精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ff760725 (今年五歲 為人正直不鹹濕)》之銘言: : 有在用Big Wigs的人應該都會發現,每次讀條後有時會跳出一個訊息視窗,那是Big Wigs : 的製作團隊分別向三個uber公會的成員蒐集了幾句raid準則,我個人認為頗具教育意義, : 於是就先整理了一下,先用原文放出並徵求幾塊翻譯米糕,大家一起翻吧 XD : Premonition @ Sen'jin US : Zaroua#PALADIN# : It's better to get yelled at for announcing that you need to go AFK than to : get yelled at for wiping the raid by going AFK without telling anyone. 滅團前說句拎杯有事要暫離比滅團後大喊拎杯剛剛有事情驚歹勢要好得多 : Vallkor#HUNTER# : It's good to ask questions if you are unsure about something, unless it was : answered minutes before you asked. 不懂就問才是好態度 -- 除非剛剛才有人解釋過 : Vallkor#HUNTER# : Making sure your combat log is readily accessible and easy to browse is : crucial in figuring out \"what went wrong?\". 讓戰鬥記錄好碰好查好理解是用來解釋"花生什磨事"的關鍵 : Nessala#ROGUE# : Don't wait until the ready check to Eat, Buff, Eat, Buff and then Eat again. 不要等確認團隊狀況了才想到要吃東西和要buff : Nessala#ROGUE# : Don't stand next to a roleplaying NPC if you're not tanking - you never know : who is going to get that first hit. 不要去跟那些在角色扮演的NPC排排站 - 你永遠不知道誰會挨那第一下 (瘋狂的拉茲表示: ... ) : Shift#SHAMAN# : Don't stand in fire or fire-like things. 不要站在蛋幕裡或是看起來很危險的地方 : Xav#WARRIOR# : Standing next to the tank when he or she is tanking mobs is not a good idea. : Most mobs have cleaves or frontal breath-like attacks that will quickly kill : your character. 坦怪的時候跟坦站在一起不是個好主意, 怪通常會不小心的順批和亂呼吸讓你一下子就 升天 : Devium#DEATHKNIGHT# : Whenever you die, take some time to look through your combat log and figure : out why you died. This makes you able to change your play for next time. 躺地板後記得花點時間確認戰鬥記錄了解剛剛是安怎, 這會讓你在下個戰鬥裡表現更好 : Devium#DEATHKNIGHT# : The first time you encounter something, try all of your abilities out. : Snares, stuns, silences, crowd controls, you never know which obscure ability : could make a difference. 每個怪的第一次時記得使出渾身解數 陷阱啊 暈怪啊 沉默啊 控場啊 你永遠不曉得哪個沒用出來的招數會改變情勢 : Everyone messes up sometimes! It's better to own up to your mistakes and move : on than to try hiding them for any reason. 每個人都會犯錯, 大方承認比隱匿不報要好得多 : Descretoria#DEATHKNIGHT# : After a wipe don't try to lay blame or point fingers, just focus on what you : can do both individually and as a group to prevent a wipe in the future. 滅團後不要急著指責任何人, 想想要怎麼樣讓自己和團隊進步吧 : Pinch#ROGUE# : If you're going to stand in the fire, make sure you ask your healers if they : are comfortable with it first! 當你站在火堆裡的時候, 記得問問你家補師的想法 : Kyridel#HUNTER# : Raid frames aren't just for healers! Knowing what's happening to your raid is : important for everyone. 團隊框架可不是只有補師才要看, 了解團隊目前的狀況人人有責啊~ : Kyridel#HUNTER# : Consistency is key! Dodging void zones 9 times out of 10 usually isn't good : enough. 持久很重要! 忍了9次可是最後卻洩了就是不夠好! : Ensidia @ Tarren Mill EU : Calebv#HUNTER# : Everyone likes beer, but you need to know your limit. You might have fun : while you are intoxicated, but your fellow raiders might not enjoy dragging a : drunken slacker through an instance. 每個人都愛來點酒, 可是要知道自己的極限. 或許拖著醉意打怪讓你有極高的爽度, 可是你的隊員可能不是那麼想跟著一個醉漢打副本 : Calebv#HUNTER# : Use Macros/Addons oriented for your class/role, be familiar with the addons : you use to get the best performance. But on the other hand don't only rely on : addons, sometimes they can bug, especially when a new major content patch : comes. 