精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kevlar Armor Adds 5 armor. 10% Evasion. Description :Kevlar, also known as Twaron and poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide, is a synthetic fibre that is five times stronger than steel, weight for weight. 凱夫拉爾護甲 增加 5 點護甲。10%閃避。 描述:凱夫拉爾, 一種由芳綸與聚對苯二甲酰對苯二胺制成的材料, 是一種強度超過鋼鐵 5 倍的人造纖維, 質量輕。 Composite Personnel Armor Adds 10 armor. Description :Composite armour is a type of armour consisting of layers of different material such as metals, plastics, ceramics or air. Most composite armours are lighter than their all-metal equivalent, but instead occupy a larger volume for the same resistance to penetration. 複合材料護甲 增加 10 點護甲。 描述:複合材料護甲是一種由多種材料, 如金屬, 塑膠, 陶瓷, 以及空氣夾層等疊層組合 而成的護甲。大多數複合材料護甲比全金屬型護甲輕,但同時卻占用了大量的空間以提高 抗穿甲性能。 Reactive Body Armor Adds 15 armor. Description :Electric Reactive Armor is made up of two or more conductive plates separated by some space or by an insulating material, creating a high-power capacitor. In operation, a high-voltage power source charges the armor. 反作用護甲 增加 15 點護甲。 描述:電磁反應裝甲(ERA)由空氣夾層或特殊絕緣材料隔離的多層傳導金屬板制成, 形成 高能量電容器。在戰斗中,由高壓電源為護甲充電。 Nano Body Armor Adds 5 armor. Significant Damage Reduction. Description :The new Tungsten based IF material has up to twice the strength of the best impact resistant materials currently used in protective armor applications such as boron carbide and silicon carbide, and are over 5 times stronger than steel. 納米護甲 增加 5 點護甲。大幅度減少傷害。 描述:基于 IF 材料的新鎢比現有使用的保護裝甲材料如碳化硼和金剛砂擁有兩倍的最好 衝撞抵抗效果, 是鋼強度的五倍以上。 Medical Kit Heals 250 HP over 20 seconds. Description :A small container with supplies such as bandages, mild pain killers, and thermometer, a small flashlight, scalpel, forceps, sutures, and other tools that could be transported to do medical field work. Although it is made for easy transport, it is not always used as a mobile unit. Heals an additional 50 Hit Points when administered by a Corpsman. 醫療箱 在 20 秒內恢復 250 點生命值。 描述:裝載繃帶, 減痛劑, 體溫計, 小手電, 解剖刀, 鑷子, 縫合線, 以及其他工具等能 執行戰場醫療工作的醫療補給的小容器。雖然是為便于攜帶而制造, 但並不總是作為一個 移動單位使用。海軍醫護兵使用時額外恢復 50 點生命值。 Anti-Venom Neutralizes Poisoning. Description :Not all Poisons can be cured with one charge if the Marine is under severe poisoning. 解毒劑 解毒。 描述:當陸戰隊員重度中毒時不是所有毒藥效果都能一次去除。 Fibrin Bandage Restores 100 hit points instantly. Cures up to 2 open wounds that are present. Description :This four-inch-square bandage contains the blood proteins fibrinogen and thrombin in dried form. When they come in contact with blood, they combine to form fibrin and create an extremely strong scab that acts as a glue-like seal over the wound. 纖維蛋白繃帶 立即恢復 100 點生命值。同時治癒開放傷創口, 一份包括兩次用量。 描述:這個四平方英寸的繃帶以乾燥的形態包含了血蛋白縴維和凝血霉。當接觸血液後, 可以形成纖維態產生堅實的血痂像膠水一樣封閉傷口。 Blastocyst Module Regenerates 2 HP per second. Description :Pre-grown at South Korean laboratories for the US Military, Blastocyst Modules repairs cell deterioration. 生物胚泡單體 每秒恢復 2 點生命值。 描述:由美軍駐南韓實驗室培植,生物胚泡單體可以修復在被損壞的細胞組織。 