精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
其實我也不知道這個要分哪一類好勒.. -3-a 這是在官..喔..儲值..喔不是官..啊隨便啦.. 總而言之,言而總之,這是在哇歹丸打抗打踢打不優看到的.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 美版的英文也有.. ============================================================================== 中文版 奎爾德拉:姐妹之劍 很久以前守護巨龍與夜精靈一同鍛造出力量強大,並且能用來阻止所有惡勢力入侵這世界的稜彩之劍。他們就是為人所知的奎爾賽拉之劍。這些劍刃的其中之一,失落在時間的長河之中,最近再度被艾澤拉斯的勇敢英雄們所發掘。重新出土的奎爾賽拉,再度被奉為擁有原始力量的強大武器。 然而奎爾賽拉的姐妹劍,多年來一直無人知曉它的下落…. 奎爾賽拉的姐妹劍被稱做為奎爾德拉,由一群最後成為高等精靈的卡多雷人所持有,並且隨著世代傳承下去。奎爾德拉最後一次現身,是在高等精靈的英勇戰士薩洛瑞安‧曦尋者的手上。為了保護最愛的銀月城,太陽之井,以及整個奎爾薩拉斯,薩洛瑞安在食人妖戰爭中不屈不撓的戰鬥著。當第三次大戰天譴軍橫掃大地時,薩洛瑞安的身影也出現在太陽之井的最後防線之中。儘管這把劍擁有強大的力量,他仍不敵過阿薩斯和他傳說中的符文刃,霜之哀傷的壓倒性力量。而世人也以為奎爾德拉就此消失。 家園被毀後,堅毅的血精靈重新集結並組織起來。在這段期間裡,身經百戰的戰士菈娜薩爾偶然間發現了奎爾德拉的存在,就在這把劍自己現身後使用它的機會隨之到來:凱爾薩斯‧逐日者王子集結軍隊並且與伊利丹‧怒風結盟,隨後伊利丹引領著他們朝北前進,前往寒冰皇冠準備執行擊敗巫妖王的任務。菈娜薩爾追隨著她的王子,而腦海中的唯一念頭就是--向天譴軍復仇--始料未及的,等待著她的是悲慘的命運。 北裂境冰冷的山丘上,伊利丹和凱爾薩斯最後還是敗給了阿薩斯,而遠征中的倖存者四散在這寒冷荒蕪大地的各處。一個接著一個,巫妖王找出了那些膽敢挑戰他的人,菈娜薩爾發現自己已被逼到盡頭。用盡所有力氣,她將奎爾德拉向他揮去…但仍淹沒在霜之哀傷的邪惡力量之中。透過他的劍,巫妖王讓菈娜薩爾以不死族的身形輔佐他,並且作為負責監控天譴軍在艾澤拉斯行動的煞婪一族的女王。 菈娜薩爾女王迫不及待的想要執行她的新任務,但每當她望著她的劍憶起生前的種種時,令人惱怒氣憤的情緒總是溢滿胸膛。她可沒辦法承擔這樣分神的後果,在一陣回盪於寒冰皇冠的嘶吼聲中,她粉碎了奎爾德拉並且將斷裂的碎片用盡力氣的拋向遠方。 現在… 那些正在對抗著巫妖王軍隊的聯盟和部落勇士們,雖然渺茫但仍有一絲的機會覓得這把傳說中的劍。如果他們真的成功找到了碎片,那麼這些英雄將踏上重鑄奎爾德拉的史詩冒險。他們將需要最堅韌的材料以及強大的力量才能讓這把破碎的劍再次以強悍的面貌重現世人眼前。有幾個職業都可以使用奎爾德拉,而這把劍也適用於各種玩法。至於那些無法使用它的職業,相信那些奪日者血精靈或是白銀誓盟的高等精靈們,會很樂意用一些你能夠使用的武器,來交換這個刻劃了他們歷史的聖物。 搜索行動即將展開… http://www.wowtaiwan.com.tw/03Gameguide/PreviousPatches/patch330/queldelar.asp ============================================================================== English Version Quel'Serrar. One of these blades, which had become lost in time, was recently unearthed again by brave heroes of Azeroth. Now rediscovered, Quel'Serrar is revered once more as a mighty tool of raw power. Its sister blade, however, has not been seen for many years... The sword known as Quel'Delar was held by the group of kaldorei who would eventually become the high elves, and it was handed down from generation to generation. Most recently Quel'Delar was wielded by the valiant high elven warrior Thalorien Dawnseeker. Thalorien fought tirelessly in the Troll Wars to defend his beloved home of Silvermoon, the Sunwell, and all of Quel'Thalas. When the Scourge swept through the lands during the Third War, Thalorien was among the last lines of defense for the Sunwell. Despite the sword's power, he was ultimately slain by the overwhelming might of Arthas and his legendary runeblade, Frostmourne. Quel'Delar was thought to be lost forever. Following the destruction of their homeland, the determined blood elves began to regroup and rebuild. It was during this time that the battle-hardened warrior Lana'thel stumbled upon Quel'Delar, and soon afterward the greatest opportunity to use the blade presented itself: Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider raised an army and combined forces with Illidan Stormrage, who