精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
* Added two new neutral creep spots 多了兩叢CREEP * New mode -vr (-voterandom, like -ar except you get to vote on which hero comb inations are used) -vr模式,像AR一樣但是是投票選使用的英雄組合(不太確定) * Game no longer immediately ends when you win, you have time to chat if you wa nt to 現在給你時間羞辱失敗者 * Hero Descriptions now have the movement speeds listed 英雄說明現在下面附上跑步成績 * New icons for Pugna, Lion, God's Strength and Omnislash (thx snork, alien_reb irth and gotham from forums) 一些技能新圖示 * Lots of tweaks to the gold bonuses, levels, stats and abilities on neutral cr eeps. CREEP的相關數值都大幅翻修像是錢包等級狀態能力 * Changed the Arthas model with Frostmourne to the one without (forum 69498) 阿薩斯變身了 * Boots of Travel and Scroll of Town Portal now share cooldown 飛鞋現在和回家捲現在一起轉 * Chaos Knight base damage a little less random 渾沌騎士的基本傷害不這麼渾沌了 * You can now set the player slots to Computer to reduce the starting gold if y ou are playing in less than 5v5 (so you don't have to start with 3500 if you do n't want to) 如果你想窮一點的時候可以把空白玩家欄塞入電腦替代(非5v5時) * Bonus gold is given to the allies of the tower killer (even if creeps kill it ) 用不著千辛萬苦搶塔了,人人有份,即使是死小兵打爆的 * Reworked Strygwyr's Thirst 喝血的口渴重作 * New Rampage animation (70915) 托羅改成另一種狂怒POSE * Increased the recipe cost on Hand of Midas as well as the Attack Speed. 金手指變貴,也打的比較快了 * Reworked -lm to give a chance for Scourge to begin the pick process instead o f always Sent lm模式重作,現在疫軍有機會先挑人 * Improved the core game recognition of what is and isn't a spell (for stuff li ke essence and CotS) * Fixed some compatibility issues between -ap and -lm 都是些程式的玩意 * Added a minor blood effect when hook hits a unit (63335) 現在鉤子插到人會噴血 * Increased base damage for Weaver 紡織人現在打的比較痛 * New command -hidemsg/unhidemsg as a request from some players that don't want to see the text spam when heroes die * Fixed a bug where destroying all the trees around rooftrellen did not reveal him * Wraith Band recipe cheaper 沒人愛的AGI符降價 * Improved the AoE on static Field 宙斯的靜態力場範圍增加 * Minor improvement to the AoE on Diffusion Aura Diffusion Aura(?)的範圍也增加點 * Repick in -ap or normal mode now lets you pick a new hero instead of randomin g it. Cost reduced here since you would need to buy a hero. Repick is unchanged in -ar/-tr 總之現在repick可以選你要的,而不是跳到個更爛的 * Restored the old armor bonus on Dragon's Blood 龍血的變硬效果又回來了 * Buffed the HP and Mana that Scepter gives 大棒棒的體力法力增加的更多 * Reduced Desolator recipe cost 不知道為什麼降防刀又價跌了 * Buffed Tinker's movement speed 修理工去接受了跑步特訓 * Nightstalker strength improved 只有晚上出來的人的力量又更強了 * Minor improvement to the trees behind to the top left scourge tower 移植了左上疫塔樹木的位置 * Reduced the lag on casting epicenter, freezing field and blackhole. 一些大法術施放的LAG改進 * Reduced mana cost on level 2 and 3 of blackhole to make it a little more wort h leveling 黑洞更值得升級了因為耗法更少 * Fixed some minor targeting bugs with illuminate 超級砲的一些目標蟲修正 * Wild Axes now move a bit faster 斧頭輕量化,所以他們現在飛的快點了 * Changed the color of Plague Wards 蛇的那根變色了(我搞錯根了) * Fixed many old typos 圖示變動 * Slightly buffed Zeus' str and int per level 宙斯更強壯更聰明了(雖然只有一點) * Fixed a bug with Freezing Field and Scepter (thx malle) 冰凍領域和其與大棒棒結合的蟲(感謝馬雷) * Increased the speed on paralyzing casks a bit 烏金的麻痺桶彈跳的更快 * Improved Jakiro's attack animation 雙頭龍換種姿勢打人 * Fixed Silencer's night vision range to that of regular heroes 沉默人的夜盲症醫好了 * Slightly buffed higher levels of Sanity's Eclipse 頭腦爆炸在高等級有更好點的表現 * Minor armor buff (usually 1) to most melee heroes 進戰英雄們通常都只硬了一點 * Fixed being able to Berserker's Call units out of Chronosphere 狂戰士沒辦法在時間暫停時摳人了 * Agility on Manta Style increased a bit 分身斧變的更敏捷一點 * Perseverance can now be broken up into its components by clicking on it 可以打碎毅力了(敲一下即可) * Purification icon change (72474) * Reduced Sunder manacost/cooldown at higher levels Sunder的法力消耗和冷卻在高等級更低 * Increased base Intelligence on Tinker 修理工現在頭腦聰明了一點 * Fixed Last Will to not damage its allies if it was denied 骨頭爆炸時不會炸傷自己人了(本來會嗎?) * Stout Shield percentage typo (Nareg) * Fixed various neutral creep minimap glitches * Fixed an old bug with Venomancer's Poison Sting that did minor attack speed r eduction instead of minor movement speed reduction. 