玩家踏入地城與團隊副本 So we figured we have such a library of great-looking old armor and weapons to let players use that to customize their character but it also provides a little bit of content because now they have to go back and it’s a really good combination. It’s gameplay plus players will compete to come up with really cool outfits. 所以我們想要設計一個資料庫把過去好看的裝備跟武器讓使用者塑型 這也是讓玩家去發掘哪些更有趣的外觀造型 Ten Ton Hammer: Will there be a vendor or is going into content the only way to get items from previous tiers? 所以會有商人或有方法能獲得過去的套裝嗎? Greg: No we’re actually asking them to go back and do the old content, at least for pieces that can still be acquired that way. There are a few cases where really popular gear are no longer available, like the original dungeon set we made and the Death Knight starter gear so what we’re going to do with that is we’re going to put it in the Darkmoon Faire and one of the things players can do is earn currency to try and buy gear from the Faire. And, as time goes on, if we see pieces that players are requesting a lot, like a quest item you can no longer get or a sword then we’ll consider adding that as well. 我們希望玩家去舊有的副本自己去蒐集想要的裝備以獲得外觀 當然有些已經絕版了 像是最原始的地城套裝還有DK新手裝等 我們會把它們放在暗月馬戲團讓玩家能想辦法賺取以獲得這些舊有裝備 隨著時間的過去 如果有些裝備玩家很喜歡但無法獲得的話 我們也會考慮加進去 Ten Ton Hammer: So what else does 4.3 hold? There must be some features you’ ve not yet announced. 除此之外4.3還有甚麼? Greg: Yeah sure. We’ve talked about the dungeons and the raid, the legendary item, the Darkmoon Faire, Transmogrification and Void Storage … we are trying to do a Raid Finder tool. It’ll work a lot like the Dungeon Finder and will be fairly casual but offer much more difficulty than players will be used to in a raid. It’ll be cross-region and everything, like players are used to in the Dungeon Finder, to just get them into a raid. It’s targeted at players who, maybe, don’t have the time or haven’t found a guild they really gel with yet and kind of want to see the content. 再來就是團隊搜尋器了 它的功能很像地城搜尋器 不過更加的困難 這會是跨伺服器 如同地城搜尋器一樣 這是用來設計給不見得有時間或找不到工會去打團隊副本的玩家 We know there’s a pretty big pugging phenomenon for raids, especially as content gets easier and we wanted to support that, more officially, without players having to use trade chat or find a group. 我們知道這會對團隊副本帶來重到影響 由於副本較簡單 所以玩家不需要再利用交易頻道或組隊頻道喊人 Ten Ton Hammer: And the Worgen will be getting horses in 4.3, correct? 再來就是狼人有自己的坐騎? Greg: Yes that was certainly … interesting. We did that largely to help a problem where players would faction transfer and lose the number of mounts they had. We really are trying to sell it as finally here’s the long-awaited Worgen mount but Running Wild, the racial which has them on all fours, is intended to be the Worgen mount but this is really to give both factions similar numbers of mounts because players are really sensitive to that when it comes to Achievements and faction transfers. 對 許多玩家因為轉換陣營結果坐騎數量減少 所以我們設計狼人坐騎取代原本的跑步姿態 這樣子兩個陣營的坐騎數量就相同 不會影響到成就 Ten Ton Hammer: You’ve just announced a nerf to the Firelands tier. Is this your way of saying to people “Deathwing’s coming, hurry up!” 你曾經提到火源之地會被NERF 這是否表示死亡之翼就要來了? Greg: Yeah, that’s exactly it. We’re trying to get our patches out and we’ d reached the point where the rate of new boss kills had dropped off a little bit, both on normal and heroic, so we wanted to give a little nudge to players who might have been thinking about quitting raiding to show them there ’s a light at the end of the tunnel and new content is coming. 沒錯 我們希望讓許多玩家不要QUIT 所以除了降低副本難度 也提供的了改版的新消息 Ten Ton Hammer: Are you worried that the Deathwing encounter will just be for the uber-raiders like Ensidia, Paragon and Vodka? 你是否擔心死亡之翼會只能讓一些高階工會打掉呢? Greg: No, we eventually want everyone to see it. It’s not a fun story if you don’t actually get to kill the bad guy at the end. The heroic Deathwing encounter is going to be particularly hard at launch but, over time, we’ll make it easier as the super-guilds go through and get their World Firsts, then the rest of us can go in and have a challenging encounter that will take a lot of learning but we’re not trying to lock people out. 不 我們會盡量讓所有玩家都能經歷死亡之翼的戰鬥 因為不能將壞人在故事最後擊敗真的不好玩 H版的死亡之翼或在一開始很難 但隨著時間我們會讓它變個簡單 當然是要等有人首推之後 我們不希望讓其他人只能看高階工會打敗牠 Ten Ton Hammer: What’s your favorite part of 4.3 你最喜歡4.3的部分是? Greg: I would say that both the raid and the dungeons are very non-traditional for us. They don’t really have the standard going into a dungeon hall-of-trash-then-a-big-room-with-a-boss feel. They’re very story, very event driven and I think they’ll feel a lot more like players are participating in an adventure rather than clearing out an abandoned tomb. There are a lot of cutscenes, a lot of interaction with NPCs. I think it’s going to feel really different and players will feel they’ve never seen anything like this before. 我會說包含團隊副本跟地城 因為這是前所未有的設計 玩家們不再是前往地城大廳然後擊殺那些坐在那裏的王 這些新副本都是很有故事性 並且我認為玩家會喜歡這種參與冒險的感覺 這些副本會有許多場景變換 有NPC可以互動 我認為這會讓玩家們體驗到前所未有的經歷 -- 最後還有一篇TANKSPOT的http://ppt.cc/8aOl (但翻譯好累= =) 內容跟前面的差不多 所以就不翻譯了 最後補上mmo-champion整理的一些前面沒提到的情報 Melee classes will be getting a buff that is only active in the new raid to help them compete with ranged classes. 近戰職業在新團隊副本內會有額外的BUFF 讓他們跟遠距職業平衡 Northrend will require 2/3rd of the experience it does now, making leveling alts faster. 北裂境升級經驗只需要原本的2/3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hotaru3456:T13不能用換得了... 09/20 00:36
s123999015:在現代的話幹嘛還去時光之穴... 09/20 00:37
smalltsia:這些武器比之前的都還要強<---橘杖馬上就廢了嗎?! 09/20 00:43
Hydran:奧杜亞橘鎚好像還撐到ICC? 不過橘杖可以變身 優勢! 09/20 00:44
gekisen:反正菊杖太差也會BUFF 看奧杜亞槌子不就BUFF了嗎 09/20 00:45
tang2068:現在391武器大概可以用到普通死翼 橘杖可以撐到英雄死翼 09/20 00:46
tang2068:當初差不多也是25hlk的武器才把橘槌幹掉 09/20 00:47
Rsew:三系都能用的匕首 好奇 09/20 01:17
Mrsixtieth:戰鬥=_=不會是爽比合一 變劍吧.. 09/20 01:19
Golu:個人不負責猜測直接修改邪惡攻擊,匕首使用增強係數較高 09/20 01:22
Mrsixtieth:但這樣 為了一個橘武動天賦 以後大概就不用出其他單手 09/20 01:31
Mrsixtieth:匕首時代~~~ 09/20 01:31
Golu:劍斧使用邪攻和匕首使用邪攻傷害一樣的話,就會和現在敏銳賊 09/20 01:34
Golu:出血的變動一樣 09/20 01:35
wiabc:那隻解完任務就飛走的黑龍王子被挖出來用了... 09/20 01:46