精華區beta Warfare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 historia 看板] 作者: MRZ (LQY) 看板: historia 標題: 軍事史之史觀理論012 時間: Wed Mar 2 11:02:04 2005 The period 1890–1914 might be called ‘The Golden Age’ of Western historiography on war and warfare, in consideration of the originality, the excellence of scholarship, and the qualities of style which characterise much of the work produced during this period. Delbruek is, of course, the towering figure but many other historians deserve to be mentioned: Jean Colin in France; the German General Staff historians—with whom Delbruek had a famous and inflamed controversy regarding the strategy of Frederick the Great; Julian Corbett, G.F.R. Henderson, Charles Oman, and Frank Taylor in Great Britain; D.A. Maslovskii in Russia; Alfred Thayer Mahan in the US; and Arthur Stille in Sweden. The naval historians Corbett and Mahan were important also in a wider context through their considerable influence on contemporary naval thinking. 1890年到1914年之間﹐被稱為西方戰史學界的‘黃金時代’﹐因為這個時代充滿了 原創的見解﹑絕讚的學說﹑以及數之不盡的大師級人物。理所當然的﹐德布呂克是 這個時代的代表性人物之一﹐除此之外還有法國的尚柯林﹑德軍參謀本部戰史科-- --也就是德布呂克的學生們﹐他們承襲了自腓特烈大帝以來的德軍戰略傳統。在英 國則有尤里安高伯特﹑GFR漢德遜﹑查理斯歐曼﹑以及法蘭克泰勒。俄國則有DA馬 思羅夫斯基。美國有艾佛列塞爾馬漢。瑞典則有亞瑟史地樂。其中海軍戰史學家高 伯特和馬漢對於海軍的影響﹐直到今天。 -- 萬物皆非主,唯曼尼大神,至聖之先知,亞當史密斯。 La ilaha ill money,Adam Smith rasula'Llah 榮耀歸於曼尼。自宇宙之初成﹐貫古今與未來﹐直至永恆不滅。喀鏘!(收銀機響聲) Gloria patri Money. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.Ka-ching! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Cimon (Simon) 看板: Warfare 標題: [轉錄]軍事史之史觀理論013 時間: Wed Mar 2 18:22:04 2005 ※ [本文轉錄自 historia 看板] 作者: MRZ (LQY) 看板: historia 標題: 軍事史之史觀理論013 時間: Wed Mar 2 11:16:19 2005 The 20th century has seen the publishing of hecatombs of good narrative history-writing on war and warfare after ‘The Golden Age’ but rather few works which can match the best of that period in terms of originality or scholarship. Among those few, four stand out as particularly imaginative and innovative: D.S. Freeman's Lee's Lieutenants (1942–1944), John Keegan’s The Face of Battle (1976), and Martin van Creveld's Supplying War (1977) and Command in War (1985). Common to these works is a comparatively novel approach to some of the recurrent motifs in the writings on past warfare, and also an uncommonly graphic and thought-evoking way of describing the realities of war, particularly the horrors and the unbelievable bravery (Freeman and Keegan), and the incredible malfunctions and acts of folly (van Creveld). 即使在‘黃金時代’之後﹐二十世紀仍舊出現了許許多多優秀的戰史著作﹐但僅有 少數幾本能夠比得上這些前輩。其中又只有四本書可謂黃金時代以後的最佳著作﹕ DS費理曼的‘李將軍的副官們(1942-1944)’﹔約翰齊根的‘戰役面貌(1976)’﹔馬 丁范克雷瓦德的‘補給戰(1977)’與‘戰爭指揮(1985)’。這些著作都以近似小說 的筆法﹐來詮述與描寫戰史﹐並以另類的觀點來形容戰場的境況﹐從而激發出讀者 的想像力﹐得以讓人更能深入的了解戰爭的本質。