精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: 推 dprice:QQ 安薩大 能請你解惑一下戰士的問題嗎  05/21 10:59 : → dprice:因為上面的文章有些都太專業 專業到我有點難懂 05/21 11:00 : → dprice:我想知道的是現在戰士 破甲流 跟 力量流 的分界 05/21 11:01 : → dprice:要在什麼樣的程度以上的裝 破甲會優於力量 ? 05/21 11:01 : → dprice:力量投資是越高越好 那破甲呢 ? 有上限嗎 ? 增傷的換算是? 05/21 11:02 這應該是你要的: The warr ArP thread is filled with people napkin-mathing ArP wrong, so I wanted to chime in, as I've been watching this pretty close at EJ. Maybe someone with the rating to can cross-post this. I think ArP w/ Grim Toll is going to become our PvP bread and butter. You cannot get 100% ignore from sunder + shatt + battle + GT proc. You get more like 80%. It just doesn't add like that. 1. Self + Buff ArP (incl mace/stance) is additive. Debuff ArP is multiplicative (sunder/shatt = -36%). The combination of the two is "complicated". I've put that formula at the bottom so you don't have to deal with detail math to read the post. 2. The values where a GT proc brings you to 100% armor ignore is: No sunder Zerk = 620 ArP Battle = 497 ArP Battle + Mace = 312 ArP These values are NOT relative to armor of target With either sunder or shattering throw vs 24k armor (paladin) is: Zerk = 511 ArP Battle = 388 ArP Battle + Mace = 203 ArP the sundered/shatter values go up vs >24k armor, down at <24k. Takes about ~40 ArP less to cap out vs 5-10k armor I'm going to shoot for 388 or 497 ArP and use GT. Sunder the target, watch for a GT proc and then run a reck combo vs 0 armor. Yes, you have to wear pve gear to do this. I expect it'll be worth it to hit paladins/DKs like clothies. 497 will be hard to reach in pvp gear until ulduar gear, but once you have an ulduar weapon and a bit of gear, you can probably hit 497 and no longer spend GCD's sundering. Also: bladestorm in 5's at 100% armor ignore (without sunders!) makes me drool. It's worth noting that Mace = 185 ArP rating, Axe = 230 Crit rating. Axe is much, much better than mace except when the mace is capping your ArP. I don't advise going mace unless you can't get the ArP elsewhere. It's almost as bad as using a lower tier weap. MATH: The 3.1 ArP formula is: Final ArP % = A/(A+B*((1-x)-y*(1-(B/(A+B))*x))) A = 15232.5, B = target armor#, x = selfbuff ArP, y = debuff ArP y is multiplicative. Sunder = 20%, ShattThrow = 20%, Sunder + Shatthrow = 36%, sunder + FF = 24%. Sunder + ff + shatt = 39.2% x is additive. Battle stance = 123 ArP, Mace spec = 185 ArP. It all adds together w/ gear ArP then gets divided by 12.3164 to get you a % for x. Source is math at http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t29453-combat_ratings_level_80_a/p16/ All of this is assuming the ArP bug gets fixed and that no new major arp changes go in before the patch. I think those are both fair assumptions. If the bug is not fixed, you multiply x by 81% (and ArP sux again). -- 媽媽殺了我,爸爸吃了我。   妹妹瑪莉亞在杜松樹下埋起我的骨頭。 我是多麼美麗的鳥啊~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
joywo:lol GJ 05/21 11:09
※ 編輯: Anzar 來自: (05/21 11:10)
loyang:翻譯機少一個人來幫點 05/21 11:10
fenixyaya:點門 05/21 11:10
oldhead13:點翻譯 05/21 11:10
xiok1:一堆專有名詞看都無 q_q 05/21 11:11
yashro:點翻譯門~~~~ 05/21 11:12
dprice:推..不過你叫一個聯考英文30分的人看這個(媽..字典呢?) 05/21 11:12
yulinw:點翻譯門~~~ 05/21 11:12
maikxz:3分... 05/21 11:13
Sechslee:有心的話 看久就懂了 (無誤) 05/21 11:15
Anzar:資料人家都幫你查好了還要翻譯啊... 05/21 11:17
Dancekwang:簡單說競技撐497破甲+喪鐘發動時的轉轉讓人開心 05/21 11:17
Dancekwang:但是目前必須混uld武器跟裝備才有辦法達到497 05/21 11:18
skywalker655:ARP是.... 05/21 11:20
argr:破甲 05/21 11:21
held:題外話:這簽名檔印象中好久以前的記憶聽過?? 05/21 11:25
dAn0714:dp在人家的文貼上巴哈標籤噓他,要了資料又要翻譯,看了真 05/21 11:26
dAn0714:令人不想幫他= = 05/21 11:26
Xavy:我找這公式找好久了阿.. 05/21 11:29
Sechslee:蛤 這公式沒變啊 05/21 11:30
loyang:反正這資料也可以幫到別人 05/21 11:38
Xavy:沒變可是我版上問了兩次都沒人回阿 冏,只好當作直接加來算 05/21 11:42
Anzar:你可以直接發信問我啊 05/21 11:54