精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
載點: http://mastercrafters.lefora.com/2008/09/08/master-crafters-orpg-25/page1/ 這是一張全英文的深度orpg,難度很高,很需要傳統D&D的分工,國中英文有學好的話 這張地圖的英文應該難不倒(其實英文完全不懂的話別玩比較好...) 地圖剛開始時只需選擇角色,基本上角色除了拿到武器之後的base aspd 不同外 其他都是一樣的,以下為武器攻速對照表(官網也有,不過應該是過時資料) 次之是常有人要別人帶,要知道,在這game裡面給人帶唯一好處就只是爽, 等級其實不具意義,裝備跟stat的配點才是重點!而且單人是不可能過全部的... 新手的話建議進去選完角色後先看F9說明... 其他攻略...有請補完...繼續拼裝備去 MC Orc Elf Demon Ghoul Serpent Treant Blade 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.9 Claw 1.5 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.8 Hammer 1.8 1.7 2 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.6 Mage 1.4 1.8 1.5 1 2 1.7 1.6 Meek 1 1.1 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.95 Ranger 1.4 1.8 1.2 1.7 1.9 2 2.1 Spear 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.6 1.8 而商店的作用只有一點點(只有一間),提供一些recipe 跟最重要的weapon enchantment..也就是天堂的武捲啦~其他的裝備跟技能是不能夠買到 的,所幸不少boss打完都會掉裝備到所有人的倉庫 以下說明來自於 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sa22/25797307 這張RPG的名稱,就讓人覺得是不是MCFC新版的?沒錯,就是MCFC作者SomeWhiteGuy的另 一款作品,一樣是打怪會掉技能書,裝備應該也是打怪才會掉,而角色身上會因裝備有不 同的變換 指令: -save 記錄 -load (save code) 讀取 -inventory 進倉庫 -remove (spell name) 移除技能,每位角色只能有7個技能 -removeall 移除全部技能 -stash 移動倉庫 -s1/-s6 將你英雄身上的道具移到移動倉庫身上 -t1/-t6 將移動倉庫身上的道具移動你的英雄身上 (1-6 is the slot number of the item) -ms 顯示你的英雄的移動速度 -movespeed 顯示你的英雄的移動速度 esc 增加你英雄的屬性(每1級會有2點獎勵) -suicide 自殺(卡點的時候使用) 一開始的場景是在一個類似監獄的地方,玩家的倉庫是牢房,往左走會有不同的傳送點, 能傳送到外面,一直往左走到底就沒了…沒錯,就沒了,有許多傳點的中間路上有不同等 級的怪守護著,意謂的你要到下一個區域時,你的等級不能太低,要不然走不過去(有高 等帶是例外)。 感覺這代作者又更虐待玩家了,這張地圖有所謂的合成捲軸(Recipe),裡面寫的是合成所 需的材料,以下圖為例,就是要2個Silk 5個animal skin 12個feather,集滿時,不用點 捲軸或到指定的地點,集滿時,身上的合成捲軸就直接會轉換了。 技能書應該就不需要說明,有玩過MCFC(大師的締造)的大家應該都知道,而且技能名稱跟 功能都差不多 以下資料轉載自官網 物品掉落表 Killa Chicken: feather, feather mail, farie wings, KFC Killa, enchanted wings, minor heal, short sword Wooly Bear: animal skin, auto heal miner heal, cerimonial face mask, short sword Animated Tree: bark, splinter cuffs, wood shield, miner heal, wood arrows, black oak shield, long sword, wood bow Orc: green skin, animal skin, greenskin gloves, inner strength, minor heal, power foot, orc slaya Toxic Spider: silk, accelerate, auto heal, minor heal, power foot, venom, acid burn Black Horror: silk Sleepy Spore: magic dust, enchanted shield, accelerate, minor heal, wipe, fist of judgement Dry Bones: bone, bone cage, bone shield, inner strength, long sword Bone Archer: bone, bone cage, bone shield, accelerate, precision shot, iron wood bow Zombie: bronze, silver, gold, gem, auto heal, degeneration, inner strength, silver helm Blue Horror: blue scale, scale hands, serpent scale shield, accelerate, mellee mastery, power foot Wet Current: silver, magic dust, auto heal, lit skin Gold Lizard: gold, hyper heal, inner strength, major heal, gold skin, gold helm, summoners staff Ghast: degeneration,iron, bronze, silver, gold, gem, furious strike, inner strength Lightning Lizard: static talon, sparking mail, inner strength, swift strikes Air Elemental: hyper heal, major heal, wipe, elemental wand Fire Elemental: hyper heal, major heal, wipe, elemental wand Ghost Elemental: hyper heal, major heal, wipe, elemental wand Lit Elemental: hyper heal, major heal, wipe, elemental wand Nematoad: poison tongue, green skin, greenskin gloves, spirit ward, inner strength, major heal, venom, acid burn Ogre: ogre blood, green skin, battle wings, blood