Energy Cell 50% increased energy regeneration rate. Discharge to regain 150 mana instantly. Description :The Energy Cell complements your suit's energy regeneration system. 能量電池 提高 50% 能量恢復速度。釋放以立即恢復 150 點能量。 描述:能量電池能增強你作戰裝備的能量再生系統的效率。 Energy Generator Description :Replenishes the energy of nearby Marine units. 能量再生器 描述:恢復附近陸戰隊員的系統能量。 堆疊後 Magazine Stack Adds Ammunition. Description :Provides 150 Fuel to Firebat, 2 Magazines to Heavy Support and 3 Magazines to all other Military Occupational Specialties. 彈夾疊 補充彈葯。 描述:使陸戰隊員得以安全地儲備彈匣。補充 150 單位燃料給火焰噴射兵, 2 單位彈夾 給重型機槍兵, 3 單位彈夾給所有其他作戰單位。 Ammunition Case Adds Ammunition. Description :Allows the Marine to store magazines safely. Provides 150 Fuel to Firebat, 2 Magazines to Heavy Support and 3 Magazines to all other Military Occupational Specialties with each Magazine stack. 彈藥箱 增加彈藥。 描述:可以為陸戰隊員安全地儲存彈藥。每個彈夾疊可以為火焰噴射兵提供 150 點燃料 ,為重型機槍兵提供 2 個彈夾,為其他兵種提供3個彈夾。 AP Ammunition Adds 10 damage. 20% chance to Critical Strike. Description :Armor Piercing Ammunition causes open wounds on its targets, making it prone to consecutive attacks. AP 穿甲彈藥 增加 10 點傷害, 20% 的機率產生致命攻擊。 描述:穿甲彈藥在目標身上造成開放性傷口, 產生持續性傷害。 U-238E Ammunition Adds 10 Damage, 20% chance to stun for 0.25 seconds. Description :Depleted Uranium Ammunition has self-sharpening properties that allow it to penetrate the thickest armor. The pyrophoric nature of DU causes targets to ignite. U-238E彈藥 增加 10 點傷害。20% 機率擊暈目標 0.25 秒。 描述:貧鈾彈藥的半尖型彈頭使它能穿透堅厚的裝甲。貧鈾的自燃效應更會將目標點燃。 TX-1 Ammunition Adds 30 damage. Poisons Zulus. Description :TX-1 Ammunition contains toxins that counteract the metabolism of Undead. TX-1 彈藥 增加 30 傷害。可以使怪物中毒。 描述:TX-1 彈藥包含能阻止僵屍新陳代謝的生化毒素. Shotgun Shells Adds 8 Shells to a Shotgun. Description :A shotgun shell (shotshell) is a self-contained cartridge loaded with shot or a slug designed to be fired from a shotgun. The base of the shotshell is fairly thick to hold the large shotgun primer, which is quite a bit longer than primers used for rifle and pistol ammunition. 霰彈槍彈葯 為霰彈槍補充 8 發彈藥。 描述:霰彈槍彈藥是一種通過填裝在霰彈槍發射的單發彈藥。通常需要比步槍和手槍彈藥 更長更粗的霰彈槍彈藥引爆器發射。 HEDP Rounds Adds 5 Grenades to a Grenade Launcher. Description :A rifle grenade is a form of grenade that utilizes a rifle as a launch mechanism to increase the effective range of the grenade. The High Explosive, Dual Purpose Round penetrates at least 5 cm when fired straight at steel armor and causes casualties within a 130-meter radius, and has a kill radius of 5 meters. 高爆槍榴彈 為榴彈發射器補充 5 發彈藥。 描述:槍榴彈是一種通過利用步槍等發射裝置增加有效範圍的榴彈。當直接向鋼甲射擊后 ,其爆炸產生的彈片可以至少刺穿 5 cm 同時造成範圍 130 米的殺傷力,範圍 5 米內必 殺。 Chain Explosive 3000 damage Explosive Charge. Description :Explosive ordnance that must be detonated by an initial charge. The Chain Explosive has a 300 radius. 連鎖炸藥 3000 點爆炸傷害。 描述:只會被爆炸衝擊引爆的烈性炸藥。300 攻擊傷害範圍。 Chain Explosive Case 3000 damage Explosive Charge. Description :Explosive ordnance that must be detonated by an initial charge. The Chain Explosive has a 300 radius. 連鎖炸藥箱 3000 點爆炸傷害。 描述:只會被爆炸衝擊引爆的烈性炸藥。300 攻擊傷害範圍。 M18A2 Claymore 3500 damage explosive charge. Controlled or Victim Initiated Detonation. Description :A lens-shaped, ground-emplaced antipersonnel mine whose blast is focused in the direction of the oncoming enemy. M18A2 克萊莫地雷 3500 點爆炸傷害。可以直接引爆或由目標間接引爆。 描述:一種在地面安置的震動感應殺傷性地雷,能對接近的敵人造成巨大的集中傷害。 M18A2 Claymore Case 3500 damage explosive charge. Controlled or Victim Initiated Detonation. Description :A lens-shaped, ground-emplaced antipersonnel mine whose blast is focused in the direction of the oncoming enemy. M18A2 克萊莫地雷箱 3500 點爆炸傷害。可以直接引爆或由目標間接引爆。 描述:一種在地面安置的震動感應殺傷性地雷,能對接近的敵人造成巨大的集中傷害。 Satchel Charge 20000 damage primed explosive charge. Description :Primarily used for demolitions, the material used is called baradium, which is a highly unstable compound prone to explosions.They cause enormous damage by initiating a fusion reaction upon detonation, with a blast radius of 20 meters or more. Use the -prime command to adjust the primer anywhere between 1 and 9 seconds. Only Heroes can perform this task. 熱能炸藥 20000 點初始爆炸傷害。 描述:主要用于爆破,由baradium材料制成,這種材料由高度不穩定物資合成极易爆炸。 引爆后產生聚變反應能產生巨大的破壞力,波及範圍可達到 20 米或更高。 使用 -prime 命令在 1 到 9 秒間設定爆炸時間。只有主要隊員能執行這項工作。 Detonation Cord Cuts down a tree. Description :The detcord is a high-speed fuse which explodes, rather than burns, and is suitable for detonating high explosives. Low-yield detonating cord can be used as a precision cutting charge to remove cables, pipes, wiring, fiber optics, and other utility bundles by placing one or more complete wraps around the target. Higher-yield detonating cord can be used to cut down small trees, although the process is very uneconomical compared to using bulk explosive, or even a chainsaw. 爆破索 清除一棵樹。 描述:爆破索是比焚燒更好的高速的熔絲, 並且適于引爆清除爆炸物。少量的導爆索是能 通過在目標上纏繞一圈或多圈以精確地割除電纜, 管道, 配線, 光學纖維, 以及其他捆狀 物的切斷裝置。大量的導爆索能被用于砍伐樹木, 若使用大體積引爆物甚至是鏈鋸處理將 顯得非常浪費。 Atrien 12 Canister Infects target with Atrien 12. Description :Transmission of then virus occurs from exposure to contaminated blood. Atrien 12 病毒罐 使目標感染三亞乙基四胺 12 病毒。 描述:使病毒由受感染的血液傳染. Marking Beacons Calls in an airstrike. Description :Marks an area as designated target for TacAir. 750 area of effect. AS Hurt Allies 空襲信標 召喚空襲。 描述:為戰術空軍標記一片區域作為指定的目標。攻擊範圍 750 。 空襲會傷害友軍 Smoke Grenade Slows targets in proximity by 50%. Lasts 30 seconds. Description :Used as a screening device for unit movement and disorienting units. 煙霧彈 減緩區域附近目標 50% 的移動速度。持續 30 秒。 描述:用來掩護隊員行動並迷惑敵人的裝備。 Flare Gun Description :Provides illumination of the target area for 10 seconds, greatly enhancing visibility. 信號槍 描述:提供目標區域 10 秒鐘的照明, 極高的可見度。 Ground Illumination Flares Illuminates target area for 4 minutes. Description :Ground military forces in need of large-area illumination often request artillery, delivery of parachute-flares over battlefield targets, and when ground forces need light for attacks. 公路照明彈 照亮目標區域 4 分鐘。 描述:地面部隊炮擊時需要大範圍照明, 在目標戰場遞送降落傘照明彈, 為地面部隊攻擊 提供照明。 