精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《xjapanfan (我是仔仔,不是宅宅)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《demonlayer (狄摩雷爾)》之銘言: : : 其實,為什麼會 5 - 8 秒 : : 是因為中斷成功時各種中斷技能帶來的反制效果時間不一樣長 : : 先作一個類似像下面的巨集 : : /cast (斷法技能) : : /in 5 /p 斷法效果剩餘 3 秒 : : /in 6 /p 斷法效果剩餘 2 秒 : : /in 7 /p 斷法效果剩餘 1 秒 : : /in 8 /p 斷法效果消失,下位預備 : : (斷法技能) 可以帶入下面的法術,小隊警告有效秒數再自己改 : : 戰士拳擊 / 4 sec : : 戰士盾擊 / 6 sec : : 騎士暈槌 / 3 sec : : 死騎冰封 / 4 sec : : 盜賊腳踢 / 5 sec : : 法師反制 / 8 sec : : 術士反制 / 6 sec : 有個疑問是 : 假設上述的反制時間對王有效 : 但應該也不代表在反制效果結束後,王就會接著唱變身了吧? : 我並沒有真的拿碼表數 : 但是賊腳踢完後,就我經驗並沒有5秒後王就唱變身阿? : PAL的斷法,王也沒有在3秒後就唱變身 : 我想上述的反制效果,應該是能拿來當作下一棒的參考 : 但應該不是絕對的時差~ : : 不列出薩滿的關係是震擊僅斷兩秒過短,用巨集提示效用不大 : : 而且如果薩滿斷法的場合也是排在前面的棒次,基本上不是難斷的 wowhead的comment http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=2040#comments 其中有一篇頗有趣 Ok, after trying and failing at many of the possible strats below I found a foolproof Super easy way of doing this achievement. Group can have any make up save 1 spot for an elemental shaman with 5 of 5 reverberation. his cooldown of earthshock will then be 5 seconds which is exactly moorabis time between casts on transformation after an interupt. I was the elemental shaman and did nothing but interrupts (I ended up interrupting 4 times because removing a dps slowed the fight) I did all the interrupts. All I did was spam my earthshock button for the entire fight starting with the first interrupt below 50%. I didn't wait for the boss e-mote after the first, I just spammed the button and the timing was perfect. I had133 ms latency and hit the last interrupt at 3%. His timer is that dead on... The recast on transformation is exactly 5 seconds after the last interrupt. Important to note that w/ this strat only the shaman should be doing interrupts as anyone else interrupting can cause your timer to be off. Also it still may take an attempt or two as a poorly placed quake can really be a pain... But on the whole was one of the easiest achievements once we had the strat. 大意是說,他用一個點了五點迴響(共降震擊CD一秒,成為五秒)的元素薩 這個元素薩在王過了50%,他斷到一次法後,開始什麼都不做,只有一直按大地震擊 也就就是準確地每5秒斷一次,完全沒有管王的表情訊息 他的網路延遲有133,而最後一次他斷到的變身是王在3%時放的 下面有三篇回應他說他們也試了這個方法,並且很輕易地解掉了 只有隨機的地震會造成他們失敗 另外一篇在1/29(3.0.8)的comment說到 Me and my guildies recently got this achievement after our share of failed attempts and here is how we did it: First off, we did NOT use Blood Lust/Heroism. Next (and this is most important) we figured out the exact time of his casting intervals (from the beginning of one cast to the beginning of the next): 100%-51% he will cast his transform every 10 seconds. 50%-0% he will cast his transform every 5 seconds. 他們測試的結果認為100%-50%時王每十秒放一次變身 50%-0%時則是每5秒 他們摸清這個規則後,要所有成員使用碼表mcro,以表為準斷法(也不看boss訊息) ======Mcaro範例=========== /script Stopwatch_Clear() /stopcasting /cast Wind Shock <-你的斷法技 /script Stopwatch_Play() =========================== 沒有用嗜血和英勇就打掉了 這篇comment有27 rating並以亮字顯示 這兩篇都有用到exact這個字眼,表示50%後王是精準地每五秒放一次 也同時都有提到,如果你要利用這精準的五秒,你一定要用5秒以下的斷法技 不然會被斷法給予的CD打亂節奏 如果以上comment皆為真 機制大概為: 1,50%以下變身CD縮為準確5秒 2,斷法所給予的CD會確實作用 3,CD到必放 另外根據自己的經驗 3.0.3時並沒有這5秒CD,因為我曾用風震斷過,2秒轉完他馬上再放的經驗 分享經驗時要注意一下版本時間 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rogeroger:昨天解完感覺是隨機耶 = = 整場王只唱兩次變身 03/24 04:46
rogeroger:大家拿到成就都莫名奇妙... 03/24 04:47