fist, greenskin gloves, furious strike, inner strength, major heal, mega ton maul Necromancer: enchanted bone, bone, magic dust, gem, bone cage, bone shield, degeneration, necromancy, psychic blast, spiked pike Vampire: vampire fang, gem, blood fist, furious strike, mellee mastery, swift strikes Battle Ogre: ogre blood, green skin, battle wings, blood fist, greenskin gloves, furious strike, inner strength, major heal, mega ton maul Lesser Demon: cursed hide, accursed wings, degeneration, mellee mastery, cursed crown Pink Horror: pink scale, serpent scale shield, mellee mastery, sonic staff Lesser Dragon: dragon scale, battle wings, dragon wings, serpent scale shield, dragon blood Gem Hide Worm: gem, gold, silver, gemstone gloves, force shield, major heal, glass sword Killer Vine: vine, bark, vinelash cloak, enchance, major heal, swift strikes Mystic Frog: mystic serum, poison tongue, green skin, magic dust, gem, enchanted shield, hex armor, hyper heal, major heal, twilight tiara, wipe Stoned Collosus: stone slab, silver, iron, gem, stone shield, savalanch, major heal, rienforce, steel crusher Gold Shroom: stardust, magic dust, gem, enchanted shield, hyper heal, major heal, THC cloud Diffusional Monster: spectral shard, swift strikes, silks of coalesence, spirit ward, flux, rage, sneak attack, chrono helm Leviathan: serpent skin, serpent scale shield, enchance, rage, spiked pike Crimson Hell Kite: serpent skin, dragon scale, molten touch, battle wings, dragon scale armor, dragon wings, serpent scale shield, dragon blood Nightmare: fire tail, dragon wings, enchance, molten touch, rage, wake of fire Demon: cursed hide, summon demon, accursed wings, cursed shield, combat mastery, concentrated energy, degeneration Lich: soul stone, gem, black hole, circle of death, death wave, bone cage, bone shield, gemstone gloves, mage fist, soul stealers, spirit ward, frost halo Lava Golem: lava rock, iron, gem, avalanch, molten touch, rienforce Sky Reaper: feather, gem, circle of death, hyper heal, rage, sneak attack, swift strikes, sky shroud arrows, skywood long bow Spawn of Nature: vile toxin, hex armor, venom grip, hyper decay, impaler Joo Lizard: gold, gem, champions pressence, hyper heal, impaler Beast of Destruction: enchanted cotton, enchanted wings, avalanch, enchance, rage, ginormous dual blades Mutated Sludge Monstrosity: mutated bone, iron, champions pressence, enchance, hyper decay, shell, ginormous dual blades Greater Demon: cursed hide, summon demon, accursed wings, cursed shield, combat mastery Tri Elemental: condensed rainbow flake, gemstone gloves, mage fist, prismatic ward, rainbow shell, super secret sunray strike, glass sword Mr. Smiley: sun stone, twilight stone, gravity plate, rainbow shell, champions pressence, circle of death, nova, mystic visor, thunder fist Force of Nature: ancient heart wood, bark, vine, black oak shield, enchance, shell, spiked pike Ancient Demon: cursed hide, summon demon, accursed wings, cursed hands, cursed shield, crown of ages, combat mastery, mind rip, mage slayer Sacred Warrior: angel feather, feather, angel wings, enchanted wings, full heal, soul fire, hand of god, angelic halo, magic sword, insano mend -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bigcockroach 來自: (09/11 03:32)
vinxu:推,之前的大師的締造我有玩過,紙娃娃系統蠻不錯的說 09/11 03:42
vinxu:前一代的傷害法術到後面都打不痛,這一代不知道有沒有改進 09/11 03:44