比如說費理曼和齊根就擅長描寫 戰場的恐怖與當事人不可思議的勇氣表現﹐而范克雷瓦德則擅長描述當事人面對危 機時﹐一定會出現的無能與愚蠢的反應。 -- LQY評注﹕這四本書不買可惜﹐但台灣不進口翻譯﹐更可惜﹗ -- 萬物皆非主,唯曼尼大神,至聖之先知,亞當史密斯。 La ilaha ill money,Adam Smith rasula'Llah 榮耀歸於曼尼。自宇宙之初成﹐貫古今與未來﹐直至永恆不滅。喀鏘!(收銀機響聲) Gloria patri Money. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.Ka-ching! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Cimon (Simon) 看板: Warfare 標題: [轉錄]軍事史之史觀理論014 時間: Wed Mar 2 18:22:13 2005 ※ [本文轉錄自 historia 看板] 作者: MRZ (LQY) 看板: historia 標題: 軍事史之史觀理論014 時間: Wed Mar 2 13:39:19 2005 The ‘Warfare, Economy, and Technology’ Problematique This particular complex of problems for governments and societies has, of course, a long historical existence, but it was the experience of the First World War, the first ‘total’ war that made it a central and much cultivated field of historical research. The nearly total mobilisation and organising of the industrial, financial, and labour resources of the war-waging states called for post-war studies in order to be fully mapped, comprehended, and evaluated. The Second World War enhanced the importance of this research field, which now gradually started to flourish with excellent scholarship, as exemplified by Alan S. Milward’s War, Economy, and Society, 1939–1945 (1977); the studies by Fritz Redlich (1964–1965) and Jan Glete (1993) of the ‘warfare, economy, and technology’ problematique as it could present itself in various pre-industrial contexts; and William McNeill’s attempt at a historical synthesis of the problematique (1983). 四﹑戰爭形態﹑經濟形態﹑與科技形態之三角問題 由於第一次世界大戰的爆發﹐人類在歷史上首次遭遇到了‘總體戰’的體驗﹐再加 上之前出現的政治和社會問題﹐使得軍史的研究重心逐步改變。由於戰時各國盡全 力的動員了所有的工業產能﹑財政支出﹑以及人力資源﹐目的只是單純追求一場勝 利﹔這種狀態在戰後形成了一種反思﹐新的史觀也逐步萌芽。二次世界大戰的爆發 更刺激了軍史研究的發展﹐於是出現了更為優秀的學說。比如說﹕亞蘭S米瓦德所寫 的‘戰爭﹑經濟﹑與社會﹐1939-1945(1977)’這本書﹔以及費理茲瑞德理希(1964- 1965)與江格勒特(1993)在研究工業革命之前的軍史時﹐所提出的‘戰爭形態﹑經濟 形態﹑與科技形態’三角問題的史觀﹔還有威廉麥尼爾在1983年對此史觀所提出的 問題﹐所作出的解答等等﹐都是這個時代最重要的史學成就之一。 -- LQY評注﹕三角關係可參考本站戰史版上的文章。 -- 萬物皆非主,唯曼尼大神,至聖之先知,亞當史密斯。 La ilaha ill money,Adam Smith rasula'Llah 榮耀歸於曼尼。自宇宙之初成﹐貫古今與未來﹐直至永恆不滅。喀鏘!(收銀機響聲) Gloria patri Money. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.Ka-ching! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Cimon:三角關係請參考精華區17-15-5140.112.250.145 03/02
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Cimon (Simon) 看板: Warfare 標題: [轉錄]軍事史之史觀理論015 時間: Fri Mar 4 14:09:32 2005 ※ [本文轉錄自 historia 看板] 作者: MRZ (LQY) 看板: historia 標題: 軍事史之史觀理論015 時間: Fri Mar 4 12:47:48 2005 Research on Military Life Social scientists might prefer the term ‘the military system’ to the one used here, i.e. military life, for captioning collectively the three major research fields which have been brought together here, slightly artificially perhaps. These research fields could in simple language be named the things, the bodies, and the ways of military life. The basic ‘things’ (artefacts) of military life are, somewhat abstractedly phrased: weapons and other technical equipment, fortifications, barracks, vessels, vehicles, aircraft, and clothing. The interest of historians proper in this research field has never been very great. It has rather been cultivated by museum staffs, by archaeologists and historians of art, architecture or technology, and by ‘amateurs’ (who might be highly competent in their speciality). The ‘bodies’ (institutions or organisational units) of military life have interested historians far more, probably because of their great importance in domestic and international politics. The research made in this field is, to be sure, of very uneven quality but it has produced much solid and detailed knowledge of some military bodies, like e.g. the Roman Army, Napoleon’ s army, the British Army and Navy, and the German General Staff. The ‘ways’ (customs, rites, and behavioural patterns, and norms and values) of military life have for centuries fascinated numerous people outside the armed profession. They have also captured the imagination of many novelists (Alfred de Vigny, Joseph Roth, James Jones, John Masters, Sven Delblanc, and others). It is, however, only comparatively recently that this prospective field of research has been ‘discovered’ by the scholarly world. And it is not historians (with some few exceptions) who have taken the lead in exploring the new research field, but rather anthropologists, ethnologists, and sociologists. 五﹑軍事生活之研究 許多社會學家會比較喜歡使用‘軍事建制’來取代‘軍事生活’這個說法﹐因為他 們認為這樣的名詞比較能夠含有上述三角關係的涵義。這類研究的主題通常是軍事 術語的來源考據﹑軍品考據﹑軍制考據﹑以及軍事生活的不同性質。 軍事生活中最基本的‘軍品’﹐大致如下﹕武器﹑科技器材﹑堡壘要塞(永久性質)﹑ 防禦工事(臨時性質)﹑容器﹑交通工具﹑(可載人或不載人)飛行器﹑與軍服。史學 家對於這類研究主題其實並沒有多大的興趣﹐通常是博物館工作人員﹑考古學家﹑ 藝術史學家﹑建築史學家﹑科技史學家﹑或是‘業餘’史學研究者(雖然他們對這些 東西﹐反而比專家還專家)﹐才有興趣從事這樣的研究。 在軍事生活中﹐史學家對於‘軍制(總體建制或某一特定軍事組織或單位)’﹐會有 較多的興趣﹐因為這個主題對於內政外交方面﹐都有較為重要的影響力。不過歷代 各國的軍制研究的文章數量或是素質﹐並不怎麼平均分配﹐比如說許多史學家用心 盡力的研究羅馬軍制﹑拿破侖軍制﹑或是英國海軍與陸軍的軍制﹑以及德國參謀本 部。這些主題的軍制研究﹐可說是有如長江大河﹐滔滔不絕。 至於在軍事生活中的‘傳承(服裝﹑儀式﹑行為習慣﹑與意識形態)’這個方面來說﹐ 在過去數個世界以來﹐往往被長期生活在軍營以外的一般民眾﹐賦予了許多刻板印 象。他們往往是經由小說家(亞佛烈德維尼﹑約瑟夫羅斯﹑詹姆士瓊斯﹑約翰馬士特 斯﹑史分德布蘭﹑與族繁不及備載的只有瑞典人才曉得是誰的暢銷小說家)﹐得到這 些千奇百怪的刻板印象的。但這方面的‘研究’﹐卻直到今天﹐才開始被史學界所 重視。但這樣的研究主題﹐卻不是經由史學家(除了少數的例外)所引進入史學界的﹐ 反而是人類學家﹑倫理學家﹑與社會學家。 -- LQY附註﹕老實說﹐光是聽到本人的教授‘們’如何狂批歷史OTAKU或是D頻道的所作 所為﹐就有六個學期看到他們在搖頭。 -- 萬物皆非主,唯曼尼大神,至聖之先知,亞當史密斯。 La ilaha ill money,Adam Smith rasula'Llah 榮耀歸於曼尼。自宇宙之初成﹐貫古今與未來﹐直至永恆不滅。喀鏘!(收銀機響聲) Gloria patri Money. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.Ka-ching! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Cimon:..我抗議..我很有興趣啊.. 03/04
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MRZ:抗議哪個啊﹖:) 03/04
Cimon:史學家也有研究器物的啦~ 03/04