刺蛇的毒刺現在不會非常微量的降低攻速 * Fixed Soul Keeper's gamescore icon (78244) * Fixed hotkey conflict between Spectral Dagger and Desolate * Fixed being able to teleport to the invisible -ap vision units with Scroll of Town Portal * Fixed many tooltips * Fixed some issues with units not being paused in Chronosphere (like Leoric Re incarnate and Bearform) * Fixed various neutral creep tooltips (MrX) * Various other minor cosmetic improvements After extensive playtesting on two new items, i decided that that it was better for the game to put them on hold rather then rush them in. I'm sorry to those who were waiting for it, but its for the best. Hopefully we will see them in th e near future as well as other new content. 經過一些玩測試,我覺得把新玩具握著會比衝出來好,雖然抱歉但是我覺得那樣最好 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Falair:好想玩635~囧 08/02 15:50
※ 編輯: wake01 來自: (08/02 15:53)
iwcuforever:聖衣雄的BUG還是沒改嗎 08/02 15:53
kyo76312:有些翻譯滿.......有趣的 XD 08/02 15:54
※ 編輯: wake01 來自: (08/02 15:55)
Jarry:很XD的翻法 只有晚上出來的人..骨法的那根. 08/02 15:55
RainyDays:第三項.... 08/02 15:58
※ 編輯: wake01 來自: (08/02 16:02)
wake01:orz 又修到人140.131.109.215 08/02 16:02
RainyDays:翻譯很贊125.229.202.202 08/02 16:03
sunnysky7:paralyzing cask是wd彈彈球嗎218.175.187.160 08/02 16:05
mathteacher:推 08/02 16:07
rivergirl:嗯嗯,好像沒全翻譯完 08/02 16:12
wake01:沒翻的 應該都是不知道也無所謂的... 08/02 16:14
sunnysky7:agi真是個降價家218.175.187.160 08/02 16:16
gerklag:OS 6.35 released http://www.getdota.com 08/02 16:17
rivergirl:last will是誰的招示阿? 08/02 16:17
sunnysky7:silencer的被動靈氣218.175.187.160 08/02 16:18
rmmarine:沒人愛的AGI降價Q_Q 08/02 16:18
rivergirl:那骨頭爆炸不會炸傷自己人跟lastwill有퐠 08/02 16:18
rivergirl:關聯? 08/02 16:19
sunnysky7:靠腰 看錯...last will是nec小兵... 08/02 16:20
sunnysky7:last word才是silencer靈氣 sad218.175.187.160 08/02 16:20
rivergirl:還是...不懂= =...可以在說白話ㄧ點ㄇ? 08/02 16:23
sunnysky7:nec小兵會自爆那隻以前tk掉會傷害自己人218.175.187.160 08/02 16:24
crazysinger:好XD的翻譯 08/02 16:25
sunnysky7:就是打爆會爆炸那隻 不過我沒試過tk他.. 08/02 16:25
rivergirl:喔喔,原來是死靈書XD 08/02 16:25
wake01:看來國外是專業到連死靈書都不放過了140.131.109.215 08/02 16:34
erial:改最多的就是地圖上的樹了.cp位置移動220.139.230.169 08/02 16:36
blameABA:推 渾沌騎士的基本傷害不這麼渾沌了 08/02 16:38
WILLIAMer:翻的好棒XD 08/02 16:44
jack0204:原來國外會有人想tk藍色那隻阿... 08/02 16:44
chungsen:看看咱們的三國...唉...~_~ 08/02 16:45
wake01:畢竟是一百塊吧 (? 08/02 16:47
blameABA:對 2支都100 大家都在搶200元 (等低時 08/02 16:49
jack0204:藍色讓人打爆好阿 300低傷害不少耶 08/02 16:51
Fakeiven:期待度80% 08/02 17:01
movesprite:水啦 08/02 17:02
DreamAkimo:現在給你時間羞辱失敗者 08/02 17:21
hippopotamas:話說我以前就手賤tk結果自己死掉... 08/02 17:25
jogkong:wake真是個翻譯家!! 08/02 17:34
wake01:結束了還要chat這很明顯阿XD218.166.235.154 08/02 17:31
crazysinger:塔被塔爆 同盟不管怎樣都加200 08/02 17:39
crazysinger:有些英雄的圖示有改 08/02 17:39
KUNEI:翻譯很棒XDDDDD220.134.202.241 08/02 17:41
crazysinger:金手指+攻速35% 08/02 17:48
Nsy:lv4 cp不會mana burn了 08/02 17:55
SKD:間接削弱HK? 08/02 17:57
wake01:不過HK本來就很少用creep MB吧218.166.235.154 08/02 17:59
jeffic0730:真好 真想快看到新地圖 08/02 18:01
iwcuforever:塔錢還是要搶啦,只是小兵打爆會分 08/02 18:04
jeffic0730:^^ 08/02 18:07
Sprite93:變色的是刺蛇的結界而非骨法的 08/02 18:08
Sprite93:BS的第三招改成被動偵測了...這.... 08/02 18:10
jpd:修理工接受跑步訓練XD 08/02 18:11
※ 編輯: wake01 來自: (08/02 18:17)
fffffffox:BS 更威了 Orz 08/02 18:56
flydrago:good BS XD 08/02 19:20
peachteagif:糟糕...大絕招沒了... 08/02 19:56
evilplayer:樓上是說啥大絕招沒了? 08/02 20:11
nasatin:好玩的翻譯XD 08/02 23:01