為你的職業量身打造macro和addon吧, 善用這些工具能提升你的效能. 可是也別太依賴這些工具, 尤其是改版後的bug會讓你生不如死 : Calebv#HUNTER# : If you see someone who is about to take unnecessary damage, ie: void zone, : aggroing adds, don't hesitate to call out his name. Especially if the person : tends to be slow to react. 如果你看到隊員正承受著無謂的傷害, 例如呆在火堆裡或是引到了怪, 別急著喊出他的名字, 尤其如果這傢伙天升反應慢的話 : Mek#SHAMAN# : Not everyone in your raid will be of the same standard. However if some : players are significantly worse and drag your raid down then it will : demotivate your best players. This is something you want to avoid at all : costs. 不是每個人可以依照一樣的標準做出完美的反應. 但是如果就是有人特別糟又會拖累團隊, 而其他隊友的表現又不能抑止這情況 這就是我們要避免的事情 : Mek#SHAMAN# : Surviving is the most important thing when you are raiding, especially on new : content. You can't DPS when you are face down on the floor so focus on : staying alive and not the DPS meter. 嚐試新副本時, 活下來比任何事情都重要 你在舔地板的時候貢獻不出任何DPS, 所以請專心想辦法活下來而不是盯著你的dps : Mek#SHAMAN# : Always organise your raid groups in a similar structure whenever you raid. : This means that your healers will become instinctively familiar where certain : parts of the raid usually sit in their frame. 記得讓你的團隊結構維持一致, 這表示你家補師不用想太多就可以照以往的經驗補血 : Mek#SHAMAN# : Try to avoid having only one player for one raid spot. If a player becomes : too comfortable in their spot and takes it for granted, they will naturally : slack. Players who know they must compete for their raid spot will always : play better. 不要讓任何一個團員享有明星待遇. 如果一個玩家覺得他可以出團很理所當然, 最終他會容易鬆懈 透過競爭我們才能讓玩家有足夠的警覺心對待自己的表現 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : When you're nearing the enrage timer on a boss, don't panic, keep calm and : stick to your assigned duties. 王就算快狂暴了也不要驚慌失措, 保持冷靜的好好執行自己的工作 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : There is nothing more important in the raid than staying alive, do not : sacrifice survivability and risk a wipe for higher numbers on the meters. 出團時最重要的是活下來 不要為了更高的dps犧牲自己的存活機會 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : When trying a new boss, always try every ability and trick your class has to : offer. You never know what might work and help you to a faster kill. 每次嘗試新王時, 記得用上你這職業可以丟出來的招式和技能 你永遠不知道會不會有哪招可以更快的讓王死翹翹 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : If you think you can do something better than the assigned person, do it. : Anyone can press the rotation, only few can stay calm when important stuff : has to be done. 如果你覺得你做某項工作比被指定的人更好, 就做吧 任何人都有權去執行任務, 但只有少數的人在幹些重要的活兒時還能保持冷靜 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : If you have an idea about how to solve a problem in an encounter, speak out : no matter how ridiculous it sounds, sometimes the craziest strategies are the : best. 如果你對戰鬥中的一些難題有想法, 那就說出來 不管聽起來多荒謬, 有時候困難的戰鬥就是要使用瘋狂的戰術 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : When you think someone is playing badly, speak out and try to get him : replaced, bad players will not only lower results, but also morale of the : whole raid. 