精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
3.3 Rogue FAQ From EJ by Aldriana http://elitistjerks.com/f78/t54257-3_3_rogue_faq_if_youre_new_ish_here_read_before_posting_updated_12_6_09_a/ Mutilate 截肢 Q: What's the highest-DPS Mutilate spec? Q: 最強的截肢天賦? A: In general, some close variant of 51/18/2. The only points that are really negotiable are the ones in Fleet Footed. A: 一般而言,都是51/18/2為出發點的變形天賦。最多可能變動的地方就是迅足。 Q: Why Fleet Footed, then? Q: 為何是迅足? A: Run speed is handy. And since the preferred cycle is Envenom-only, you don't need Blood Spatter, so there really isn't anything in the way of DPS talents to take. The main reason I'd consider doing otherwise is if you mostly run 10 mans and below where you don't have anyone to keep up bleeds for you for purposes of HFB. In this case, I can see sticking with Blood Spatter. A: 能跑快點總是好的。以及自從目前循環只有毒化後,你不需要瀝血這天賦 這天賦不能帶給你任何DPS。唯一有可能點出來的場合是在10人副本內,而且沒有人可 以幫你對目標上流血狀態,那我誠心建議你點出瀝血。 Q: Why Glyph of Tricks of the Trade? Q: 為何使用偷天換日雕文? A: Similar logic. Save the circumstances dictated above, we don't need Glyph of Rupture anymore, and there really aren't any other glyphs that boost single-target DPS. The other notable option would be Glyph of FoK. A: 同樣的思考模式。除了特殊狀況外,我們不需要用到割裂雕文,但對單體而言,也沒有 其他好的雕文可以使用。在特殊狀況下或許會用到刀扇雕文。 Q: Fast weapons or slow weapons? Q: 我該使用快/慢武? A: Fast OH. Totally irrelevant in the MH, as near as I can tell. A: 速度快的副手。主手嚴格來講快慢差異非常小,所以主手選DPS高就好了。 Q: Which stats are good for Mutilate? Q: 哪些屬性對截肢不錯? A: AP, Hit, and Haste are the big 3; ArPen is generally to be avoided. As a general rule, your goal is to socket and enchant AP/Haste; however, Mutilate tends to have a *lot* of trouble with the white crit cap, so it's very common to need to stack Hit - sometimes quite severely - in order to raise your crit cap. It also tends to be quite important to make the spell hit cap (as close to half of your DPS is from poisons these days), so at the very least you probably want to socket for that. Socketing Expertise up to the cap is also generally advisable. A: 攻擊強度命中加速為三大首選。破甲目前來說不選用。一般而言,你的目標就是加 強攻擊強度加速。然而,截肢在白字爆擊CAP的影響下有很大的問題,所以我極力推薦 你去堆命中 - 而且可能要堆很多 - 進而增加爆擊cap。在堆命中的同時,也同時能達 到法術命中cap(也就是你的毒藥傷害,你有將近一半的傷害來自毒藥),所以至少至少 再怎樣hit也要達到法術命中cap這個底限。當然把熟練稱到上限是個明智而且不錯的選 擇。 *有關爆擊CAP請見本文最後 Q: What's the recommended cycle for Mutilate? Q: 截肢最推薦的循環? A: 4+ Envenom seems generally strongest. Keep HFB up, SnD at the beginning of the fight, go nuts with Envenom. A: 4星+的毒化一般來說是最強的。在戰鬥中保持鮮血飢渴/切割常駐,然後 ====無腦毒化就對了無腦毒化就對了無腦毒化就對了無腦毒化就對了無腦毒化就對了==== Combat 戰鬥 Q: What's the highest DPS Combat spec? Q: 最強的戰鬥天賦? A: Typically, 20/51/0. A: 20/51/0。 