led them north to Icecrown on a mission to destroy the Lich King. Lana'thel readily followed her prince with one thought in mind -- revenge against the Scourge -- but only tragedy awaited her. In the icy hills of Northrend, Arthas ultimately defeated Illidan and Kael'thas, and the expedition's few survivors were scattered across the frozen wastes. One by one the Lich King sought out those who had challenged him, and Lana'thel found herself cornered. Using Quel'Delar, she struck at him with all her might... but Frostmourne's evil powers overwhelmed her. Through his blade, the Lich King chose Lana'thel to serve him in undeath as queen of the San'layn, a group responsible for overseeing the Scourge's operations across Azeroth. Queen Lana'thel eagerly carried out her new duties, but every time she looked at her blade, maddening anger would swell within her as she remembered her former life. She could not afford such distractions, and with a scream that echoed throughout Icecrown, she shattered Quel'Delar and flung the fractured pieces as far as she could. Now... The champions of the Alliance and the Horde who confront the Lich King's armies have but a slim chance of finding the pieces of this fabled blade. If they succeed, the heroes can embark on an epic adventure to re-forge Quel'Delar. They will require the strongest materials and a source of great power to make this shattered blade into the fearsome weapon it once was. Several classes can use Quel'Delar, and the sword can fit several different play styles. For any class that is unable to wield it, however, the Sunreaver blood elves and the Silver Covenant high elves will gladly take this relic of their history in exchange for a usable weapon. The search begins soon.. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/3p3/queldelar.xml 咦..先跑就對了! -- [皮老闆]獲得了[美味蟹堡食譜]的成就。 [小隊][海綿寶寶]:嘿!章魚哥!要不要加入卯毛朋友幫? [小隊][派大星]:對啊,卯毛朋友幫欸! [海綿寶寶]邀請你加入 卯毛朋友幫 [小隊]<勿擾>[章魚哥]:獸人給我閉嘴,奧格瑪! [蟹老闆]加入組隊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
qqorzi:推簽名檔XDDD 11/02 20:25
geniuscott:MMO前幾天就有這文章了 只是大家焦點不在這劍上XD 11/02 20:27
playerlin:wwwww 就算不能用也有獎勵...wwwwww 11/02 20:29
smallcoll:全民傳說級武器 wwwww 11/02 20:31
geniuscott:應該不會全民 畢竟是"劍" shm再度哭哭 11/02 20:32
playerlin:樓上,有說給"不能拿"的人獎勵阿... 11/02 20:34
shuten:...你能夠使用的武器,來交換這個刻劃了他們歷史的聖物。 11/02 20:35
geniuscott:喔 那希望是個全民可接的任務 11/02 20:41
lainmoon:敗給霜嘆兩次,難怪菈娜薩爾氣得把它丟掉。 11/02 21:15
NewCop:這把見好像就是在官方小說的烈焰之擊,可是在北域時應該是댠 11/02 21:32
NewCop:凱爾拿這把去打阿薩斯 11/02 21:33
LingBay:對於簽名檔我有疑問 還沒進入隊伍怎麼看得到隊頻? 11/02 22:26
jfurseteidce:那是還沒進公會吧._.? 11/02 22:28
LingBay:哦 原來第一人稱不是蟹老闆 搞錯了抱歉 11/02 22:30
n220110:結果是一把釣竿@w@ 11/02 23:15
lulanee:是橘劍的話拼死也會找出來 紫的就算了 11/02 23:41
GGGGGforever:我覺得新黑龍妹的奎爾賽拉比保安官之刃差...=..= 11/03 01:01
dinneyken:奎爾德拉在銀白聯賽跟辛德拉茍莎之殞的中間 11/03 18:16
dinneyken:10/6 mmo站長就有說過 上面就是艾大的網站翻譯@@ 11/03 18:19
dinneyken:不過好像有點更動? 11/03 18:22
capoboy:看來劍很重 丟的給他這麼不遠.. 明明更北邊都是海 XD 12/06 05:07