當你覺得有些人打得特別鳥, 說出來並讓他坐板凳 打不好不只會導致不好的戰果, 通常會連帶的拖累團隊士氣 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Don't be afraid to use unorthodox approaches just because the majority : doesn't think it's viable. If you're sure in what you're doing, results will : come. (but may vary:)) 不要害怕嚐試奇異古怪的打法只因為RL覺得這辦不到. 如果你覺得這是可行的, 那結果自然會告訴我們答案 (但也可能讓你爽翻天...) : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Synergy in the group is the first and most important step towards a : successfull raid setup. Make sure everyone gets every buff they realistically : can. 同心協力是一個成功團隊最初也是最重要的推進能源 確保每個人都有得到可以拿到的buff : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Avoid bringing a \"lesser\" player just because he plays an overpowered class : in a given fight. A better skilled player might offer much more than just : pure numbers. 避免帶上一個實力較差的操作員只因為他操作的機體在接下來的戰鬥能享有極大的優勢 一個操作能力較好的玩家遠能提供比冗員更多的東西 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Always compete with your fellow raiders, healthy competition will help all of : your performances and improve the raid as a whole. 永遠要跟你的團員競爭 良性競爭可以幫你和整個團隊提升效能 (惡性競爭就是為了dps死在火堆裡...) : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Swap special duties in encounters between classmates, everyone should be : versed in everything, you never know what you'll have to do in the next fight. 讓同職業的玩家輪流擔綱一些任務的實行, 每個人都應該要學著面對和處理戰鬥中的特殊場合 因為你永遠不知道下一場戰鬥會有哪些事情要處理 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Assign items to people that deserve it the most and will benefit from it the : most during progress. Fair distribution might seem nice, but it doesn't : always favor important players in the raid. 將root來的裝備直接丟給有特殊怨念和可以提升最大效能的團員吧 公平分裝看起來很棒, 但不該獨厚那些永遠呆在隊伍裡的重要團員 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Don't be afraid to dish out criticism when someone makes a mistake, but be : ready to accept it yourself. 不要害怕去指責犯了錯的隊員, 但是也要準備好接受別人的指責 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Familiarise yourself with everyones duties in the raid, you never know when : you'll have to jump in and help on someones assigment. 要去熟悉別人在團隊裡被分配到的工作, 你永遠不知道自己會不會是下一個被丟去做這工作的人 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Be informed about every aspect, mechanic and a debuff of a fight, there is : nothing more important than knowing what you're up against at all times. 確定你知道每場戰鬥該注意的地方, 王的戰鬥機制和會冒出來的debuff, 沒有甚麼比了解你正在對抗啥還要來得重要 : Buzzkill#WARLOCK# : Scroll out your camera to max range via macro and be observant of things : happening around you. Anticipating something might not only vastly improve : your performance, but can also save your life. 透過macro把視野拉到最~~~~~~~~遠~~~~~~~, 讓你可以觀察你周圍發生甚麼事情 制敵機先不一定可以提升你的表現, 但肯定能救你一命 .....術士的好多 = = : Munken#HUNTER# : Remember this is just a game. Dont forget your family and friends. Keep in : touch! 這只是個遊戲, 別忘了你的家人和朋友, 要保持聯絡唷~ : Hams#WARLOCK# : When you wipe the raid don't start a 10 minute excuse about how you made a : mistake, but admit the mistake and shut up. 滅團後別花10分鐘解釋你怎麼犯錯的, 只要承認你犯了錯然後閉嘴 : Siiri#DEATHKNIGHT# : Don't be afraid to speak up on ventrilo, but keep it relevant during a boss : fight. Swearing or making grunts when you die will just make people nervous, : and make a salvageable kill much less likely. 