精華區beta WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《wix3000 (世界一のオイカッス王子錩》之銘言: 那我也來分享一下之前做的技能 基礎技能是熊貓人的吐火 這樣技能總共有三個觸發,這是第一個 初始值愈設為開啟 Flame Ball 事件 Unit - A unit 開始連結技能 條件 (Ability being cast) 烈焰殺荒彈 動作 Set x = 0.00 這裡的變數x是待會其他觸發會用到的 Set TempUnit = (Casting unit) Set Angle = (Angle from (Position of (Triggering unit)) to (Target point of ability being cast)) 這裡的角度是指施法者本身到指定施法點或單位的角度 Set p1 = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 100.00 towards (Angle + 20.00) degrees) Set p2 = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 100.00 towards (Angle - 20.00) degrees) Set p3 = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 100.00 towards (Angle + 60.00) degrees) Set p4 = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 100.00 towards (Angle - 60.00) degrees) 上面的p1~p4是設定集氣時四顆火球出現的起始位置 Unit - Create 1 烈焰彈特效單位 for (Owner of TempUnit) at p1 facing 80.00 degrees Set EffectUnit1 = (Last created unit) Unit - Create 1 烈焰彈特效單位 for (Owner of TempUnit) at p2 facing 100.00 degrees Set EffectUnit2 = (Last created unit) Unit - Create 1 烈焰彈特效單位 for (Owner of TempUnit) at p3 facing 60.00 degrees Set EffectUnit3 = (Last created unit) Unit - Create 1 烈焰彈特效單位for (Owner of TempUnit) at p4 facing 120.00 degrees Set EffectUnit4 = (Last created unit) Trigger - Turn on Flame Ball Casting effect <預置> 記得特效單位要自己創造一個,這邊用的模組是復仇之靈 再來是第二個,施法中的特效 這個觸發預設是不開啟的 Flame Ball Casting effect 事件 Time - Every (0.50 / 20.00) seconds of game time 條件 動作 Set x = (x + 1.00) Animation - Change EffectUnit1's size to ((100.00 + (x x 30.00))%, (100.00 + (x x 30.00))%, (100.00 + (x x 30.00))%) of its original size Animation - Change EffectUnit2's size to ((100.00 + (x x 30.00))%, (100.00 + (x x 30.00))%, (100.00 + (x x 30.00))%) of its original size Animation - Change EffectUnit3's size to ((100.00 + (x x 30.00))%, (100.00 + (x x 30.00))%, (100.00 + (x x 30.00))%) of its original size Animation - Change EffectUnit4's size to ((100.00 + (x x 30.00))%, (100.00 + (x x 30.00))%, (100.00 + (x x 30.00))%) of its original size 上面是設定施法集氣時火球將會由小變大的過程 If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions) 如果 - 條件 x 大於或等於 20.00 就 - 動作 Set x = 0.00 Trigger - Turn on Flame Ball Attack effect <預置> Trigger - Turn off (This trigger) 否則 - 動作 當大到特定程度後則停止變大 再來是最後一個,施法生效後的特效 讓剛剛變大的火球往四個設定的方向飛去同時產生地面燃燒的效果 同樣也是初始值關閉 Flame Ball Attack effect 事件 Time - Every (0.50 / 10.00) seconds of game time 條件 動作 Set x = (x + 1.00) Set p1 = (p1 offset by 70.00 towards (Angle + 15.00) degrees) Set p2 = (p2 offset by 70.00 towards (Angle - 15.00) degrees) Set p3 = (p3 offset by 70.00 towards (Angle + 45.00) degrees) Set p4 = (p4 offset by 70.00 towards (Angle - 45.00) degrees) 上面是設定四顆火球要往哪四個角度飛去,以及每0.05秒火球所飛行的距離 Special Effect - Create a special effect at p1 using Objects\Spawnmodels\Other\NeutralBuildingExplosion\NeutralBuildingExplosion.mdl Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect) Special Effect - Create a special effect at p2 using