Q: What's the deal with 4/5 Improved and 1/5 Vile? Q: 在刺殺毒藥5點選擇時,為啥要使用 4/5 強化毒藥 跟 1/5 惡性毒藥 這種點法? A: That's what usually comes out on top in existing modeling. Feel free to check a spreadsheet to verify that that's correct for you. A: 這是目前現有模組跑試算表得到最高的結果。你可以自己去跑試算表算出你的最好點法。 Q: Which glyph should I drop if I want GoFoK or GoTotT? Q: 如果我要使用刀扇/偷天雕文,我該放棄哪個雕文? A: Eviscerate. Sinister Strike and Killing Spree are both huge DPS increases - Eviscerate is relatively minor by comparison. A: 惕骨。邪惡攻擊跟狂舞殘殺通時能提供較大的DPS增幅。 相較之下惕骨就QQ了。 Q: Which weapon spec is best? Q: 哪種專精最好? A: As a general rule, Hack and Slash. Mace spec appears to still be lacking in viable OHs, and CQC tends to have trouble with the crit cap. This is not to say that you can't put together a viable weapon setup with Maces or Fist/Dagger; it's simply that it's harder. A: 一般而言,斧劈劍斬鎚專還是少把副手鎚,近身戰鬥又被爆擊CAP梗到。這並不是說 你不能使用主手鎚搭配快的副手拳套/匕首。但對於提升DPS來說這比較困難。 Q: What should I look for in weapons? Q: 我該使用哪種武器? A: For a MH, you want something slow (2.5-2.7) and as high-DPS as possible - DPS matters more than speed. For an OH, you want something as fast as possible - 1.4 is best, and failing that 1.5. Since two-weapon specs are basically dead, you thus want two weapons of the same specialization that satisfy this as well as possible - until you get to the point where MH Maces just take over. For more information, see your local friendly spreadsheet. A: 主手,選用你DPS最高(優先考量)的慢武(2.5-2.7)。 副手,找越快的越好 - 1.4的最好,1.5的其次。 自從雙專精死亡後,最好是選擇雙手都能吃到專精的武器,直到你能拿到夠好的主手鎚 來罩你(去跑你的試算表就知道啥時可以換鎚了)。 Q: Which stats are good for combat? Q: 對戰鬥不錯的屬性。 A: Combat doesn't really have any notably strong or weak stats. At high gear levels ArPen stacking towards the hardcap tends to be strong, but that doesn't appear to be true for everyone. As the crit cap tends to be an issue for combat, Hit is fairly useful and crit/agi a bit weaker than was historically true. In the absence of crit-cap issues, the best yellow stat is generally Haste. A: 戰鬥沒有任何明顯的強弱屬性。在高等裝備強度下,堆硬破甲cap是最好的,但似乎並 非對每個人都是這樣。在爆擊上限cap的影響下,命中是相當有用的以及cirt/敏捷也 只是稍微弱一點。在沒有爆擊上限影響下, 最好的黃字屬性是加速。 Q: What's the recommended cycle for combat? Q: 推薦的戰鬥循環? A: SnD if it's about to drop, 5pt Eviscerates otherwise. A: 切割快沒的時候捕,除此之外5星惕骨。 Other specs 其他天賦 敏銳呢._.? Q: Is combat daggers viable? A: No. Q: 有戰匕嗎? A: 沒。 Q: Really? But my friend told me it's good, and... A: Still no. Q: 真的嗎?但我捧尤說那很.... A: 真的沒。 Q: Okay, what about HAT? A: Nope. Q: 好吧,那你對有道賊有何看法? A: 沒有。 Q: But what about the 4/5 T10? Doesn't that make it viable again? A: Nope. Q: 那對於 4/5 T10呢 ? A: 沒有(應該目前都沒資料) Q: You're no fun. A: That's not a question. But, sorry. Q: 你並不有趣。 