精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
有鑑於小喬近來的大幅變動 以及 => jasonwnast:小橋哭哭 身為愛好者的我決定創造一個暴力連打技能 (推眼鏡) 請看!!! 暴力扇子連打!!! 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CohjxvaSUE
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlBD61rFHqw
<技能說明> 高速地打擊目標7次,每一次造成(20/30/40)點物理傷害,隨後移動制目標身旁 掀起氣旋並於空中連續打擊目標5次,每一次造成(80/100/120)點物理傷害,並於 結束後將目標踢落天空,造成(500/800/1100)點物理傷害 <材料> 萬用隱藏人.....不需要 特效部隊 - EnBirth x 1 - 伊力丹投射藝術 x 3 隱藏技能 - 暴風烏鴉 - 塵埃特效 (用物品傷害加上特效即可) 主技能 - 暴雷槌 點變數 - P_Love_Ult 0 1 2 實數變數 - R_Love_Ult1 - R_Love_Ult2 陣列2 部隊變數 - U_Love_Ult 陣列5 <觸發1> 事件- A unit 開始讓一種能力生效 狀況- Ability being cast 等於 天沛‧飛燕連擊 行動- Set R_Love_Ult1 = 0.00 Set U_Love_Ult[1] = (Casting unit) Set U_Love_Ult[2] = (Target unit of ability being cast) Set R_Love_Ult2[1] = (Angle from P_Love_Ult0 to P_Love_Ult1) Set P_Love_Ult0 = (Position of (Casting unit)) Set P_Love_Ult1 = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast)) For each (Integer A) from 1 to 3, do (Actions) 回一 行動 Set P_Love_Ult2 = (P_Love_Ult1 offset by 600.00 towards (-90.00 + (120.00 x (Real((Integer A))))) degrees) 部隊 - Create 1 小喬特效1 for (Owner of U_Love_Ult[1]) at P_Love_Ult2 facing 預設 degrees Set U_Love_Ult[((Integer A) + 2)] = (Last created unit) 部隊 - Hide (Last created unit) Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_P_Love_Ult2) ////暫時還沒用到 先Hide//// 部隊 - Make (Casting unit) 無敵 部隊 - 暫停 (Casting unit) 部隊 - Add 飛行能力 to (Casting unit) 部隊 - Remove 飛行能力 from U_Love_Ult[1] 部隊 - Add 飛行能力 to U_Love_Ult[2] 部隊 - Turn collision for U_Love_Ult[1] 關閉 特殊效果 - Create a special effect at P_Love_Ult0 using Abilities\Spells\Orc\MirrorImage\MirrorImageCaster.mdl 特殊效果 - Destroy (Last created special effect) Wait 0.00 seconds 部隊 - Move U_Love_Ult[1] instantly to (P_Love_Ult1 offset by 300.00 towards R_Love_Ult2[1] degrees) 特殊效果 - Create a special effect attached to the origin of U_Love_U lt[1] using Abilities\Spells\Orc\MirrorImage\MirrorImage Caster.mdl 特殊效果 - Destroy (Last created special effect) Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_P_Love_Ult0) 動畫 - Change U_Love_Ult[1]'s animation speed to 200.00% of its original speed 觸發 - Turn on 觸發2 <情報> //// 下一個觸發只需要移動部隊到亂數角度的點,顯示攻擊動畫 然後Cause他造成傷害。以實數判定次數,到達7次就關掉觸發 接著把實數歸0並將先前的三個氣旋Unhide 並打開觸發3 //// <觸發3> 事件- 時間- Every 0.05 seconds of game time 狀況- 行動- Set R_Love_Ult1 = (R_Love_Ult1 + 1.00) If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions) 如果一條件 (600.00 - (30.00 x R_Love_Ult1)) 小於或等於 0.00 就一行動 觸發 - Turn off (This trigger) Set R_Love_Ult1 = 0.00 部隊 - Remove U_Love_Ult[3] from the game 部隊 - Remove U_Love_Ult[4] from the game 部隊 - Remove U_Love_Ult[5] from the game 動畫 - Change U_Love_Ult[1]'s animation speed to 170.00% of