精華區beta We2NE1 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Korean Pop, with Online Help, Goes Global By Lina Yoon / Seoul Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010 前面省略-是提到太陽 People in the Korean music industry are watching and learning. YG Entertainment plans to release the first album of girl group 2NE1 offshore and online. The group became famous after releasing the single "Lollipop," with Big Bang, which was featured in an LG cell-phone ad campaign last year. Since then, 2NE1's international exposure — particularly in the U.S. — has been growing. Black Eyed Peas producer will.i.am saw one of their videos and immediately wanted to work with them, says Choi Sung-jun, chief operations officer at YG Entertainment. They have been collaborating for the past couple of months in Los Angeles and London. 這段是提到老楊要讓妞們進軍國際 , 還有跟WILL.I.AM的合作 省略 這下面還有提到APPLE GIRL 和太陽的事情!! Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2013227,00.html#ixzz0xpmRk0bI -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cottonto:還有放照片啊~ YG美國計畫真的越來越積極 08/28 16:28
lrip:這跟YG沒關係^^YG影響不了TIME的新聞的! 08/28 17:21
cottonto:是阿 我是說看完整體還有太陽的文章後的感覺啦 08/28 18:36
ayuky:不過這專題是來自首爾 說不定有小小合作? 08/28 21:28
lrip:的確YG跟JYP都很積極想往美國發展 野心 08/29 18:22