精華區beta WWR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新到貨: Early Day Miners Deep Harbor LP <<這張只有12吋膠片>> Early Day Miners Jefferson at rest CD <<2003年新專輯>> Microphones SINGING FROM MT.EERIE CDEP Microphones DRUMS FROM MT.EERIE CDEP <<這兩張是給賣克風的hardcore歌迷,堪稱Mt.Eerie的補充教材>> VA Orange Twin Sampler CD 260 <<Orange Twin(Lovers,Elf Power,)的選輯,想要了解這個廠可以參考他們的網站 http://www.orangetwin.com/label/index.html >> cerberus shoal chairming the knoblessone CD 新專輯還是一樣無調性,不和諧,又酸又亂搞而且很長,難得的是封面變成彩色的 Soul-Junk 1958 CD Kammerflimmer Kollektief Cicadidae CD <<剛發,也是新專輯>> 補貨: All Girl Summer Fun Band ST CD Bevel Where the leaves block the sun CD Bevel Turn the Furnace CD Drunk To Corner Wounds CD Early Day Miners Pleacer Found CD Early Day Miners Let Us Garlands Bring CD Elf Power nothing's going happen CD Eluvium Lambent MATERIAL CD Halifx Pier ST CD Halifx Pier Put Your Hands on the glove……. CD IQU chotto matte A MOMENT CD Jad Fair & Daniel Johnston The Lucky Sperm CD Killowatthours the bright side CD Killowatthours strain of possitive thinking CD Marine Research Sounds From the Gulf Stream CD Microphones Window CD Microphones the Glow pt.2 CD Microphones Song Islands CD Mirah You Think it's Like this but it's…. CD Mirah Advisory Committee CD Rumah Sakit ST CD Rumah Sakit Obscured By Clowns CD Softies Winter Pageant CD Softies It's Love CD Spokane Leisure & Other Songs CD Spokane The Proud Graduates CD Yume Bistu Golden Vessel CD (聽說9/29會到一些GYBE系列產品,請期待) -- ++++小白兔唱片行++++ 台北市嘉興街329-1號一樓 營業時間:下午兩點到晚上十點半 電子報免費訂閱: http://maillist.to/wwr 線上購物及交友網站: www.wwr.idv.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: