精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Warrix (我立刻死)》之銘言: ※ 引述《chihiun (凋)》之銘言: : http://www.getdota.com/ : 6.46 Changelog 沒人翻譯來翻一下,有幾行不會翻.. 順便整理一下只列出影響平衡的部份和一些指令相關 ================================ : * Fixed a bug with the recent recoding of Death Pulse that causes it to hit : invisible units 修正Nec的死亡脈動會打到隱形單位 : * Reduced Greater Hawk's movement speed 減低獸王大雕的移動速度(比較高級那隻) : * Fixed Land Mines doing a little less damage than advertised 修正GT地雷炸出來傷害比帳面上少 : * Fixed a bug with Battle Hunger that caused it to sometimes fail to detect : the hero killing with a couple abilities 修正有時候某些英雄用某些技能成功殺死人的時候, Axe放在他們身上的戰鬥飢餓沒偵測到繼續扣。 : * You can now disassemble Helm of the Dominator (157261) 你可以拆掉HoD了,超棒!!再也不會因為買ironwill撐線要補mom然後耍蠢的事情發生。 : * Rewrote how swaphero works, all old glitches with swaphero are now fixed : (You can use -swap instead of -swaphero as well). : You can now also select : more than one hero to swap with. 重寫交換英雄的機能,以前因為換英雄發生的差錯都修正了 你現在可以輸入-swap代替-swaphero,而且可以重複換人 : * Fixed Suicide Squad, Attack! from killing wards 修正GT自殺會炸掉結界們 : * Improved Medusa's Intelligence Growth 梅杜沙的智力成長增加 : * Fixed a bug with Enchant that sometimes caused it to slow the converted unit 修正 Enchantress的魅惑有時候會緩到抓來的小兵 : * Fixed Wall of Replica from working on Meepo's clones 修正DaS的絕招會複製狗頭兄弟(現在只能變5隻不會變8隻惹) : * Added overhead text to show how much damage Test of Faith does 被HK信仰測試敲到會在頭上寫說你被敲多少 : * Lowered Replicate mana cost Morph的絕招複製的耗魔減低 : * Adjusted Tree Respawn code to not respawn if a hero is standing near it, as : to not accidentally trap it. 樹長回來之前會看有沒有倒楣鬼站在旁邊,避免把他關起來 : * Fixed a bug with BKB that caused heroes with full ability card (like : nevermore) to lose access to one ability during Avatar if done in a certain : order. 修正新BKB會把有6格技能的英雄,吃掉一格(像SF/morph) : * Added an ability to the Circle of Power to allow you to freeze an allied : hero that has left the game (to prevent him from being killed due to things : like Thundergod's Wrath) 嗯,離線的隊友可以丟進力量之環封印起來避免遭受宙斯之怒轟殺之類的 以後對面想SM就會看到選人區五個人都歸位了。 : * Lightning Grapple no longer pulls creeps (temporary solution for some creep : abuse, better ai will be attached in the future so they can resume their path : properly) 洨叮噹StS的絕招不能拉小兵了,等以後AI變聰明再說 : * Fixed Arcane Orb from dealing bonus damage to Warlock's Infernal 修正OD秘法球造成WLK的地獄火的額外傷害(好像改成沒有額外傷害了) : * Fixed a bug with stun chance on level 1-3 Chaos Bolt 修正CK的混亂彈的暈眩機率bug 在1~3級的時候 : * Fixed Vacuum from working on BKB'd units 修正DaS真空可以吸BKB單位 -- 二零零七年。 那年,我二十一歲,一個不吉利的年紀。 那年,GEO還沒死,SF正紅,OD還是DDer一哥。 那年,OS。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- 二零零七年。 那年,我二十一歲,一個不吉利的年紀。 那年,GEO還沒死,SF正紅,OD還是DDer一哥。 那年,OS。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: