精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Alright as we all know, theres houses where you can Upgrade your Str,Agi,Int to MAX which will be 465. Which doesn't entirely seem right, because then Classes will lose their Advantages. Soooo, the New Stat Cap System will let you Raise your MAIN Attribute to 465, but the other two can only be raised to 300. 以後只能增加自己所屬類型的能力值到465 其他兩項最多只能加到300 Also Agility per Defense Point was decreased to 0.10, this means you need 10 POINTS of Agility for ONE Defense Point, so at 465 Agility you'll be getting about 46 Defense. 敏加防的數量改為10點敏+1防禦 To top this all off, ALL AGI CLASSES will be RESTRICTED to Leather Armor, AGI was not meant to be Tanks, they were meant to Deal Damage. 敏英不再能夠當肉盾了...= = For the final change of Stats, Mana Regen will be changed! You will now regenrate Your INTx3 (Excluding Bonuses) every 15 Seconds! (This will replace the current Mana Regen, which can be completely insane if you have High Int) 法力恢復速率改變了! 根據你的 INT x 3 (包含綠色的附加點數) 每15秒回復一次 In conclusion the Rebalance of Stats was neccesary to make sure Every Class has their Equal Advantages and Disadvantages! Feedback is much appreciated, but please no whining. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
strike519:agi+10=+1ac 只能穿皮衣 08/02 18:18
chiryo:角色性質區分愈來愈明顯了 08/02 20:53
ukyoko:角色性質分名才有這款的味道... 08/02 21:29
ukyoko:不過作者給了dder補血手套 給了agi系最差的 08/02 21:41
ukyoko:續航力 結果STR首套廢到爆 還以為回寫已經 08/02 21:42
ukyoko:改為看STR來計算每20S增加的HP量 結果是大긠 08/02 21:43
ukyoko:家都是每20秒跳固定值 囧a 另外手套的回覆 08/02 21:44
ukyoko:也讓RANGER的補血成了廢招 ~_~a 08/02 21:45
ukyoko:看來只好等著看0.16會不會有改進了.... 08/02 21:46