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重點翻譯 ※ 引述《ONISUKA (SCANDAL最高!)》之銘言: : Patch 4.3 Raid Preview: Dragon Soul : http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/3516572 團隊副本:巨龍之魂 : World of Warcraft patch 4.3 will offer players the opportunity to take the : fight to Wyrmrest Temple and beyond, assisting Thrall and the Dragon Aspects : as they seek to bring an end to the Black Dragonflight once and for all. 10- : and 25-person raids will get to take on Deathwing himself, with three levels : of difficulty to consider and epic gear to claim. 10人、25人(廢話),以及三種難度(普通難度、英雄難度、地雷難度) : Forged by Deathwing during the War of the Ancients, the Dragon Soul harnessed : the power of the other dragonflights, until it was ultimately destroyed. : After recovering a version of the artifact from the Caverns of Time, Thrall : and the allied dragonflights now rally at Wyrmrest Temple in a desperate bid : to use its might to defeat Deathwing. : Created by the titans as a sanctuary for all Dragonkind, the crumbling : Wyrmrest Temple is now the final hope for the forces allied against the black : dragon Neltharion, once the Earth-Warder and protector of Azeroth, now : Deathwing the Destroyer. It is here that the remaining aspects -- : Alexstrasza, Ysera, Nozdormu, Kalecgos, and Thrall -- have gathered to : empower the Dragon Soul -- Azeroth's last chance to stop the great behemoth. : As they begin to charge the Dragon Soul with energy, Deathwing and his entire : army assault Wyrmrest Temple. Players must thwart the attacking forces long : enough for Thrall to charge the Dragon Soul. 反正就是小索索帶著巨龍之魂抵達了龍眠神殿,然後現在 紅龍女王 - 雅立史卓莎 綠龍女王 - 伊瑟拉 青銅龍王 - 諾茲多姆 藍龍之王 - 卡雷茍斯 大地守護者 - 索爾 五個人要替巨龍之魂充電,然後把殺死之翼的希望全賭在這個神器上面 因此玩家的任務就是抵擋暮光之錘的圍攻,殺死6個boss,開始跟之翼說再見 莫丘克:應該就是之前說的那個很大的水元素,它正在攻擊龍眠神殿的地基 戰爭領主贊奧茲:無麵者,古神納蘇斯的手下 無眠的尤薩基:無麵者,暮光城塞被攻破後逃出,現在負責繼續召喚更多的無麵者 束縛者海格拉:被遺忘者法師 奧加希恩:暮光龍 戰爭大師黑角:率領著最後一批暮光成龍從空中對龍眠神殿展開攻擊 : Before you face Deathwing the Destroyer, you must prevail against six mighty : bosses. : The most powerful elemental still under Deathwing's sway, Morchok -- once a : passive guardian -- is now convinced that his only respite will come with : Azeroth's demise. Morchok rages against the foundation of Wyrmrest Temple, : Azeroth's last beacon of hope in the Hour of Twilight. : Countless ages ago, Warlord Zon'ozz and his soldiers waged endless war : against the forces of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron. Millennia have passed, but the : warlord still serves the chaotic might of the Old God N'Zoth. Deathwing has : now unleashed this legendary faceless one to crush the defenders of Wyrmrest : Temple. : http://ppt.cc/IdQ~ : Since the fall of the Bastion of Twilight, Yor'sahj the Unsleeping has : eagerly assisted Deathwing, providing the Destroyer with the means to release : more faceless ones from their prisons deep beneath the earth. Their numbers : are endless and their power is beyond reckoning, and Yor'sahj intends to reap : a grim reward for his faithful service. : http://ppt.cc/FAlk : Hagara the Binder, one of the first students of arcane magic under the : Forsaken, showed surprising potential for one who had started learning so : late in life. But in her undisciplined attempts to bind elementals into : servitude, she was ensnared and twisted by the Windlord, Al'Akir. Now : fiercely loyal to the Twilight's Hammer, Hagara binds others for her : elemental masters to torment. : More an abomination of dark energy than a dragon, Ultraxion has spent his : short life absorbing the essence of captured nether dragons. Ultraxion is the : only twilight dragon Deathwing has praised, and his arrogance is overshadowed : only by the crackling energies surging through his twisted form. Loyal to his : master, Ultraxion swears to bring about the fall of Wyrmrest Temple. : http://ppt.cc/3SY4 : Though once vast in number, only a few dozen twilight dragons now remain. : Astride these hardened survivors are the last vestiges of the Twilight's : Hammer's army: the elite drake riders of Deathwing's personal escort. Led by : the insidious Warmaster Blackhorn, they move with unholy purpose, driven to : protect their dark master. : http://ppt.cc/Ng,r : When Deathwing first channeled the Dragon Soul's power against the other : dragonflights, the massive energies that he unleashed threatened to break him : apart. Rather than forgo this weapon, he had adamantium plates fused to his : scales to hold his body together. Later reinforced with elementium, these : plates are now his weakness -- the sole vulnerability to Deathwing's lethal : presence. : Your assault on the massive Deathwing will begin a battle unlike any other. : It is a fight so wide-ranging and intense that it comprises two unique : encounters, taking place across Azeroth. Taking to the skies, players will : parachute from soaring gunships to attack the monster mid-flight and attempt : to weaken him by ripping away his armor, exposing the molten flesh beneath. : Should they succeed, they will plunge into the depths of the Maelstrom for : the final encounter. : No adventurer has yet taken on an enemy so large and dangerous and lived to : tell the tale. Will you? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
scorpio0920:第三種是隨機團隊,LFR 09/20 10:55
APaio:第三種是隨機團隊副本? 09/20 10:55
s91812:第三種應該是隨機團隊那種東西 09/20 10:57
※ 編輯: yukinoba 來自: (09/20 10:58)
yukinoba:懂了,所以是地雷難度(無誤 09/20 10:58
s91812:地雷難度XDDDDD 09/20 10:58
harpe:那種超難的吧 =口=! 09/20 10:59
jerrysimon:隨機團隊也會掉T13,物品等級低於普通模式 09/20 10:59
s91812:不過 看到替巨龍充電那段 我怎種我在打SC2被水一戰那關 09/20 10:59
wing7526:隨機會有類似5人15%buff之類的吧...不過還是很地雷 09/20 11:00
s91812:的感覺= = 09/20 11:02
harpe:囧a 隨機團隊打得過的話,掉的裝應該要比較高等吧 XDDDD 09/20 11:03
ckshchen:麵非麵!? 09/20 11:04
s91812:沒喔 它上面有提到 隨機團隊難度會比較低 掉落裝備也比較差 09/20 11:04
hegemonist:樓上 樓樓樓樓上是反諷呀XDDD 09/20 11:04
yukinoba:Noodless (誤 09/20 11:04
hegemonist:打錯樓= = 09/20 11:05
s91812:喔喔 應該XDDD 09/20 11:06
sevalway:為啥感覺地雷難度更難= =? 09/20 11:08
FZK:請問打隨機有寶石袋嗎?? 09/20 11:09
s91812:不知道有在玩SC2劇情對這段有何感想...雷諾突擊隊最後蒐集 09/20 11:10
s91812:神氣 等他充電 然後一口氣打敗Z...恩? 09/20 11:10
Maupassant:地雷的說法真是中肯^^" 09/20 11:11
myran:不能挑隊友、不能要求DPS、不能要求看攻略、團隊一切看運氣 09/20 11:16
myran:隨機團隊這樣玩如果不是真的王很簡單真的不會哀鴻遍野嗎 09/20 11:17
pttresident:難度:地雷>英雄>普通 (大誤 XDDDD 09/20 11:19
myran:而且遇到擺爛的一進去就故意不躲死掉躺著等拿裝你也拿他沒轍 09/20 11:19
but1:會不會最後隨機全通會比h死翼難? 09/20 11:19
zonhan:不會,因為還是可以先挑好隊友再排 09/20 11:20
scorpio0920:再雷初期還是要打,CD不共用,會掉套裝,熟悉副本。 09/20 11:22
loya1981:難度:地雷>英雄>普通 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 09/20 11:23
harpe:樓上,好像是 地雷>>>>>>>>>>英雄>普通 09/20 11:29
Golu:不是地雷>>>(好長一段之後)>>>英雄>普通嗎 09/20 11:36
Ithildin:>>>>(無法跨越之壁)>>>> 09/20 11:39
CYL009:地雷>>>(不可跨越之璧)>>>英雄>>>>普通 09/20 11:39
s91812:結果死翼世界FD是隨機團隊出來的 PARAGON表示: 09/20 11:42
Khadgar:隨機Raid....老實說美西離峰的5人隨機已經很恐怖了 09/20 12:24
Khadgar:隨機Raid我想就算官方給UI指導每一個細節...還是很恐怖 09/20 12:26
sevalway:Diawing,難度:普通<噩夢<地獄<地雷 09/20 13:42
sevalway:除了專家模式,特別新增不專家模式,隨機組合 09/20 13:43
Burdened:記得藍帖說過隨機團隊可以無限刷同個副本 跟5人的差別應 09/20 13:47
Burdened:該是隨機團隊可以選副本 5人是隨機的 無限裝就不能給好裝 09/20 13:48
th11211:該不會只有那隻水元素是新模組吧...BZ不要只設計場景阿~ 09/20 20:09