精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Protection damage in 3.3.2 The damage you're going to do depends a lot on your gear, raid buffs and personal style. But I think these are in the ballpark for an Icecrown 25 guild. Shield Slam -- hits for maybe 3500. Revenge -- hits for maybe 3000. Devastate -- hits for maybe 2000. Over the course of a raid, Shield Slam and Devastate might do about the same total damage, with Revenge doing 50% of that. (In other words, if we ignore all other abilities, you'd have a pie chart with a 40%, 40%, and 20% slice, though Revenge can be pretty variable.) So at first glance, you might imagine a world in which Devastate eclipses all other abilities. But let's consider them in more detail. You're probably using Shield Slam half as often as you're hitting Devastate because of the cooldown. Are you going to give up that much damage packaged into one GCD? Now Revenge on the other hand might be a contender for another Devastate GCD, but consider the enormous rage bargain that is Revenge, even that doesn't seem like a big concern. (Source) Tanking questions 1. Are you saying that you want to move back to a pre TBC style of instance tanking where there is far more CC used? (I cannot imagine how ugly that will be training DPS to CC again) It would be nice if there were more of those pulls. BC might have been too extreme the other way where many of the trash pulls felt like boss encounters in terms of risk and planning. But maybe every third pull or something you'd need to say "Okay, we have to pay attention on this one." 2. Are you going to add some complexity to our rotation (priority/procs?) Yes, that would be nice. 3. Are you planning to remove 360 style AOE abilities or just weaken them (damage/threat)? I don't think making the tanking abilities harder to use is the answer. I'm not even sure making them do less threat is the answer. If AE dps wasn't so effective and if tanks were at greater risk of dying to 5 pulls, then we'd end up at the right place anyway. My point earlier was we aren't looking to make generating AE threat trivial because hopefully it will be less essential and differences in how tanks AE tank won't turn into big problems. Some tank abilities are probably essential, such as a taunt, survivability cooldowns and a way to generate snap aggro on a single target (yes, DKs, we hear you). We hope not every tank ability needs to be shared across all 4 classes, or else the druid just becomes a warrior with different art. A戰士! 翻完套裝翻這篇吧 -- 溝鼠 學名:Rattus norvegicus 為鼠科家鼠屬的動物,為有名及常見的老鼠之一 牠們通常都是在夜間才活躍起來,且都是游泳好手擅於挖洞。生活於人類居住地, 尤其都會區。溝鼠也被選出用來作為實驗用鼠類,是重要的模式生物,此外也是一種寵物 ^ ^ ╮ ˙˙ ACE \ 三Y三 m/ m/╰~~~~~~~ 擊墜數65... 增加中 ψGully -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
a655088:她不是戰士她是鳥 01/27 12:21
jackyshih6:招喚 Dr.A 01/27 12:23
clamsama:簡單來說bz打算buff復仇的傷害 01/27 12:23
BlackGo: V 01/27 12:23
finaltrial: ATAR 01/27 12:25
evaandy:改個天復把復仇CD改短不就得了..(=w= 01/27 12:30
Anzar:吃飯雙子皇帝大 01/27 12:32
Srwx:改復仇其實幫助不大 當副坦的時候依然傷害低落 01/27 12:33
Alexboo:把怒氣條換成energy bar啦 01/27 12:36
WIZARDHUNTER:4坦 當st 傷害都不會很高吧 不是只有戰士 01/27 12:37
potionx:擊墜數65... 增加中 01/27 12:44
Fairytale929:當st的傷害 DK > Pal > Dru > War 應該是這樣吧 01/27 12:49
yulinw: └變貓┘ 01/27 12:51
allforyour2:小D如果天賦跟雕文小改一下當st專用 應該是最高@@ 01/27 13:00
Srwx:只要副坦的用途是"換坦" 那小D一定最高 01/27 13:01
hoks:不管主副 戰士位置都一樣吧..? 01/27 13:07
kemono:能幫破就贏了 01/27 14:31
jiaxie:斬殺期,還可以碎甲,再疊破甲到40% 10秒,讓菜刀歡樂一下 01/27 14:39