精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
☆未經同意,請勿轉載★ 應朋友要求,po上來翻譯一下,順便推廣 以下是隨性翻譯,我的英文很爛~科科 原文出處:http://notdso.10.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=463 示範RP & 地圖檔:http://www.badongo.com/file/11986115 此rp為1.21版本rp,請參照置底方式觀看 Inner Route (Points 1-3) You can spawn anywhere on one of these points so make sure you cover as much as u can inner route by wave 3. Make sure u trigger wave 3 at POINT 3. Note: Do not take too long so you don't trigger fluffies 隊伍可能出生在任意一個點,在wave3之前,你要確保到達3號點 注意:不要花費太多時間,以免觸發fluffies 3.1 - This is NightBase Very easy to demo, only trick at this base is it has 3 entrances,north entrance is usually not used by zombies if you position yourself at the bottom of the base, if players go abit more north zombies will start coming from that entrance too, so make sure u position yourself correctly. POINT 3.1 is used to drop off items in base, try to drop them on top floor, or if you don't have time drop them off at south entrance of base. 對暴破來說是一個非常好佈雷的點。這個地方有三個入口,如果玩家站在高點攻擊的話, 在南邊的入口只要不開槍就不會被僵屍打。請將不用的物得全數放在這邊,如果你沒時間 放置在此的話,請放在南邊入口 4. - Wave 4 Trigger Here you will hold and trigger wave 4, nothing complicated Wave 4 就hold住,沒啥太複雜 4.1 - Watch for Ninja Everytime you go trough this area and i say EVERYTIME, use road flare or flaregun else the first one that will enter will die from ninja lyga that will strike you on the ramp. Evade, kill and continue. Br on watch for Eta and 1 devourer that comes. 在4.1這個點,一定要隨時使用road flare 或 flaregun來保持視野,第一個上斜坡的玩 家有被Ninja殺暴的風險要特別注意。在這邊待到殺完ETA、devourer後再走 5. - Wave 5 Trigger Lyga could come so be rdy to kill him while triggering. On wave 5 1 defiler will pop up so be ready to handle him. Proceed to "Lurk Alley". Lurk Alley is place just north of the point 5, low vision, tight area. We named it Lurk Alley coz of the obivously reason, you will in 70% cases find lurker waiting for you there, or more of them, so be ready to KNOW what to do. 大肥會在這邊出現,要準備佈雷殺。除此之外,還有遁地獸要注意,在5號點有70%的機會 會遇到,記得引誘出地面,可以的話先佈好震波地雷來殺 6. - Wave 6 trigger - Hatchling If you don't get mission proceed to point 7, if you do then. Place 3 chains left past the bridge, and 3 chains right at the crossroad. Team should hold at bridge until hatchling arrives, it's is good policy to place 1 road flare at POINT 6 to have more vision and cover from birds. If you wanna kill another hatchling and complete the mission repeat the same tactic. 各放三個CEs在橋的左邊和右邊,並且守在橋上直到飛龍、小甲蟲來受死,記得用 road flare來增加視野 7. - Wave 7 Trigger Another defiler will pop up, handle him. Wait around 20-40 seconds(let leader decide) before moving down to middle base at wave 8. This is because you want all the immortals come close to you before moving, so when you move you have all of them nicely piled up for blow, and remember, more immortals you manage to blow up, easier the wave 8 mission or w8,w9 will be. 在7號點緩慢移動,並且守住約20~40秒(由帶隊的人視情況決定),在Wave 8之前往移動 。這邊的打法和notd2的封門戰術有點類似,反正就是準備炸蠍子+胖子 8a - Wave 8 Mission 8b - Wave 8,9 Trigger Move to point 8b and place piles of 3 or 2 ce all the way along, you will use this for blowing alot of defilers, remember, you need to BLOW defilers else you will get overrun. There is around 7-9 defilers at wave 9. This place definetly requires 1 crate of road flares, so make sure you have it. Place raod flare on right tower, behind you and on CE, so you can see what comes and when comes. If any abo comes, blow him. 往下移動到8b點時放置2~3個CEs,太多怪的話就炸吧!!大概要持續這個動作7~9次才會進 入Wave 9,記得放置一個road flare來增加視野。放置點在右邊的塔、你和CEs之間,讓 玩家可以清楚看到僵屍過來 Wave 9 - When it triggers leviathan and alot of defilers will come. To reach wave 10 and base easiest thing is to omve out though the rocks on the left side(you need to blow them). When moving out make SURE you have road flare on the right side and on the left side before rocks beacuse you need to see what is happening. 進入Wave 10前請往左邊移動,移動之前請確認有放置road flare在右邊和左邊 When to move Out? The longer u wait in base the better, but if you wait too long, you will trigger wave 10. Usually we move after 1-2 w9 abos are dead. When moving out move straight left. Expirienced teams may ho UP or DOWN. This is BEST time to get Shiva, we used to do entire circle around map to get it, it's all about timing and not triggering wave. Perfect possibility is to reach NightBase before wave 10 with all abos dead and shiva in your backpack, these are rare situations, but possible. We used to have games where we arrived to base at wave 12 with thana already dead. You will need alot of Road Flares for this base. Although it can be done with 1-2 crates if you know not to waste and have nice firepower and nice team. But that has never been the case, yet. 一大段有點懶得翻,反正就是在解釋什麼時候該撤退到基地。總之要趁這時候拿到Shiva 就是了,另外要注意road flare的用量 Wave 10 Camp at base, place ce for defilers, have fun blowing them up, and watch for zerachiel, nothing too heavy. 沒啥重點,反正到基地後就是死守了... Wave 11 The usual trio will arrive, Luigi,Mario and Mrit. You know the drill. Some defiler popups to handle. Another Leviathan. 接著還是死守,記得基地的佈雷,另外狗群+鐵狗群+鐵狗王要注意 Wave 12 Our friend Thanatos will arrive, you know the drill still, only he will be acompanied by more slashers. Some defiler popups to handle. 沒啥好注意的,反正就是死掉的玩家增援,死守就對了,mini回基地時記得順手多撿幾個 物資 Wave 13 This could get tricky, you need to know how to kill hellspawn with Shiva(easiest way to handle him at current situation). Place 3 Road flares, usually it's enough just 2 of them, but 3 is just to be safe. R1,R2 are the most important places where you need roadies, else you won't see hellspawn coming. Tell the team to HUG left wall, as closest to bottom as possible. Have one guy watch north for hellspawn and another south, as soon as you see hellspawn mass ping it so the Shiva guy can own it. Demos will have to focus on alot of slashers defilers and other things, medic will hav e alot of job here. 第一隻甲蟲出現,別客氣核彈(Shiva)開下去就對了,記得在R1、R2、R3放置road flare 以增加視野。 Wave 14 - Trinity Trinity is important if you wanna have some guarantee to finish the game. To use trinity you need recon. There is 2 ways of getting Trinity. 1. Air Recon can call down drop for Trinity on wave 14, in this case Trinity will have only 2 charges. 2. If there is no Air Recon you will have to go and pickup trinity manually. Wave 14 is best wave to do it, if you take this route, use north exit of the base. 兩個重點: 1.空偵在Wave 14叫Trinity,只有兩次機會 2.沒有空偵的話,就只好派個人從南邊出口出去拿空投的Trinity ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ Wave 15 - Another Hellspawn Same tactic as on wave 13. There will be alot of slashers and devouerers now, without good firepower you will be overruned. 2 Thanthos and another hellspawn will arive in around 4-8 min after the first hellspawn. It is good policy that you move before this happens, because killing hellspawn on the move with Trinity is easier then when camping. Note : To use trinity, designate target and click on trinity. 和Wave 13一樣,反正就大甲蟲再度來襲,用拿到的核彈再炸吧!! 注意:雷射指定再用Trinity炸 Good terminator can handle 1 thanatos by himself almost, team will help finishing it up. Marksman net will also help alot. 一個好的終結者可以幹掉一隻甲蟲,記得狙擊的網子要配合 Sargon - If you are lucky you get this bastard, it's one big defiler that ignores resonators, he is also the reason why you move OUT of the base after 2nd hellspawn, killing him while camping is near impossible, killing him on the move, is hard. You need around 10 chains(for sure kill) with clear blow to kill him. Best tactic is -> Net or Plasma Gun(in 1.11) to slow him down while demo plants ce or just clusters his ass. Avoid spamming browning on sargon unless it's really neccesary because it's a waste, there is alot of other slashers devos and things coming at you at this point. 反正能用的能丟的全用上了,別浪費就是了,記得佈雷,這隻小王會花上10個CEs Evacuation - Evil dropship When you killed sargon by that time you will either get Evac Location or another hellspawn will come. Use trinity to kill hellspawn and proceed to evac. Remember that hellspawns will continue to come every 3-4 minutes, so you need to move fast else you will get 4th and 5th hellspawn at your ass. Also remember that there is evils all around, and you need to capture their dropship, so don't take this lightly. 超沒誠意的救生船來了,大概每3~4 min會出一次一群怪,不要妄想清光再走,反正就是 邊清邊撤退就是了 後記: 目前我最多打到wave 10就封門戰術失敗滅團了,想玩的話找老外團吧,美東、G國際頻 都有團在打... 最後補上最新版的地圖載點: http://notdso.cs1989.de/NightoftheDeadSpecialOps_v1.11L.w3x -- "Eye of twilight, give us sight. Take our offer, give us might. Make our power tears of night." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dromor 來自: (11/06 21:33)
ilove305mmm:有中文版嗎? 11/06 21:59
eliokky:dro妳還有在玩啊? 11/06 22:18
joevstom:人都跑哪去了 囧 每次上美西都沒人 然後我ggc又不能上 囧 11/06 22:39
dromor:有啊,自從放棄am後就轉戰so了啊,只是偶而玩玩而以 11/06 22:49
dromor:am的作者也說了1.5c是最終版本了,接下來等sc2 11/06 22:55
wrc0903:現在在美西都沒人要玩notd am嗎 717都散了= = 11/06 23:16
sombrio:這個遊戲很好玩@@ 不知道有沒有人要揪團的 XD 11/06 23:57