精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Jpswd (梅卡努斯巨炮)》之銘言: : http://ppt.cc/Xl_J : TRIAL OF THE CHAMPION : Trial of the Champion is the new 5-man normal and heroic dungeon coming with : 3.2. Below is the transcript for the scripted event that occurs before your : entrance. Each side has a different intro. I've transcribed both below. : ---------------------------踩雷線------------------------ : HORDE ENTRANCE : (Warchief Thrall and Overlord Garrosh are walking to meet Tirion Fordring : outside the Coliseum.) : Thrall: Garrosh, I expect you to control yourself here. I do not want a : repeat of the Violet Citadel. Thrall︰Garrosh,我希望你能控制一下自己。我不想重複在城寨中說的那些話。 (指3.2 trailer在紫羅蘭城寨那次?) : Garrosh: Pah! That was a show of strength worthy of a leader. I only regret I : did not kill the human before the mage interfered. Garrosh︰哼。那是真正的領導者所會表現出的力量。 我只後悔我沒有在法師(羅甯)出手干涉之前殺了那個人類。 : Thrall: We are guests here, Garrosh, and you will conduct yourself honorably. Tharll︰我們是這裡的客人,Garrosh,而你必須要表現得更值得尊敬。 : Garrosh: What honor is there in thrashing about with blunted sticks? This is : a waste of time. Garrosh︰拿鈍木棒互捅是有什麼值得尊敬的?這是浪費時間。 : (They approach Tirion.) : Tirion: Welcome, Warchief Thrall...Overlord Hellscream. Tirion︰歡迎,Thrall酋長……Hellscream大王。 : Thrall: Thank you for the invitation, Lord Fordring. We look forward to : observing these games. Thrall︰謝謝你的邀請,Fordring領主。我們希望能夠參觀這些競賽。 : Garrosh: Speak for yourself, Thrall! Garrosh︰別打官腔了,Thrall! : Tirion: I hope you'll see the merit of these events in time, Garrosh. We : cannot win against the Scourge if we continue to war against another. Tirion︰Garrosh,我希望你能夠慢慢發現這些競賽的價值所在。 我們如果繼續互相戰鬥,那麼我們就沒有多餘力氣去和天譴軍戰鬥。 : Thrall: Wise words. Thrall︰說得真好。 : Garrosh: Words of a fool, you mean! The Horde will destroy the undead without : your aid, human, or that you of your pompous king. Garrosh︰白痴。部落不需要你這個人類,或是那個自大的國王的幫助也能夠幹掉天譴軍 : Thrall: GARROSH! ENOUGH! Thrall︰Garrosh你給我注意一點! : Tirion: Under my roof, I trust you will behave, gentlemen. Tirion︰這位紳士,我相信你在這裡會漸漸變得更聽話。 : Thrall: Of course, Tirion. I apologize for his outburst. It will not happen : again. Thrall︰當然,Tirion。我為他的失禮道歉,這不會發生第二次。 : Garrosh: *grunt* Garrosh︰(lol) : Tirion: Very well. If you'll follow me, then... Tirion︰非常好,那麼請跟著我來…… : ALLIANCE ENTRANCE : (King Varian Wrynn and Jaina Proudmoore approach Tirion at the Coliseum's : gates.) : Varian: Tirion. Varion︰Tirion。 : Tirion: King Varian! Lady Jaina. Welcome to the tournament. Your place in the : Coliseum is waiting. Tirion︰Varion國王!Jaina女士!歡迎來到銀白競技場。 