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重點翻譯 ※ 引述《ONISUKA (SCANDAL最高!)》之銘言: : Patch 4.3 Dungeons Preview, Part Three: Hour of Twilight : http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/3502667/ : http://us.media3.battle.net/cms/blog_header/VP1EX0BUMB4X1316201641018.jpg
: Hour of Twilight 暮光之刻 : Having shattered the infinite dragonflight and recovered the fabled Dragon : Soul, Thrall and his allies must now journey to Wyrmrest Temple and : rendezvous with the green, blue, red, and bronze dragonflights. Reaching : their destination will be an arduous endeavor: the Twilight's Hammer has : amassed its forces near the temple, determined to intercept the Dragon Soul : at any cost. 宰了恆龍王、沖了馬桶,拿到巨龍之魂後,玩家要護送索爾到龍眠神殿與龍王們會合 不過暮光之錘也發動了最後的總力戰,堵在龍眠神殿週邊要阻止小索索 : The final stage in this series of dungeons is set in the present-day : Dragonblight, now under a full invasion by the Twilight's Hammer. Players : must escort Thrall and the Dragon Soul safely to Wyrmrest Temple, where the : assault on Deathwing is to commence. But the Twilight's Hammer forces are : numerous, and their leadership remains strong. Those attacking the temple are : commanded by a man known very well for the strength of will he's offered : Alliance citizens. Now with his own will broken, he preaches only Deathwing's : cataclysmic vision for all life on Azeroth. : http://us.media4.battle.net/cms/gallery/LZFS6ICRH5HZ1316201669832.jpg
: http://us.media4.battle.net/cms/gallery/WNE585K36SCN1316201685697.jpg
: http://us.media5.battle.net/cms/gallery/H3LME1SKU32T1316201699460.jpg
三小副本的最後一階段是直接在龍骨荒野上開打 在這個副本中,發動了總力戰之後的暮光之錘佔領了龍骨荒野 而玩家必須護送小索索跟巨龍之魂到龍眠神殿 在此,玩家面對的主要敵人就是小說中的"暮光神父" -- 前.聯盟暴風城聖光大教堂大主教.本尼迪塔斯 亞奎恩:水元素的飛昇者 "暮光殺戮者" 阿席拉:原本只是拿錢買命的刺客,但是卻陷入暮光教派太深,終於成為一員 "大主教" 本尼迪塔斯:就只是個從神牧轉暗牧的老頭 : Excerpts from the Dungeon Journal : Arcurion: Horde and Alliance assaults against the Twilight's Hammer have : slaughtered many of the cult's fearsome elemental ascendants. One exception : is Arcurion, a formidable water ascendant tasked to slay Thrall and retrieve : the Dragon Soul. Should this twisted elemental being succeed, nothing will be : able to stop Deathwing from ushering in the Hour of Twilight. : Asira Dawnslayer: Former blade-for-hire Asira Sunbright was initially leery : of working for the Twilight's Hammer, but the cult's generous payments : quickly won her over. In time, she succumbed to the corruptive influence of : her dark employers, even going so far as to take on the name Dawnslayer. As : one of the cult's deadliest assassins, Asira has been called upon to : exterminate Thrall and his comrades. : Archbishop Benedictus: Archbishop Benedictus is the revered leader of the : Church of the Holy Light. For years, his wise guidance has been instrumental : in seeing humanity through bleak times. Yet beneath his apparent benevolence : lies the shocking truth that Benedictus has pledged himself to the : eradication of all life on Azeroth through the agency of his dark master... : Deathwing. : http://us.media3.battle.net/cms/gallery/PI9BO5HXHREX1316201720036.jpg
: http://us.media2.battle.net/cms/gallery/1UKD9T2YRTUF1316223597873.jpg
: This world has already lost too many good people. While inhabitants of : Azeroth have been betrayed by their most trusted leaders and advisors, others : have betrayed their own ideals and morals in search of a higher, albeit : calamitous, cause. The time has come. You must act on behalf of the Dragon : Aspects as a minister of war, battling the twisted future echoes of today's : greatest leaders, subverting ancient armies of the Highborne and Burning : Legion, and risking your very life to make certain the Twilight's Hammer : doesn't intercept Thrall's most coveted possession. Your mission will take : you beyond the bounds of time. You'll see Deathwing's preferred outcome for : Azeroth -- an outcome through which even he won't survive. You'll witness the : event that began the first Sundering of the world, 10,000 years prior to the : Cataclysm. : All of this you'll do to bring back into existence what would appear to be a : simple disk… an object all but forgotten over the ages. This is the : beginning of the last stand against Deathwing. : http://us.media5.battle.net/cms/gallery/EOKXFRQZTEFB1316201734746.jpg
: Stay tuned for a preview of the patch 4.3 raid: Dragon Soul. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
s91812:請問有人知道大主教哪時候轉暗牧的嗎0.0 09/20 10:21
yukinoba:這要看小說了 09/20 10:22
FairyBomb:居然五個人就可以殺死恆龍王...時光龍有這麼遜嗎... 09/20 10:23
s91812:我怎印象中大主教還是他 冏.... 09/20 10:23
s91812:哪之龍王死沒差拉...青銅龍王別死就好(炸 09/20 10:25
FairyBomb:恆龍王跟青銅龍王不就同一隻嗎... 09/20 10:25
s91812:....................................................... 09/20 10:25
s91812:那隻人化後很帥那隻嗎=_= 09/20 10:26
Ithildin:大概諾茲多畝偷偷幫忙 09/20 10:26
ray90910:時光龍會給玩家無限嗜血?? 09/20 10:28
ONISUKA:謝謝你的翻譯 09/20 10:29
s91812:不知道怎了 這兩天狂放4.3消息 難道是哪個遊戲要上市 09/20 10:31
s91812:打壓到WOW? 09/20 10:31
Ithildin:不就D3 09/20 10:33
s91812:哪有人自己遊戲打壓自己遊戲=___= 不過D3OB帳號好難拿... 09/20 10:35
Ithildin:只有暴雪超越暴雪 其他WOW殺手那個不自滅的 09/20 10:36
Ithildin:我在街頭看過兩次超跑了 可以換D3嗎 09/20 10:37
lulanjia:不是WOW棒 是目前對手分量都不太夠xd 09/20 10:37
s91812:蠻看好當初的AION的..誰知道它外掛比WOW過分.... 09/20 10:38
Ithildin:只會拼畫面沒用 太吃資源OUT 算算還是WOW穩 09/20 10:40
zsp7009:Aion真的不錯 不過特效太多我家電腦跑不動 09/20 10:40
zsp7009:不過當初高中時期 都跑去網咖玩AION就是了XD 09/20 10:41
s91812:高中我們都在那邊三國來信長去LOL 只有我被罵不合群打wow 09/20 10:44
zip00000:Aion開測就有外掛了,然後又是NCsoft的作品... 09/20 11:00
iterator:鹿盔就算了, 大主教都變壞人是哪招啊.. -.- 09/20 12:36
Ithildin:大主教原本早就要黑了 變成莫名的黑主教 09/20 13:19
mimily0504:爆風城一堆內奸 怎麼還沒爆掉 還可以撐到瓦里安回來 09/20 15:36
Ithildin:差點被死翼 差點被奧妮搞掉 幕光又一堆內奸 09/20 16:06