精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
用 /fps 指令之後的樣子 http://szuyuanlien.myweb.hinet.net/121.jpg
螢幕中間上面會顯示frames per second TurtleRock兩邊紅點變成掉治療符文(補hp) TwistedMeadows和GnollWood有幾個點的怪的位置被改得更深入樹林裡 以後從兵營出來的兵都不會中途引到怪了 沒動到種族平衡性的樣子 Patch 1.21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES - The game now runs natively on both PowerPC-based and Intel-based Macs. - Player can now view frames per second using the "/fps" chat command. FIXES - Fixed a timing problem with the game on PCs with dual-core CPUs. - Fixed a crash that could occur with the Frost Breath ability. - Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games. - Fixed an exploit that could happen in multiplayer games. Important Note on Patching for Mac Players: The file layout inside the game folder is changed significantly by Patch 1.21. As a result, in order to be able to install the Frozen Throne expansion from CD, you must install Reign of Chaos first, then install Frozen Throne from CD, and then patch to version 1.21, in that order. If you patch to v1.21 and then attempt to install Frozen Throne after that, it will not install correctly. MAPS - New maps: - (2)SecretValley - (6)BomberCommand - (4)LostTemple (RoC) - The 4 Forest Troll Berserkers by the natural expansions now drop Level 2 Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items - (4)TurtleRock - The 4 Ogre Warriors along the outer pathways now drop Level 2 Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items - (6)GnollWood - The 4 Gnoll Brutes by the central Item Shops now drop Level 2 Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
zyxel:可以看fps...^^ 01/23 07:06
mathteacher:比較不會fatal error嗎._.? 01/23 07:13
jyunwei:!!改了什麼…這樣RP又不能看了嗎 囧 01/23 07:21
sunnysky7:其實算有改平衡...閃電盾好像不會掉了 Q_Q 01/23 07:22
chungsen:那個位置會不會太礙眼了一點O_O" 01/23 07:31
zyxel:沒有上官網不用急著更新 沒改什麼 但rp都不能看了 01/23 07:31
chungsen:一樣是很多人愛的免光碟:p http://tinyurl.com/yt2coc 01/23 07:34
chungsen:不過似乎雙核心cpu的問題解決乎? 01/23 07:34
mathteacher:問個蠢問題 FPS越高越好._.? 01/23 07:44
spike1215:FPS那邊看阿 01/23 07:46
zyxel:遊戲中按Enter輸入/fps指令 fps越高越好 01/23 07:58
A1pha:fps = Frame Per Second。 每秒張數,越低越LAG 01/23 08:12
mathteacher:跟我想的一樣@Q@ 01/23 08:20
※ 編輯: zyxel 來自: (01/23 08:46)
wenhe:FPS的值要多少算正常?@@ 01/23 09:26
zyxel:60就夠囉 眼睛看了也舒服 01/23 09:29
fuzijia:................只改地圖 01/23 11:22
gdaa:LOL 1.21 01/23 12:29
Bravo503:7樓的檔案抓到95%會壞檔 剛去基地找到新的更新檔+免光碟 01/23 13:27
Bravo503:30710014&sno=75962851&rc=1&lock=0&top=0&p1=1 (不會縮) 01/23 13:29
ppoo75:我CS的FPS調到120(CRT) 01/23 13:34
poikg:幫縮 http://tinyurl.com/3acpq4 01/23 14:30
gdaa:改地圖那還真不錯 最近兩三次內戰都被閃電頓玩死 嗚... 01/23 15:58
bokituto:推人類的痛...Q_Q 01/23 16:42
joyboytoy:ls掰了.. ToT 01/24 10:42
Evanhawk:幫縮 http://0rz.tw/be2oe 02/12 04:32