精華區beta Warfare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《roxinnccu (觸身球專家)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《armed (奚我后 其后來蘇)》之銘言: : : 兩點感想: : : 1.對於之前本來就是在脅迫下簽訂的停戰協定,在雙方已經在華北大打出手 : : 的情況下,是否還是要迂腐的繼續遵守,這點應該非常明白.國府缺的只是 : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : 事實就是蔣光頭他繼續遵守了 : 在那邊也不是只有中國跟日本的勢力在,列強都在那邊 : 頭上又罩了個有國際效力的停戰協定 : 中日雙方都不能太過囂張,尤其準備打一仗來博取國際同情的中國 : 不然張治中就不必搞什麼正規軍隊化妝進城的事 : 正是為了至少在表面上不打破停戰協定 : 大山勇夫事件之後的兩天也不是雙方就直接軍事反應了 : 至少是搓了兩天的湯圓,搓著搓著中方被抓包了,日軍增援,中方也開始動員 : 又過了兩天才真正幹起來 : 但不可改變的事實是: : 是張治中直接用兩個師的正規軍進軍來徹底毀掉這個協定的 : 前面有人說阿本仔也增援陸戰隊 : 喔那好阿,問題是人家違背他停戰協定下可以駐守的地方了沒? : 有協定,有租界,阿本仔在上海可是有合法駐兵權利的 : 誠然,中日雙方肯定都沒有誠心遵守這個協定的意思,兩方都在想法子鑽漏洞 At 0900 on 13 Aug, more than 10,000 Japanese troops entered the suburbs of Shanghai, and engagements broke out in Zhabei, Wusong, and Jiangwan districts. In the mid-afternoon, Chinese regulars of the 88th Division began attacking advancing Japanese troops with mortar. At 1600 that day, ships of the Japanese 3rd Fleet in the Huangpu and Yangtze Rivers began bombarding the city with naval guns. On 14 Aug, Chinese aircraft began bombing Japanese positions, followed by the issuance of the Proclamation of Self-Defense and War of Resistance from Chiang's government. A counterattack on the ground by Chinese troops commenced at 1500, but with the Japanese heavily fortified in the international zone, the lightly-armed Chinese counterattack failed. On 16 Aug, Zhang changed his strategy. Instead of persisting on the counterattack, he began instructing his men to engage in a style of fighting characterized by sneaking up to Japanese-held buildings and set the building ablaze by torches or grenades. When the Japanese troops fled the building, well-placed Chinese machine guns would strike down the fleeing men. On 17 Aug, the deployment Japanese light tanks drove back the Chinese troops and ended the counterattack. Zhang was heavily criticized by Chiang for the inability to penetrate Japanese lines, especially with the kind of heavy casualty numbers he was experiencing. Chiang would slowly take on more direct responsibilities for Shanghai's defense, eventually personally assuming the role of the overall commander. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
roxinnccu:滕昕雲,李君山 09/17 17:44
Lordaeron:時序非常清楚,看得懂就看,看不懂就算. 09/17 17:45
roxinnccu:http://tinyurl.com/5wcuzw 09/17 17:45
roxinnccu:http://tinyurl.com/69lu3c 09/17 17:46
roxinnccu:時序?哈哈哈哈,遠在大山勇夫之前中方就開始圈圈插插了 09/17 17:46
Lordaeron:又如何,有違反協議嗎? 09/17 17:48
roxinnccu:沒有嗎?挖哈哈哈哈,是誰連協議都沒看懂阿 09/17 17:49
roxinnccu:閣下以為張治中沒事要正規軍改裝成保安團是太閒,陳頤鼎 09/17 17:49
roxinnccu:手下軍官喬裝平民進城是想尋花問柳方便是吧? 09/17 17:50
roxinnccu:自己已經在OGC了就不要嫌人家打飛機髒,很簡單 09/17 17:50
Lordaeron:違反哪一條?挖哈哈哈哈? 09/17 17:50
roxinnccu:閣下對條約的解釋是你家的事,張治中很顯然不這麼認為阿 09/17 17:52
roxinnccu:還是說閣下自認比張治中更瞭解當時情勢? 09/17 17:52
Lordaeron:原來這就是, 挖哈哈哈哈. 科科 09/17 17:53