its original speed 部隊 - Make U_Love_Ult[1] face U_Love_Ult[2] over 0.00 seconds 部隊 - Unhide U_Love_Ult[1] 特殊效果 - Create a special effect attached to the origin of U_Love_Ult[1] using Abilities\Spells\Orc\MirrorImage \MirrorImageCaster.mdl 特殊效果 - Destroy (Last created special effect) 觸發 - Turn on 觸發4 <情報> 否則一行動 Set P_Love_Ult2 = (P_Love_Ult1 offset by (600.00 - (30.00 x R_Love_Ult1 )) towards (30.00 - (15.00 x R_Love_Ult1)) degrees) Set P_Love_Ult3 = (P_Love_Ult1 offset by (600.00 - (30.00 x R_Love_Ult1 )) towards (150.00 - (15.00 x R_Love_Ult1)) degrees) Set P_Love_Ult4 = (P_Love_Ult1 offset by (600.00 - (30.00 x R_Love_Ult1 )) towards (270.00 - (15.00 x R_Love_Ult1)) degrees) 部隊 - Move U_Love_Ult[3] instantly to P_Love_Ult2 部隊 - Move U_Love_Ult[4] instantly to P_Love_Ult3 部隊 - Move U_Love_Ult[5] instantly to P_Love_Ult4 動畫 - Change U_Love_Ult[1] flying height to (35.00 x R_Love_Ult1) at 0.00 動畫 - Change U_Love_Ult[2] flying height to (30.00 x R_Love_Ult1) at 0.00 動畫 - Change U_Love_Ult[3] flying height to (30.00 x R_Love_Ult1) at 0.00 動畫 - Change U_Love_Ult[4] flying height to (30.00 x R_Love_Ult1) at 0.00 動畫 - Change U_Love_Ult[5] flying height to (30.00 x R_Love_Ult1) at 0.00 動畫 - Change U_Love_Ult[6]'s size to ((400.00 + (2.00 x R_Love_Ult1))%, (400.00 + (2.00 x R_Love_Ult1))%, (450.00 + (2.00 x R_Love_Ult1))%) of its original size Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_P_Love_Ult2) Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_P_Love_Ult3) Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_P_Love_Ult4) ////用For 迴圈會較省版面//// ////接下來就只是把小喬Unhide 然後讓他快速播放攻擊動畫 並且造成傷害,同樣以實數記錄次數,之後踢落就只是簡單無拋物線的跳斬 和先前的" 緋色‧血月十七影"類似 //// (_ _) 以上 畫質不是很好請見諒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tinkens:頭推~ 04/29 13:41
tinkens:感覺空中把人踢下來之後,定格=>回到地面,有點突兀的Fu~ 04/29 13:44
sapphireBOB:本來想再飛下去給他一擊 不過這樣好像就太超過了~ 04/29 13:46
Happynewyear:這樣會不會被拿來卡人? 04/29 13:49
jumbotest:為什麼你的ip在隔壁啊? 04/29 13:51
floydhess:推一個 04/29 14:02
snow118:我是在玩格鬥天王嗎 04/29 14:02
quen6788:113魂 04/29 14:02
jknm0510a:格鬥天王.... 04/29 14:04
devamouse:推 04/29 14:05
jason7786:動畫太久了 不適合在即時對戰型的dota 04/29 14:11
flyingmaple:比信長還誇張XD 04/29 14:16
kevinwhang:推 04/29 14:21
sunnysky7:這就跟以前上泉大絕一樣 脫褲子放屁 反正就是招傷害技.. 04/29 14:27
sunnysky7:等你打完對方對友也來包你惹 04/29 14:27
BuzzStyle:很棒耶 推推 04/29 14:39
fatb:好炫 04/29 14:40
rushbywinds:推 但是三國不適合 04/29 14:41
puppy4ever:先承認你想看內褲 04/29 14:43
ucda:現在還瞞剛好的 不會過強也不會過弱 04/29 15:00
joyca:puppy4ever:先承認你想看內褲 http://ppt.cc/yTEf 04/29 15:01
KMSNY:黃蓋原來是紳士 04/29 15:38
jasonwnast:=口=........... 04/29 16:41
e18794025:還不錯,丟下來要附暈嗎? 總傷害快兩千,冥荒喬見參.. 04/29 17:07
pipiisking:不是物理傷害嗎? 04/29 17:15
popopin:這是李連華吧 04/29 17:20
goodboy98:冥+荒 在放大決 小橋會哭了 04/29 17:33