Objects\Spawnmodels\Other\NeutralBuildingExplosion\NeutralBuildingExplosion.mdl Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect) Special Effect - Create a special effect at p3 using Objects\Spawnmodels\Other\NeutralBuildingExplosion\NeutralBuildingExplosion.mdl Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect) Special Effect - Create a special effect at p4 using Objects\Spawnmodels\Other\NeutralBuildingExplosion\NeutralBuildingExplosion.mdl Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect) 上面是飛行時地面的燃燒效果 Unit - Move EffectUnit1 instantly to p1 Unit - Move EffectUnit2 instantly to p2 Unit - Move EffectUnit3 instantly to p3 Unit - Move EffectUnit4 instantly to p4 上面就是讓火球開始移動 If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions) 如果 - 條件 x 大於或等於 10.00 就 - 動作 Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_p1 ) Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_p2 ) Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_p3 ) Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_p4 ) Trigger - Turn off (This trigger) 否則 - 動作 上面是將剛剛創造的點,也就是p1~p4去除以減少lag 於是完成品就像下面影片 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC1wJ1XDZF4 ←修好了囧
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3584203332743679393 感謝看完那麼長串的人XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chungsen:好帥+_+ 01/12 13:51
mamoru305:推有影片 01/12 13:52
SvcChaos:超讚的 特效一流啊 01/12 13:52
foreverk:如果只要四顆火球經過的地方有傷害的話,創造四個隱藏單 01/12 13:53
foreverk:位往四個方向打衝擊波應該可以,只是當時我偷懶XD 01/12 13:53
omega34:超帥的!!! @@ 01/12 13:54
mathteacher:哇 超級帥阿!!!! 01/12 14:00
SvcChaos:#14204 f大的混沌之戰其中一支角色 技能不錯強 XD 01/12 14:13
FiraxisAngle:qq 我怎不能下載..XD 01/12 14:26
SvcChaos:順便回報一下 bug 刀神的裂地步殺死的單位不加能力 qq 01/12 14:39
foreverk:因為他是被踩死的不是被刀砍死的呀XD 01/12 14:50
foreverk:fir 是什麼不能下載? 01/12 14:57
※ 編輯: foreverk 來自: (01/12 15:13)
byzantines:好帥啊~崇拜~~~~ 01/12 15:38
KIL:帥耶!! 01/12 16:09
cycu0315:push~ 01/12 16:43
whotear:推~ !!! 01/12 16:56
Dnight:真帥= =我沒那種美工天份 01/12 17:25
MrCrowley:嘎!? 有神快拜 <(_ _)> 01/12 17:36
LOVEMG:強阿 01/12 17:37
foreverk:樓上上這樣說我怎麼擔得起XD 01/12 17:38
foreverk:是樓上上上 01/12 17:38
Lushou:屌阿 01/12 17:40
MIKE0905:好屌的技能畫面! 推一個 01/12 17:40
※ 編輯: foreverk 來自: (01/12 17:41) f94:轉錄至看板 KS95-318 01/12 17:45
wix3000: 嘎!? 有神快拜 <(_ _)> 01/12 17:50
nagual: 嘎!? 有神快拜 <(_ _)> 酷! 01/12 18:01
bluemomo33:好厲害 01/12 18:13
DM1984:庫耶 01/12 18:17
lala00: 嘎!? 有神快拜 <(_ _)> 01/12 18:49
ixidor: 嘎!? 有神快拜 <(_ _)> 01/12 19:41
camuskiroro:? 有神快拜 <(_ _)> 01/12 19:45
jhunfong:超帥 01/12 20:19
dtjoker:神還有更新地圖嗎@..@? 我現在玩到1.5C耶... 01/12 20:53
dtjoker:現在都不知道去哪抓地圖 >"< 01/12 20:55
foreverk:叫我神我擔不起orz目前版本到1.5C,前面一段時間在忙別的 01/12 20:57
foreverk:沒更新,而且自己發覺還滿多要改和可以創新的,所以在想 01/12 20:58
foreverk:新東西中...應該會再出一張完全不同的dota吧orz 01/12 20:59
foreverk:1.5C的話14204那個連結都還可以用 01/12 21:00
Dnight: 嘎!? 有神快拜 <(_ _)> 01/12 22:24
jhunfong:可以提供自己的idea嗎XDDD 01/12 22:28
foreverk:當然歡迎啊,還有樓上上他們明明拜的是你吧XD 01/12 22:38
Dnight:嘎=口=,那有 01/12 23:48
Solidsanke: 嘎!? 有神快拜 <(_ _)> 01/13 10:34
forests:推推 01/13 12:35
helllife:想到39的張遼XD 01/15 13:13