別害怕用語音說話, 但是要切中目前遭遇的問題 趴地板後的嘟嘟嚷嚷只會讓隊友緊張而且會讓可以順利處理的情況變得更棘手 : Implied#SHAMAN# : We are what we do repeatedly, practice makes perfect. Excellence, therefore, : is not an act; but a habit. 我們的完美只是不斷練習的結果 優越的表現並非來自某個動作, 只是純粹的習慣 : Calebv#HUNTER# : Having enough well geared alts can turn the tide for your main raid. Don't : underestimate the importance of alts when it comes to getting some extra : practice on bosses with limited attempts. 裝備夠好的小分身可以幫助團隊扭轉戰局 別低估小分身在練習數次後可以帶來的貢獻 : Deify#HUNTER# : When your raid time is set, be sure to be in front of the instance few : minutes earlier before the start. No one likes the slackers. 當出團時間敲定後, 記得要在出發時間前幾分鐘就到副本門口看星星 沒有人會喜歡一個懶惰的傢伙 : Darthn#DRUID# : Don't worry about your gear when applying to a guild. Experience goes a long : way. 別在應徵工會的收人邀請時太擔心身上的裝備, 經驗才是長久之道 : Darthn#DRUID# : Mods are helpful for the game but you should be able to play without them in : case a patch breaks them all. 插件對於玩遊戲是很有幫助, 可是你也要能在沒有插件的環境應付事情 尤其在改版後插件都還沒更新的時候 : Darthn#DRUID# : A clean UI makes it much easier to see void zones/flame patches/cosmic : smashes/etc. 乾淨的畫面可以幫你逃離火堆/吐息/毀滅性傷害/等等 : Darthn#DRUID# : You should have all your \"Oh sh*t\" buttons keybound for optimal response : time. 你應該要為你腦中那個壓了就會喊出花發惹的按鈕設置一個夠久的回應時間 : Darthn#DRUID# : Threat meters should be a part of every DPS UI. 每個DPS測量UI都該內建仇恨表 : Darthn#DRUID# : If you have over 450 days played, you should go outside... the sun doesn't : hurt much contrary to what someone in game has told you! 如果你玩了超過450天了, 記得多去戶外走走... 太陽真的不像遊戲裡的角色說的那樣會灼傷你的皮膚 : Killars#ROGUE# : Not everything is about your personal DPS. Sacrificing DPS for the greater : good may lower your glorious DPS on the damage meters, but what ever gives : the raid the best chance to down the boss is what's important. 個人的DPS不是唯一 犧牲DPS去做某些事情或許會傷了你可以用來展示眾人的dps數字, 但是這會讓你的團隊有更大的機會把王宰了, 這才是最重要的 : Killars#ROGUE# : Usually there is more than one way to avoid mechanics or kill a boss. Just : becau,se someone tells you how to do something one way doesn't mean you : shouldn't think of alternative ways to get the job done. 通常不是只有一個方法可以把王宰了 有人跟你說怎樣怎樣做可以宰掉王不代表你不能想想別的方法去宰王 : Killars#ROGUE# : Every raid is different. What works for one raid may need to be tweaked a bit : to work for a different raid. 每個團隊都有自己的特性 適合一個團隊的方法不代表其他團隊也能照著做 : Skoobah#PALADIN# : Hey, look at your feet. You're probably standing in some kind of ground : effect! Watch for negative effects, as well as beneficial effects. Knowing : how to manipulate your environment will often be the difference between a : kill and a wipe. 嘿~看看你的腳丫, 你搞不好會發現你正站在該死的廣範圍傷害區域裡! 觀察debuff和buff的效果和區域, 了解如何利用環境製造優勢 通常就是倒王和被倒的關鍵所在 : Laythe#DRUID# : Remember, the key to maximizing your raids potential is reducing the amount : of damage you take. Get used to making and using keybinds for defensive : cooldowns and always look for opportunities to use these abilities. 記得, 最大化團隊效能的關鍵就是減少你所承受的傷害 習慣和使用熱建綁定你的防禦性技能和永遠在適當的時候使用他們 : Moozhe#WARRIOR# : The estimated DPS of a dead player, as calculated by theorycrafting : spreadsheets, is approximately 0. 