A: 這不算是個問題。但是...抱歉。 General 一般 Q: Okay, which of those specs does the most damage? Q: OK,目前哪種天賦能有最高的傷害? A: Mutilate. Mutilate, mutilate, mutilate, mutilate, mutilate. It's, frankly, kinda stupidly good right now - current estimates put it as much as 15-20% ahead of Combat at the same gear level. If there's a fight where you absolutely need the cooldowns from Combat, it's not totally ridiculous to do so - Combat *did* get buffed since 3.2, meaning it's likely to continue to stack up very well against other classes. It's just that Mutilate is really, really, really good right now. One might reasonably expect it to get nerfed at some point. A: 截肢。截肢。截肢。截肢。截肢。截肢。截肢。截肢。截肢。截肢。截肢 現在的截肢有點無腦強,在同等裝備水平下,截肢大概多了戰鬥15-20%的傷害。 如果有場戰鬥需要戰鬥的cd技能,那選擇戰鬥天賦來應戰並不會很可笑。 戰鬥雖然在3.2得到buff了,表示未來有可能再度buff來跟其他職業競爭。 只是截肢現在真他媽的非常好。個人是預測截肢會有個合理性的nerf。 Q: How good are the T9 set bonuses? A: Given that we're dropping rupture from all our cycles, the 2/5 pretty much sucks. And the 4/5 ain't great either - it's not totally useless, but it's certainly much weaker than the T7 or T8 4/5 bonus. Q: T9的特效怎樣? A: 自從循環放棄割裂後,2套特效 is sucks。而且4件也沒好到哪 - 這並不是說特效沒用 只是跟 T7/T8相比 真的是弱很多。 Q: How good are the T10 set bonuses? Q: T10的特效怎樣? A: The 2/5 is *awesome*. It's certainly the strongest 2-piece we've had since at least T6, if not ever. Whatever else happens gearwise, there is no question that you want the 2-piece bonus, regardless of spec. The 4-piece is pretty weak as combat, and sort of middling as Mutilate; whether it's worth bothering with is going to be largely a function of what other options are out there. (不會翻._.) A: 兩件的效果非常棒。自從T6以來,我還沒看過如此強的兩件特效。 不管有其他裝備或是哪種天賦,你都要拿到兩件特效。四件特效對戰鬥來說比較差, 對刺殺來說算中等。 Q: But I tested on a target dummy and got different answers! WTF!? A: Was the target dummy fully raid debuffed, and you fully raid buffed? Did you perform multiple trials totaling at least an hour to reduce variance? I didn't think so. That's why you got different answers. Q: 但是我對木頭人作測試得到了其他答案! WTF? A: 木頭人有raid debuff嗎? 身上有raid buff嗎? 你有嘗試各種方法至少一小時以上來 減少誤差嗎? Q: Which poisons should I use? A: MH Instant, OH Deadly. Period. End of discussion. Q: 我該用哪種毒藥? A: 主手速效 副手致命。 Q: What's this crit cap thing you keep talking about? Q: 你一直提到的爆擊CAP是指? A: Based on your current miss and dodged rates, there is a limit on how much your white attacks can theoretically crit. With the low amount of hit on 3.3 pieces, it turns out that this become an issue for us - particularly if you're using a trinket that gives a boost to your crit rate (Death's Verdict/Choice, Dark Matter, Darkmoon Card). The exact mechanics are complicated, but, as a general rule, if you're crit capped, the solution is to try to trade out crit and agility for hit on gear. I highly recommend consulting a spreadsheet in this case - there really *isn't* an easy way to tell whether this is an issue for you or not just by looking. A: 考慮到目標的閃躲跟失誤率,有個理論上你的白字攻擊能對目標造成爆擊的極限。 