精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《safy (Ty)》之銘言: : Warrior (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.) 打臉兄弟會現任會長 : Possible changes to Slam : It might be instant Slam. Or, it might be autocrit on Slam or MS. Still : fiddling. (Source) 猛擊可能改成瞬發,也可能和致死打擊一起改成必定爆擊,目前還在調整 : Intimidating Shout : We didn't make a change to Intimidating Shout's effects. We just fixed a bug : where the tooltip was showing the wrong number. It was confusing range with : area or something like that. But to be clear, if you don't read the tooltip, : the ability should work exactly like it does now. (Source) 破膽怒吼沒有nerf,而是改動了說明文字的bug(說明文10碼,實際作用8碼) ,如果你從不去看說明文,那麼破膽怒吼用起來的手感和之前一樣沒有差別 : Berserker Stance bonus changed from AP to Strength 強化狂姿加成從AP改成力量的原因 : * 1) We want warriors to wear plate. We balance around warriors wearing : plate. 我們希望戰士穿鎧甲,我們會平衡戰士穿鎧甲 : * 2) Because of the way certain warrior mechanics work, leather is : attractive. 某些特定的情況下,穿皮甲會比較威 : * 3) One of these mechanics is AP being overvalued compared to Strength. 這些特定情況包含攻強比力量更imba啦 : * 4) This change was to try to shift more value back to Strength. 這個改變是要讓力量這個屬性更有價值 : * 5) Warriors are balanced around wearing plate. When warriors wear : leather and do too much damage, then they end up getting nerfed. But really : this is a symptom of #3, not anything players are doing wrong. 戰士就是天生鎧甲命,如果戰士向下需裝穿了皮甲太威,我們就會nerf他。 但這不表示玩家做錯了什麼事情(拍拍) : * 6) If you wear plate and don't do enough damage, we'll buff you. 如果你穿了鎧甲傷害卻打不高,我們會buff你(支票一張,戰士請查收) : * 7) We realize this change lets Arms off the hook... for the moment. 我們瞭解這個改變會讓武戰翻身...至少暫時翻身(因為武狂戰一樣廢嗎?XD) : * 8 ) We like both the logic and gameplay of classes being able to wear : armor besides "theirs." It's nice if a paladin uses healing cloth that is an : upgrade for them and might otherwise be sharded. It's nice if a warrior can : use a rogue item if they have nothing better. But honestly, sometimes we are : pretty close to just restricting classes to "their" armor and not "their" : armor plus all "lesser" armors. 我們也不反對向下需裝的遊戲邏輯與玩法,例如奶騎穿個布裝、或者戰士 如果沒有更好的選擇穿個一兩樣賊裝。但我們的底線是至少你要穿你 「自己」的那種護甲,而不是每個人都向下需裝穿滿全身然後說這樣很威 : * 9) I know you might drool over stats on another character. But that's : not the way we balance. If we gave you plate with Spirit and Stamina on it, : we would change warrior mechanics to make those numbers useful. You may say : "If I wear the gear I am supposed to wear, I'll be terrible." We say "If you : wear the gear your'e supposed to wear, you'll be balanced." We made a similar : change to Feral druids lately, because they stacked AP at the expense of : everything else. It was too good a stat and led them to make choices based : solely on what gear maximized their AP. Sound familiar? 我知道你們可能會對其他職業的裝備流口水,但這不符合我們的平衡原則。 如果我們給鎧甲上面附上精耐屬性,我們就會保證它有用。戰士可能會說 :「你一定要我們穿鎧甲,鎧甲明明很遜啊」。