Field Light Illuminates the area around your Marine. Provides 250 sight range bonus and limited True Sight capabilities. Description :High-intensity tactical-level xenon field light. 戰地燈 照亮陸戰隊員附近的區域。增加視野範圍 250 並提供有限的真實視野能力。 描述:高亮度戰術等級氙氣戰地燈。 Transceiver Transmit Frequency Description :A two-way radio that combines both a radio transmitter and a receiver that exchanges information in half-duplex mode. Assign a target, then transmit frequency within range of a suitable EM Transmitter. EM Transmitters deal 20000 damage to the area around assigned target. 無線電收發器 發射高頻電磁波。 描述:由雷達發射器和接收器組成的雙向雷達,採用半雙工模式交換數據信息。指定一個 目標,在作用範圍內電磁波發射器會發射適當頻率的電磁波進行攻擊。電磁波對範圍內的 目標造成 20000 傷害。 Benelli RMS-8 Semi automatic shotgun. Deals 550 damage in a line. Description :The Benelli M4 Combat Shotgun was designed by Benelli Armi S.P.A. of Urbino Italy in response to Solicitation #DAAE30-98-R-0401 requesting submission for a new 12 gauge, semi-automatic combat shotgun for the US Armed Services. 伯奈利 RMS-8 半自動霰彈槍。對一條直線上的目標給與 550 點傷害。 描述:Benelli M4 作戰霰彈槍是由Urbino Italy的Benelli Armi S.P.A.應 #DAAE30-98-R-0401要求而為美軍設計的新型半自動作戰霰彈槍。 Browning RMS-12A Automatic shotgun. Deals 350 damage in a line. Description :The Browning Automatic Shotgun provides excellent close quarters support. 勃郎寧 RMS-12A 全自動霰彈槍。對一條直線上的目標給與 350 點傷害。 描述:勃郎寧全自動霰彈槍能提供極好的近距離火力支援。 M320 Grenade Launcher 1000 damage Grenade. Description :A single shot 40 mm grenade launcher. The M320 is used on the M16, M4, and as a stand-alone weapon. M320 榴彈發射器 1000 點榴彈傷害。 描述:一把單發 40 mm 口徑榴彈發射器。M320 能安裝在 M16 突擊步槍 或 M4 卡賓槍, 並成為一種優秀的武器。 SMAW 2500 damage rocket. Description :The Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon is a shoulder-launched missile weapon with the primary function of being a portable anti-armor rocket launcher. SMAW 2500 點火箭傷害。 描述:肩扛式多功能攻擊武器(SMAW)是一種具有便攜式反裝甲火箭發射器功能的肩射式導 彈武器. Arclite M23 Hecate Adds 10 damage, 30% increased attack speed. 500 damage Burst Fire Ability. Description :The Hecate Flamethrower has a quicker fuel ignition. This weapon can only be used by trained Marines. Arclite M23 Hecate 增加10 點傷害。提高 30% 攻擊速度。500 點爆裂火焰技能。 描述:"赫卡特" 火焰噴射器有著更快速的燃燒噴射。特殊訓練隊員專用武器. DAO 12 Striker 50% increased attack speed. Description :The DAO 12 Striker is a 12 gauge, gas-operated automatic weapon. It is one of very few fully automatic shotguns. DAO 12 Striker 增加 50% 攻擊速度。 描述:DAO 12 Striker 是一種口徑 12 氣壓全自動武器。屬於極少數全自動霰彈槍的一 種。 SAM-R Adds damage, 20% Critical Strike. Description :The Squad Advanced Marksman Rifle is the product of extensive experimentation by the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) of the addition of a designated marksman to a Marine squad. Adds damage based on your Marine's proficiency and MOS. SAM-R 增加傷害和 20% 機率的致命攻擊。 描述:高級作戰狙擊步槍 (SAM-R) 是海軍陸戰隊作戰實驗室 (MCWL) 提供給陸戰隊特派 狙擊兵使用。隨隊員的使用熟練程度增加傷害。 M-29 Assault Rifle Adds 15 damage, 20% Critical Strike. 800 damage Grenade. Description :Developed by Alliant Techsystems & Heckler and Koch, the M29 consists of a semiautomatic 20 mm smart-grenade launcher, an underslung assault carbine based on the HK G36 and XM8 firing a standard 5.56 x 45 mm NATO round. M-29 突擊步槍 增加 15 點傷害和 20% 機率的致命攻擊。