在3.3低HIT的狀況下,這成為我們目前的問題。 特別在當你使用一個能夠大量提供爆擊的飾品時(死亡抉擇/黑暗物質/暗月卡)。 真正要計算的話是很複雜,但是一般而言,如果你的爆擊到達CAP了,解決方法是 拿crit/敏捷裝去換命中裝。我極度推薦你去用試算表,這不是簡單用說說就能表達的 東西。 Q: Are the Onyxia weapons any good? A: In a word? No. They're roughly comparable to more conventional stated-weapons about one tier lower. So if you have, say, an ilvl 245 weapon from ToC, and a 245 weapon from Ony, the one from ToC will be quite a bit better. Q: 黑妹的武器好嗎? A: 真的要講很差,跟一般常規的武器比硬是低了一階。 以ILV245的武器來說,ToC跟Ony來比當然是ToC比較好。 終於翻完了 ._. 斷線了三次快崩潰了。 有錯請指正 文章可轉載 不過翻譯有錯就(ry -- Johannes Krauser II 強暴!強暴!強暴!強暴!強暴!強暴! GO TO D.M.C ◥◣ ◥◣ 強暴!強暴!強暴!強暴!強暴! ▄▂▁▂▃▅▆▅ ▃▄ ∵ ∵ ▃▄▃ シ ▋▊▍ φjeans1020 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hogiking 來自: (12/10 11:36) ※ 編輯: hogiking 來自: (12/10 11:37)
Golu:辛苦了 12/10 11:37
loveFantasy:*DPS高 not DSP 12/10 11:37
._. 修正
bcatw763:\截肢魂/\截肢魂/\截肢魂/\截肢魂/\截肢魂/\截肢魂/ 12/10 11:38
※ 編輯: hogiking 來自: (12/10 11:39)
Golu:一路走來,始終截肢 12/10 11:39
關於爆擊cap - 我是解讀成爆擊在飾品威能下太容易到達爆擊cap,因此把一些敏爆裝換成命中裝 降低爆擊率,來減少飾品發動時爆擊溢出的浪費。 不知道大家有哪些看法?我也不是很明白 (炸) ※ 編輯: hogiking 來自: (12/10 11:44)
cryinrain:辛苦 12/10 11:40
coldmusic:不好意思,我離開WOW很久又回鍋,之前玩截肢都盡量選雙 12/10 11:40
a78544521:有看有推 12/10 11:40
coldmusic:1.8的慢匕首,為何這邊反而推薦副手快武主手DPS高呢 12/10 11:41
neverbbs:看完推 12/10 11:41
bwebwe:辛苦大大啦!! 受用無窮!!! 正好要對自己得賊 佩裝一番 12/10 11:41
Golu:致命毒藥改成5層之後再刷新可以發動主手 副手選快的加快刷新 12/10 11:42
skyspace:因為 3.3 副快疊致命就快,那主手速效也越能被觸發吧(? 12/10 11:42
james770710:push 12/10 11:42
taluku:所以BZ又要NEFR盜賊了= =? 12/10 11:42
CHISN:....,我身上寶石要全換了嗎 WTF 12/10 11:43
wmud:其實一般命中有300左右的白字爆擊CAP大概再65%+ 12/10 11:43
wmud:如果怕超過我覺得把敏塞成強度就可以大幅度解決了 12/10 11:44
PPCYes:可惡的擦過(つД⊂) 12/10 11:44
taluku:問個不專業的問題,身上的寶石幾乎插敏,要全換工強嗎? 12/10 11:44
wmud:直接去衝命中會很QQ 12/10 11:44
wmud:基本上啦 如果你有死亡/黑暗物質這2種其中之一 12/10 11:45
CHISN:我猜爆擊CAP還是插敏好? 12/10 11:45
wmud:最好是把UNBUF的CRI降到40%左右比較好 12/10 11:45
CHISN: 前 12/10 11:45
strcmp:推一下截之 12/10 11:46
wmud:然後我覺得合理的NERF大概是把強化毒藥中的致命上毒率再度改 12/10 11:46
EloC:主要是因應3.3會被拉低的hit 總之看拿到的裝備去決定吧 12/10 11:46
wmud:回10%吧 12/10 11:46
wmud:可能吧 我還沒看過3.3的裝 不過現階段還不需要刻意塞命中 12/10 11:48
※ 編輯: hogiking 來自: (12/10 11:51)
wmud:不過偷天雕文要改成降CD的這項改動似乎沒看到 還是我記錯? 12/10 11:51
hn85017889:你去堆命中 - 而且可能要堆很多 - 進而增加爆擊cap 12/10 11:51
hn85017889:這句我看不懂,CAP是啥= = 12/10 11:51
Fairytale929:翻譯辛苦了 12/10 11:52
EloC:暴擊上限 3.2裝備如果很齊基本上是黑暗物質才會考慮的 12/10 11:52