我們的回應是:「乖~ 如果你照個我們預定的來穿,你會穿得很平衡」XD 我們過去也對野D做過類似的改動,因為那時候他們龜攻強龜的太兇, 那時候攻強太威造成攻強是選裝時候的唯一選擇。聽起來是不是很熟悉? : * 10) If you think your damage is low, bring that up in these forums. But : say "Our damage is low." Don't say "We need leather." 如果你覺得傷害打不高,那就上官網來哭哭,但是直接哭說 :「傷害打不高啦」,不要跟我哭「我們要穿皮甲啦」 : [...] There is a good chance we may change the Improved Berserker Stance : effect from 15% Strength to 20% Strength to make up for all the AP that gets : thrown around in buffs, enchants and consumables. There are also more rings : etc. in Ulduar with Strength, and more leather with Agi instead of AP. : Adding 2 more ranks to Armored to the Teeth is also possible, but that would : probably be too big a change for 3.1. We want plate to be the best in slot : for warriors, not leather. 有可能把強化狂姿加成點滿從加15%力改成加20%。因為還要考慮附魔、寶石、藥水 、食物、buff等一堆有的沒的,所以還需要調整。我們希望鎧甲是戰士的最佳選擇 ,而不是皮甲 下面解釋一堆為什麼不讓戰士穿皮甲的理由,所以跳過不翻 ********************** 說實在戰士要不是被逼的狗急跳牆,堂堂戰士誰要去穿皮甲? 不過這大概是第一次看到藍帖講這麼多關於他們對於向下需裝的原則 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: affen 來自: (03/25 20:33)
hizerg:war很早就不是會長了 早就換薩滿當了 當會長的人數不會多 03/25 20:33
affen:這是3.1版本,戰士確認已經當選會長沒錯 03/25 20:34
vice:真的希望皮甲法傷不要輸布甲.. 03/25 20:34
siamn:樓上的這很難吧,畢竟皮甲法傷本就是最不受重視的一群 03/25 20:36
siamn:看看樹D跟鳥D的T裝屬性就知道了= = 03/25 20:36
Neru:讓我想到不朽之墓手套,同時賊獵增薩狂戰懲聖都在用QQ 03/25 20:37
ktoaoeex:這版皮甲法傷能看的感覺只有永恆10的那雙鞋 03/25 20:40
AWNESS:要把戰士唯一需要吟唱的技能改掉了嗎.... 03/25 20:44
autumn2004:我比較好奇的是戰士那張支票的跳票率有多高?(誤) 03/25 20:47
leosirius:你翻錯了 野D那行意思是最近已經對野D動過刀了 不是指很 03/25 20:48
ismylife29:push! 03/25 20:49
leosirius:快就會對野D AP下手 03/25 20:49
lawrence1129:如果力量加成改成20% 所有的附摩根藥水都有力量版本 03/25 20:49
lawrence1129:那麼戰士的ap可望邁向更高的境界 03/25 20:50
affen:喔抱歉,感謝指正,我修正一下 03/25 20:50
※ 編輯: affen 來自: (03/25 20:53)
BIGETC:必點天賦上加個護甲轉ap/法傷就好了 反正bz奇怪改動很多了 03/25 20:53
lawrence1129:戰士已經有護甲轉ap的天賦了 只是效益很微妙... 03/25 20:57
womaidla:那聖騎也要哭說我門也要20%...orz 03/25 20:59
simon8233:人生最悲哀的是難得看到小小的buff,卻彷彿抱住了神塔般 03/25 21:01
Caitsithdx:戰士:我有張面額很大的支票,但很可能永遠不能兌換.. 03/25 21:03
ohmyg0d:DK也想要+20%力量 03/25 21:04
Dancekwang:戰士回來了?! 03/25 21:09
NIKADO:向下需裝的問題存在很久了....怎麼b社現在才想到要修 03/25 21:09
Dancekwang:MS有必定爆擊? 啥時改的? 03/25 21:10
littlecore:哪裡有說ms已經改了? 03/25 21:12
affen:他原文是說it might be autocrit我看語意是自動(必定)爆擊 03/25 21:12
affen:應該還在設計中,搭配天賦和雕文,不可能讓你MS每下都爆擊 03/25 21:13
laputaca:DK還是去吃...比較好 03/25 21:13
affen:照BZ對戰士的態度,不會讓你那麼爽 03/25 21:13
Astar:不想讓人向下需裝乾麻不鎖定呢 03/25 21:17
j094097:鎖定了一定會有玩家出來靠杯 別傻了 03/25 21:18
j094097:弄個懲罰之類的也是會被說話 03/25 21:18
duolon: BLZ嘴炮不是一天兩天 其實裝備不夠本來就只好先向下穿 03/25 21:28
duolon: 其實BLZ直接把戰士的敏捷效益降低 力量效益增高 還是鎧裝 03/25 21:31
duolon:的屬性不要再放一堆有的沒有的垃圾屬性濫竽充數就好啦 03/25 21:32
kducky:第一次想推多龍 03/25 21:57
smallgreensa:希望戰士這邊的更動不是空口說白話= =+ 03/25 22:13
TryToBe:如果改成20%力 只要na10人裝滿 就算buff了 03/25 22:23
ericlcy:其實獵人和薩滿也愛穿皮甲啊(無誤) 03/25 23:12
GuardianVX:該不會buff鎧甲的意思 = 直接Nerf皮甲.............. 03/25 23:13
futae:猛擊那段是在講武戰新天賦Juggernaut 03/26 00:03
obiwanjk2:猛擊改成順發但是有cd"或許"會用得比較順手... 03/26 01:03