精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Sprite93 (TWcast2)》之銘言: : 該nerf的都nerf了,不該nerf的也nerf了(笑) : 不知道有沒有大大能幫忙翻譯一下@@ : 6.31 Changelog: : =============== : * Morphling remake. 阿水重製 : * Recoded Grow to not refresh cooldowns. 長大沒辦法再用來取消冷卻 : * Improved the top left Scourge terrain to make things a bit more fair for : the Scourge side. 左上UD方地形腐土稍微改進來讓UD更公平 : * Mac disconnect bug fixed (as far as i can tell from my limited mac testers). 麥金塔斷線問題修正 : * New Trigger prevents Furion or Ignis from teleporting into the base if no : allied creeps are there. 阿福和Ignis的傳送不能偷爆了(要有幾方小兵在) : * Leavers' gold is now properly distributed throughout the game as they gain : gold. 有人離後金錢正確的重新分配 : * Smokescreen duration decreased from 7 seconds to 6 seconds. 煙霧從7->6秒 : * Paralyzing casks now deals damage to creeps. Paralyzing cask現在對CP造成傷害了 : * Headshot doesn't work on allied units. 不能爆朋友的頭了 : * Reduced the Dual Breath's range to match the animation, mana cost increased. 雙頭龍噴噴的距離現在符合動畫(短),法力花費增加 : * Witchdoctor's attack animation improved. 巫醫攻擊動畫改進 : * Bounty Hunter wind walk damage and mana cost improved. 小強的風行傷害和花費改進 : * Mask of Madness recipe cost reduced by 50 gold. MOM的配方又便宜了五十兩 : * Tossed unit takes less damage now, but damage improves with Grow when it is : an enemy (thanks Mare05). 被當成炮彈的單位現在受傷比較少,比較大的台泥丟敵人的時候比較痛 : * Arcane Orb's damage type is now magical (a nerf). 毀滅者的大炮現在是魔法類攻擊 : * Eul's Cyclone duration from 5 to 4 seconds. 龍捲風現在只來四秒 : * Last word AOE from 500/600/700/800 to a constant 700. 沉默靈氣範圍更沒人點了 : * Scepter can now be made by anyone, but only improves the ultimates of the : ones listed. 只要有錢你也可以合神杖,但是沒用的還是沒用 : * Assassinate level 3 cooldown from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. 槍兵LV3狙擊現在只能十秒一次 : * Split Earth casting range increased from 525 to 650. KOTG的大地噴發範圍增加到650 : * Viper's Poison Attack manacost reduced from 30 to 20. Viper的毒箭花費30->20 : * Necro'lic's Level 3 Revenants are now spell immune. 三級蝙蝠現在魔法免疫 : * Leviathan's Ravage from 250/350/500 to 200/300/400 damage and duration : buffed from 1/1/1 to 1.4/1.8/2.2 seconds. 利拜亞森的刺地傷害降低,但是昏更久 : * Slithereen Crush area increased by 50. 鱷魚能多震50距離的地 : * Nightstalker's Base Attack Cooldown improved to 1.7 like most other heroes. : Small armor boost as well. 夜行俠的基本攻速和護甲現在跟其他人差不多 : * Greater Hawk's Truesight is removed, but it gains Permanent Invisibility. 大雕沒真的眼了,但是現在他跟SA偷學隱形 : * Hand of God's cooldown from 70 to 120 seconds. Manacost from 150/200/250 to : 200/300/400. 神之手冷卻增長,花費增加 : * Aegis is now undroppable (this is probably temporary while a chargeless : version is thought out) 神盾不能丟了 : * Fixed a rare bear item drop bug. : * Fixed a minor bug with Wild Axes that causes Rexxar to become slowed if : they hit a unit with Frost Armor. : * Fixed a bug that allowed you to get two heroes by repicking during astral : imprisonment : * Fixed a -sc pathing issue : * Fixed a minor bug with obs mode. : * Fixed a Spirit Breaker bug with charge of Darkness movespeed in -dm. : * Diabolic Edict no longer causes its caster to take return damage or get : slowed from Frost Armor. 炸彈噴到冰甲會讓使用者緩慢和反彈的副作用已經改進了 : * Fixed a Timewalk error when trying to timewalk into Blackhole. : * Fixed various range neutral creep camp abuses. : * Fixed a bug with Lothar's Edge that did "50!" text after breaking Windwalk. : * Fixed an observer mode bug, the old missle through fog vision. : * Fixed a bug with Astral Imprisonment where the int drain doesn't get : restored if the unit is dead 60 seconds after cast. : * Fixed a minor Haunt target buff bug. : * Fixed a bug with a fast "swaphero and repick" combination that allowed you : to have two heroes. : * Fixed the damage area on Sanity's Eclipse. It was a constant 325, unlike : the effect and tooltip aoe. : * Divine Rapier recipe now costs 2 lumber instead of just 1. 神劍現在配方花費兩根木頭(o_O?) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wake01 來自: (04/17 16:59)