精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Friendx (藍色大門)》之銘言: : 請問玩某些魔獸custom game時會出現的那首搖滾樂是哪個團唱的? : 團名?曲名?有辦法從魔獸的資料夾裡面把它抓出來聽嗎? : 謝謝。 團名: Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain 曲名: Power Of The Horde -歌詞: Storm, Earth and Fire, Heed my Call!!! (吉他Chord前奏) I am the son of the Wind and Rain, Thunder beckons and I heed the call, If I die upon this day, in battle I will fall... Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves (狼嚎)to battle we will ride. War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from inside. Storm!! Black clouds fill the sky Earth!! hear my battlecry Fire!! and Thunder will bring forth Death!! from the power of the Horde... Farseer to the Warsong Clan To no matter will I kneel. Feel the power and the energy, For the black blood, honor and steel. I feel the fire burning in my veins, Lightning strikes at my command. By storm and earth, axe and fire, We come to claim this land. Storm!! Black clouds fill the sky Earth!! hear my battlecry Fire!! and Thunder will bring forth Death!! from the power of the Horde... (吉他Solo間奏) Surrounded by the enemy, the wolf among the hounds Thunder turns to silence it, took the hundred to bring me down. Wolf Brothers falling at my side, with honour I will die Upon the Altar of the Storms, I will be reborn Storm!! Black clouds fill the sky Earth!! hear my battlecry Fire!! and Thunder will bring forth Death!! for I have been reborn... STORM!! EARTH!! FIRE!! DEATH!! The Power of the Horde..... -- ◣◢◤ 連自己的名字都寫錯 Oz!! 罰寫100次!! ◤◥◣ 訂正: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Illus:Farseer to the Warsong clan, 04/15
Illus:To no matter will I kneel. 04/15
Illus:Feel the power and the energy, 04/15
Illus:For the black blood, honor and steel. 04/15
ibanezx:thx @@ 04/15
Illus:black-out -> echoes220.135.101.110 04/15
Illus:你改的後面那段不見了220.135.101.110 04/15
ibanezx:感謝指正 XD~~~ 04/15
※ 編輯: ibanezx 來自: (04/15 10:45)
terahira:好強 卣rz 04/15
tacoy2k2002:推簽名檔= = 04/15
limyeeshin:不是"to no man will I kneel"? 這比較合理140.114.212.171 04/15
commandor:請問簽名檔怎麼辦到的..第1行跟第3行會隨著 04/15
commandor:人名控制碼而調整位置???....Orz 04/15
commandor:如果這裡不方便請作者回信教一下...先謝謝囉 04/15
deco:機車簽名黨..=.= 04/15