精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
轉錄請告知謝謝 原文:http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2690981511?page=1#1 We recognize that making the tier 13 set pieces available only as raid drops leaves players much more subject to RNG drop rates/loot rolls, but we have a couple of plans to try and alleviate the sense of burden that stems from the randomness of token drops. 我們發現把T13限定在只能從團隊副本取得時, 許多玩家需要更依賴運氣來獲得T13(包含出現的TOKEN是哪個群組 還有骰子大小)。 但我們有一些計畫想嘗試並緩和TOKEN的隨機性所造成的影響。 The way tier 13 pieces will be obtained in the 4.3 raid won't be unlike raids past, meaning players will still need to roll on multi-class set tokens. That said, we'll be tweaking the tier 13 10-player drop rates a little bit (for the better) relative to the 25-player version, given that these tier pieces can't be purchased from vendors for Valor Points. 在4.3中玩家獲得T13的方式跟過去不同,代表玩家需要透過骰子來獲得各組的TOKEN。 因此,相較於25人副本,我們想要提高10人副本當中T13的掉落率, 以用來補償玩家無法從勇氣點數商人手上購買T13。 In addition, due to tier pieces not being offered for Valor Points, another thing you'll see in patch 4.3 is a much wider array of desirable non-set loot (covering more slots than prior patches) available from the vendors, for those players who are unlucky with specific token drops, or who aren't interested in raiding—although, once you get more details about the Raid Finder, we hope you'll find interest in having a go. 除此之外,由於T裝不再能夠透過勇氣點數獲得,另一個你會在4.3看到的現象是, 勇氣點數商人會販賣更多散裝(以增加更多部位的裝備,彌補前幾個PATCH的缺點)。 不僅是給那些運氣很差骰不到TOKEN的玩家, 也是給那些對團隊副本沒有興趣的玩家另一個選擇, 但是如果你知道團隊搜尋器的更多細節的話,你可能會透過這個工具來參與團隊副本。 Keep in mind we do intend to allow tier 13 set pieces to drop for those using the upcoming Raid Finder. Similar to the difference between normal and Heroic versions of tier sets, the Raid Finder set will have a lower item level than the normal and Heroic counterparts. 要知道我們是有意讓使用團隊搜尋器的玩家透過打倒王獲得T13。 相較於普通或英雄難度的T裝,團隊搜尋器的T裝物品等級會比較低一些。 Set pieces from all three difficulty levels can still be mixed and matched for the two and four-piece bonuses. 三種不同難度所獲得的T裝都是可以混搭以獲得2件或4件特效。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (09/20 23:58)
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