根據理論化和精密計算後的結果 一個躺地板的玩家能貢獻的dps是0 : Landsoul#WARRIOR# : When learning a new fight, concentrate on how the mechanics and flow of it : works first, before worrying too much about maximizing your output. That will : come naturally once you are comfortable with timings and movement. 學習一場全新戰鬥場合的時候, 集中精神在老王的運作機制和戰鬥流程 可比擔心最大化輸出重要得多. 高dps在你熟悉戰鬥要點後自然會呈現出來 : Moozhe#WARRIOR# : Watch your class debuffs and know when to help apply them. Reducing the : attack power, speed and armor of your opponent is essential. 看看你的職業能砸在對手身上的debuff和學著何時該砸上去 減低你的對手的AP, 行走速度和護甲是粉重要的 : Adam#PALADIN# : Using your microphone to coordinate cooldowns can decide life or death for : raid members. Don't be shy! 善用語音分配技能施展順序可以決定你家隊員生與死 別害羞嘿 : Cev#DEATHKNIGHT# : The ability to think two moves ahead can be the difference between a mediocre : and an exceptional player. 洞燭機先的能力決定了一個玩家是平凡的還是優越的 : Matt#SHAMAN# : Take the time to study encounters with burst AOE so you can be proactive with : your healing spells and defensive cooldowns. 花些時間學習戰鬥裡團隊會遭受爆發性傷害的時機 這可以幫你預先存著和準備施展延續團隊生命的技能 : Big Wigs Developer : Rabbit## : Turn off warnings and bars for encounter events that you do not care about. : That way you won't be spammed, and you can concentrate more on what matters. 把你不用的警報和警示條關掉吧 這樣做又不會讓你被我黑掉, 而且你可以更專注在需要專注的地方 : Rabbit## : Remember which sound goes with which message during an encounter. Then, next : time, you won't even have to look at the messages. 熟悉哪種警報聲會伴隨著哪種警告標語而來 這樣, 你下次就可以聽聲辨位嚕~~~ : Rabbit## : Move the bars around. At least get the non-emphasized ones out of the way - : they are mostly useless. 調整一下ui吧, 至少把不需要關心的ui移出畫面 - 他們大都是用不上的~~ : Rabbit## : /bwcb 15m Raid break! 團隊qk個15分~~~ : Rabbit## : /bwlcb 20m Oven warm, put in pizza! 團隊休息個20分吧~ 去把烤箱弄熱來片pizza~~~ : Rabbit## : You can open the proximity monitor manually with /proximity <range>. Can be : useful on new fights or if you use a special strategy for a encounter. 打開距離警示器會對戰鬥有很大的幫助 : Rabbit## : If a raid officer is spamming you with tip windows, you can make them output : to the chat frame or turn them off completely. Just visit the 'Customize ...' : section under the Big Wigs interface options! big wig沒用過...這蝦餃 = =? : Rabbit## : Sometimes you'll want to remove a bar from the screen while in combat, so you : can focus more on some other ability. You can configure the click-actions of : bars in the Big Wigs interface options. 有時候你想把一些警示條從螢幕中移開, 這樣你可以更專注在遭遇的戰鬥裡. 透過Big Wigs的選項設定UI, 你可以辦得到! : Rabbit## : Flash and Shake is a great way to really make you act fast on something. But : not if it happens for 5 different abilities in a fight! Remember to adjust : your Big Wigs per-boss settings. 螢幕的閃爍效果可以讓你在王發技能的時候有更快的反應 除非這老王同時發個5個不同技能讓你得了青光眼 記得要為每個王做出適合的設定 : Rabbit## : Boss mods are only useful if you take the time to adjust the per-boss : settings to suit your needs. I really can't stress this enough. Right-click : the Big Wigs LDB plugin while buffing up for a boss fight and look through : the options. 老王模式只有在你為這傢伙做出量身定作的設定時才會更加有用 但我實在無法強迫你門這樣做, 右鍵點選big wig的LDB外掛然後好好看一遍關於這王的相關選項吧~~ -- 牧師的我有刪掉, 其他有沒翻到或是翻錯的還請各位幫忙 汪嗚~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
potionx:還要再12天才能出去走走... 01/15 04:20
para123:好長歐... 看到44%先End推... 01/15 04:30
zseineo:全看完了XD 死人沒有DPS被提到好幾次XDD 01/15 04:44