800 點榴彈傷害。 描述:Alliant Techsystems & Heckler and Koch研制的M-29 突擊步槍,由20 mm口徑半 自動榴彈發射器和基于 HK G36與 XM8的突擊卡賓槍構成,使用標準5.56 x 45 mm NATO彈 藥。 M240G Machine Gun Adds 10 damage, 30% increased attack speed, 20% Critical Strike. Description :The M240G is a 7.62 mm NATO Medium Machine gun used by the US Marines. M240G 機槍 增加 10 點攻擊傷害。增加 30% 的攻擊速度以及 20% 機率的致命攻擊。 描述:M240G 是一把供美國海軍陸戰隊使用的 7.62 mm NATO 中型機槍。 Hellfire Upgrade Module Description :Retrofits the Predator MQ-3 with additional missile racks and onboard systems. 地獄火升級零件 描述:更新 MQ-3 掠奪者以獲得額外的導彈傷害和自帶系統升級. M242 Receiver Assembly Description :This is one of three parts of the M242 Bushmaster 25 mm chain gun. It can destroy lightly armored vehicles and aerial targets. M242 支架組裝部件 描述:這是 M242 巨蝮蛇 25 mm 口徑機關炮三部件之一。它能摧毀輕裝甲車輛與空中目 標。 M242 Barrel Assembly Description :This is one of three parts of the M242 Bushmaster 25 mm chain gun. It can destroy lightly armored vehicles and aerial targets. M242 槍管組裝部件 描述:這是 M242 巨蝮蛇 25 mm 口徑機關炮三部件之一。它能摧毀輕裝甲車輛與空中目 標。 M242 Feeder Assembly Description :This is one of three parts of the M242 Bushmaster 25 mm chain gun. It can destroy lightly armored vehicles and aerial targets. M242 供彈組裝部件 描述:這是 M242 巨蝮蛇 25 mm 口徑機關炮三部件之一。它能摧毀輕裝甲車輛與空中目 標。 M242 Operations Manual Description :Provides installation and maintainance instructions for the M242 Chaingun. M242 使用手冊 描述:安裝與維護 M242 機關炮的說明。 XML-9C Shiva Launches a TacNuke. Description :Experimental Tactical Missile Launcher, under field testing by DARPA. XML-9C Shiva 發射一枚戰術核武器。 描述:戰術導彈發射器, 基于 DARPA 實地試驗。 空掉後無法填充 Freedom Description :Freedom refers, in a very general sense, to the state of being free (i.e. unrestricted, unconfined or unfettered). Also, liberation from restraint or from the power of another: independence. In short, freedom is the power to act and the cause which advances this power. 自由 回復附近友軍35生命值 描述:自由被一般理解為一種解放的狀態(例如無限制,無約束,無牽掛)。當然包括從其 它力量的控制中解放出來:獨立。簡而言之,自由是一種行動的力量也是使這種力量強大 的源頭。 Justice Description :Justice (French justice from Latin iustitia, from iustus "just") is a concept involving the fair, moral, and impartial treatment of all persons —often seen as the continued effort to do what is right. 正義 回復附近友軍50能量 描述:正義(法語中正義這個詞起源于拉丁語系"正直")是一種觀念,包括公平,道德,無 私的對待所有人 — 經常被看作是堅持做正確事情的動力。 Pet Size Description :Displays your Pet size. New skills are acquired as you grow in size. 寵物體積 描述:顯示你的寵物體積。隨著體積的增長將獲得新技能。 -- 大魔王受到勇者的微笑攻擊..... 大魔王受到65535點損害.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Kendai:Nice 中文翻譯也很不錯,另外DARPA是國防部 07/25 19:59
Kendai:的高等研究中心,星戰計畫也是從此出來的.. 07/25 20:01
eliokky:不好意思..這不是在下翻的,是官網原本的 07/25 20:01
Kendai:如果轉載的話最好知會作者以及著明來源喔 07/25 20:03
dromor:官網的資料我有跟作者聊過他說OK了..0.0 07/25 20:09
dromor:所以我才拿來當推廣用的.. 07/25 20:10
Kendai:感謝,這幾篇文章真的是又清楚又有內容 07/25 20:11
alanpig:寵物體積..??寵物可以幹麻?拿來當戰地糧食 07/26 21:41
alanpig:喔,我看到下篇的介紹了= =.. 07/26 21:42