你在競技場裡的座位已經準備好了。 : Jaina: Thank you. It's the least I can do to support this. We need to stand : together. Jaina︰謝謝,這是我唯一能作的,我們必須合作。 : Varian: You ask much of me, Tirion, to sit and watch -- trusting the savages : to keep themselves in check. Varion︰你一直要求我,Tirion, 來這裡親眼看看──相信那些野蠻人多麼自持。 : Jaina: I'm sure Thrall will keep his men under control. Jaina︰我很確定小索索會不會讓他的部下失控。 : Tirion: My people are here to ensure that they honor the rules of engagement. : It will do your subjects well to see you in the stands. Tirion︰我的士兵們全都在此以確保所有參賽者會遵守競賽規則。 (第二句不知道怎麼表達) : Varian: Perhaps. I doubt the effectiveness of this gambit. We'd be better : served preparing our armies for the final assault. But if my presence is : required at these games to gain your support in the battle, then I will : remain...for now. Varion︰或許吧。我懷疑這種行動到底有什麼意義。 我們現在最好開始為最後的軍事準備開始練兵。 但如果我的出席對你的援軍來說是必要的,那麼我現在……就會暫時支持你。 -- ▅▅▆ "Unlimited Sky" ◢◢▍◢◢▍ "I'm Gonna SCREAM+" ▋ ▋▎▉▉▉▊▉▉▊ "Pray" ▋ ◥◤ ▃▍◢◤ ▅ ▋ ▉◢▋ "PAPERMOON" ▌◤ ▋◤ ▍▍ ▋◤ ▊▊▋ "fell in love with you" ◤▋ ▌◢ ◢◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: game7895 來自: (07/01 01:02)
hoe1101:瓦里安好大的架子 小狂戰敢對聖騎士叫囂 07/01 01:02
morphyster:小索索......XD 07/01 01:07
swallowcc:這位紳士,我相信你在這裡會漸漸變得更聽話。 07/01 01:08
※ 編輯: game7895 來自: (07/01 01:09) ※ 編輯: game7895 來自: (07/01 01:09)
v800982004:跟告解者告解到聽話>///< 07/01 01:09
CrazyLord:第2句大概是「我的手下會盡全力達到你的要求」之類的吧 07/01 01:09
※ 編輯: game7895 來自: (07/01 01:10)
Jpswd:pushpush 07/01 01:13
sleeplist:其實在無印年代我就希望他強化部落跟聯盟的對立然後 07/01 01:16
sleeplist:發展很多pvp可以玩的要素 XD......不過很多活動發展成 07/01 01:17
sleeplist:共同對抗xx危及世界敵人/_____\ , 07/01 01:18
sleeplist:還幻想過要是每個禮拜某一天會開大傳送門針對雙方某主堡 07/01 01:19
sleeplist:互相攻擊的話相當有趣(不過看看冬握的延遲大概.....) 07/01 01:19
asay:推樓上!懷念塔倫米爾大戰南海鎮的每日啊~~ 07/01 01:19
sleeplist:戰場也是,應該還能有許多要素的,甚至可以用war3自訂遊 07/01 01:20
sleeplist:戲的某些點子,就算是td也好 >///< 07/01 01:20
Sechslee:弗丁那句... 怎麼有種腐味... 07/01 01:24
brianfang07:這位紳士.... lol 07/01 01:25
h10269:瓦里安太小看弗丁的神性風暴了~~~ 07/01 01:25
aggressorX:瓦里安實在是沒啥腦袋= =...比起索爾 07/01 01:36
fgki543:如果瓦里安沒腦袋...劇情發展就是部落方被滅只剩被遺忘者 07/01 01:40
linjrming:瓦里安可是Bz力捧的人類新希望 希望他作風強硬一點啊 07/01 01:41
hbgzero1:其實這競賽真的有什麼意義我也很懷疑= = 07/01 01:43
game7895:賺錢啊,五個主城驍士解完超過1千G耶XDDD 07/01 01:45
wildbloodcat:聯手合作啊, 讓雙方玩不流血戰爭保留戰力打天遣 07/01 01:47
rock5421:拿真刀練習跟拿木刀練習還有拿竹刀練習的差別 07/01 01:50
superlight1:狂戰因為有瓦里安,使得(夢)變得很美。 07/01 01:52
Gaogaigar:其實我一直覺得他是戰鬥劍賊… 07/01 02:08
capoboy:Pah! That was a show of strength worthy of a leader.. 07/01 06:39
capoboy:索爾居然沒有直接給他風暴打擊下去 被嗆當沒事 人真好... 07/01 06:40
ap521125:爽快得遭到了三振! 07/01 07:25
affen:瓦里安轉武戰了喔 07/01 08:31