精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=2288042225&sid=1 官網藍貼, 只節錄戰士相關. - Expertise: We have added a new stat and associated rating called expertise and expertise rating. Expertise rating converts to expertise at the same rate that weapon skill rating formerly converted at. Each point of expertise reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by 0.25%. - Weapon Skill: All items and abilities that granted weapon skill have been changed. In most cases, they were converted to expertise or expertise rating. Ranged attacks do not benefit from expertise, so ranged weapon skill has generally been replaced by critical strike bonuses or hit bonuses. In a few cases, talents have been changed to other effects to avoid granting players excessive amounts of expertise. 綜合上面兩個, 就是以後武器技能每一點 -0.25%對手閃躲或招架的機率. 點滿精通武器. 可以 -1%. 然後獸戰, 人類戰 Imba, 直接多1.25%命中 Orz (夜精戰真是聯盟最弱的戰士) Warrior - Charge will work more often when targets are up against unpathable areas like walls and poles. Buff: 那些卡牆壁卡柱子的. 衝鋒有更多的機會成功. 這算是合理的bug修正吧! 能衝鋒就能攔截. 不然競技場老是有些牧師聖騎去卡牆壁卡柱子. 搞的戰士只能用拳擊斷法, 斷完還不能跑遠攔截. - Defiance (Protection) now also grants 2/4/6 weapon expertise. Buff: 挑釁現在給你 1.5% 命中. - Devastate (Protection) now combines the effects of Sunder Armor into its effect. It is also now affected by all talents and items that affect Sunder Armor. Buff: 純防戰, 破甲 881 - Disarm is now subject to diminishing returns in PvP. 繳械現在在PvP會遞減了. - Improved Berserker Stance (Fury) now also reduces all threat caused while in Berserker Stance by 2/4/6/8/10% Buff: 強化狂暴姿勢增加降仇恨 - Improved Intercept and Weapon Mastery have swapped locations in the talent trees. Buff: 強化攔截跟專精武器換位置. (35/23/3可以多兩點去點強化斬殺了) - Intervene will no longer place you in combat. 阻擾不會讓你進入戰鬥狀態 - Hamstring now has a 10 second duration when used on PvP targets. Nerf: 斷筋改成 10 秒 - Mace Specialization (Arms) now has a reduced chance to occur but generates 7 rage instead of 6. Nerf: 槌專改成7怒, 機率降低. 用最笨的算法. 猜猜看機率的話. 3.8 鍛造槌 6*11% = 7*9.42% 個人不負責任亂猜 8% - Pummel: Interrupting a channeled spell with this ability will now always properly prevent casting spells from the same spell school for 4 sec. - Shield Bash: Interrupting a channeled spell with this ability will now always properly prevent casting spells from the same spell school for 6 sec. 拳擊跟盾擊都會正確的讓同系的法術不能施法4/6秒 - Shield Slam (Protection) now always tries to dispel one Magic effect on the target. 盾牌猛擊會去移除目標身上的魔法 - Tactical Mastery: This talent also now grants greatly increased threat from Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst when in Defensive Stance. 戰術專精將會大幅提升防禦姿勢下的致死打擊根嗜血的仇恨. - Weapon Mastery (Arms) now reduces duration of Disarm effects against you by 25/50% rather than giving you a 50% chance to avoid or full immunity to Disarm effects. 專精武器改成降低繳械的持續時間 25%/50% - Whirlwind: This ability now strikes with both weapons when a Warrior is dual-wielding. Buff: 旋風斬如果雙持的話, 是兩把武器一起轉. - Blacksmithing A new world drop recipe for an Adamantite Weapon Chain has been added. This new weapon chain both reduces disarm duration and increases parry rating. 一個新的武器鏈配方, 可以減少繳械持續時間跟增加招架機率 這有趣的是, 1)不知道能減多少? 然後不知道可不可以跟專精武器堆疊. 穩固跟謎般的天火鑽石是可以堆疊的. 這個不知道會不 會比照辦理 2)如果不能堆疊! 那大概也沒有人會用在競技場. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
BlackMair:我只希望強化欄截能衝破法師的冰腳 囧 10/12 12:12
layzer:強化狂暴姿勢改成降仇恨??另外降仇恨吧....also沒翻到? 10/12 12:13
Burdened:推1F 定身技應該只能適用於怪物身上 對於PVP的話 10/12 12:23
Burdened:應該設定成降緩或是阻礙行動力 完全定住就太瞎了 10/12 12:23
skuld007:Q: 戰士因此可以打布衣的臉了嗎? 10/12 12:27
skuld007:A: Not on your life <O>! 10/12 12:28
maikxz:以後變成喊 WAR imba!!?? 10/12 12:29
tot9221:戰士都很討厭法師 = =...明明團戰法師都被打好玩的 T_T 10/12 12:31
q0r0p:這樣改完,命中裝可以丟了?然後戰士都想轉狂戰?! 10/12 12:31
q0r0p:因為法師都把戰士變豬? WAR:別再把我變豬了!! 10/12 12:32
Burdened:又羊又冰..又緩速 戰士應該BUFF投擲武器的威力啊! 10/12 12:32
skuld007:可是我實在覺得把強化攔截和武器大師互換不算buff orz 10/12 12:33
skuld007:強化攔截好用阿阿阿 10/12 12:34
skuld007:戰士加個閃擊就搞定了 XD 10/12 12:34
JITER:PVP不算大BUFF喔.專職的打架天副以前也都會點到那裡阿 10/12 12:38
※ 編輯: lancert 來自: (10/12 12:41)
JITER:不過可能會產生不少變型~狂怒現在只要21點即可大成~ 10/12 12:42
littlecore:expertise skill沒強那麼多 10/12 12:53
littlecore:weapon skill對lv73mob的hit提升很大 10/12 12:54
littlecore:不過大量-parry很棒就是了 10/12 12:55
buttheaddd:請問一下,2.3是什麼時後改?? 10/12 13:05
RAIDINFO:看到2把武器一起轉 不知道為什麼我笑了 10/12 14:00
chyan:人戰和獸戰的武器技能天賦改成加1%爆擊了,什麼1.25%命中? 10/12 14:45
chyan:patch note哪一點說人戰和獸戰會+5expertise? 10/12 14:46
ganax:我上PTR看了 人類坦克真是超垃圾的 10/12 14:48
ganax:最接近坦克屬性的天賦 大概就是精神+5%吧 10/12 14:49
ganax:連這小小+5expertise也不肯給.....*(&^%(&^ 10/12 14:49
wak:oh shit...武器專精被換去狂戰 人類劍戰就弱化了... 10/12 17:17