精華區beta We2NE1 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:letsplay2ne1 轉載請注明:letsplay2ne1+百度21吧 Exclusive] Teaser for Back to Back Convo with another Dancing Couple Mari Martin and Keone Madrid! 原文: Hi! I’m Lyna, one of Let’s Play 2NE1 editors. If you’ve been following Let’s Play 2NE1 or a YG Family fan, I guess you’re a little bit familiar with me. =) Previously, I’ve interviewed dancing couple Shaun Evaristo and Aimee Lucas. Through them we get to know YG Family artists like 2NE1, Bigbang and Teddy. Moreover, we get to know Shaun and Aimee more as well. Now, I bring you another dancing couple, Keone Madrid and Mari Martin who also get to work with YG Family artists. Keone Madrid choreographed Se7en’s hit single “Better Together” from Se7en’s freshly released Digital Bounce album. Keone also get to work with Shaun for Taeyang’s “Just A Feeling”, one of the songs from Taeyang’s recently released album, Solar. Who’s Mari Martin? 2NE1′s choreographer for their most anticipated upcoming album, To Anyone. Are you guys excited to know who they are? Here’s a glimpse of their interview. MARI MARTIN Is this the first time you’ve worked with an artist? Mari: Yes How where you able to get into YG Entertainment? Did someone recommend you to them? Mari: I am part of Movement Lifestyle, the company that Shaun Evaristo founded. Shaun recommended both Keone and I to YG and that’s how it happened! Have you known 2NE1 even before you get to work with them? What do you think about them before you guys met each other? Mari: I didn’t. I knew Shaun worked with artists in Korea, but didn’t know much about it. I always vaguely knew about K-pop and knew it was big, but I didn’t know how big it was. When I found out we were going over there I began to research them and see just how big they are. I was nervous to meet them and unsure about how it would be to work with them, but when I finally met them, they were awesome, really down to earth and great to work with. What is your basis in creating a concept for choreography? Like in 2NE1’s upcoming album? Do you base it on their personality or what? Mari: Well, it was very difficult to prepare something for 2ne1 when I worked with them because I hadn’t met them yet. All I had to go off of was the internet and some info from Shaun. I had ideas before we went to Seoul, but when we got there we ended up changing things around, making things work for them and highlight them as individuals. I definitely learned how important that is. I’m so used to just dancing for myself, but working with 2ne1 I had to be making stuff for them both as a group and as separate personalities and strengths, so it was different. What are your first impressions about each of the members? Mari: CL (Lee Chaerin): Dedicated Sandara Park: Experienced Gong Minji: Animated Park Bom: Shy What can we expect for 2NE1’s comeback? Is it different from their previous choreography and style? Mari: I would say expect great music, a lot of 2ne1 attitude and character and some new style in there from me! Girl power! KEONE MADRID Q: What are your first impressions about 2NE1? Keone: 2ne1 is definitely a dope group of girls. They are all different too! CL has got the swag and the personality. Dara is the cute Korean girl that can hold it down as much as the dudes. Minji can move as well as any dancer in LA. Bom definitely has some dope vocals! Keone: 2ne1 those girls are awesome! And very hard working. I’m excited for their comeback too. I’m expecting big things from them! 翻譯: 嗨!我是Lyna,let's play 2NE1的編輯之一。如果您一直關注著let’s play 2NE1或者 是YG的家族飯,那麼我想你或許會對我有點點熟悉。 =) 以前,我曾經採訪過dancer情侶shaun Evaristo和Aimee Lucas。通過他們,我瞭解 了YG的明星像2ne1,Bigbang和teddy。此外,我們也瞭解了關於Shaun和Aimee的許多。現 在,我將帶你瞭解另一對dancer情侶,Keone madrid和Mari Martin。他們也是和YG的明 星們一起工作的。 Keone madrid是seven剛公佈的新專輯Digital Bounce中的主打單曲“better together”的編舞。同時也和shaun一起合作了太陽的新專輯solar中的一首歌“just a feeling”的編舞部分工作。 而Mari Martin是誰呢? 負責2NE1最令人期待的新專輯To Anyone的編舞。聽到這些 ,知道了他們是誰,難道你們不興奮麼 這是你第一次與明星們合作麼? Mari:是的 您是如何進入YG娛樂的?是否有人介紹? Mari:我是Movement Lifestyle的一員,這個公司是Shaun Evaristo創立的,他將我和 keone介紹到YG,而事情就如此發展了。 你在合作之前知道2ne1嗎?在見面之前對她們的印象如何? Mari:並沒有,我知道Shaun和韓國的明星一起工作,但是具體的並不瞭解。我只是隱約 的知道一點韓國娛樂明星並知道它很強大,但是到底有多強大,我沒有概念。當我去那邊 對她們有一點瞭解的時候才知道到底有多強,見面之前真的很緊張並且無法想像該如何和 她們一起工作,但是當我終於遇見他們的時候,發現他們真的很棒,平易近人,合作的非 常愉快。 什麼是你在編舞是最基本的理念?像2NE1的新專輯?是基於她們的個性還是別的? Mari:嗯,起初為她們準備新專輯的時候真的是非常困難的。因為我在與她們合作之前對 她們一無所知,我不得不去關注一些網上的採訪和一些shaun提供的資訊。在我去首爾之前 我已經準備了一些idea,但是真正到達那裏,所有之前的想法全部拋棄了。一切根據她們 量身定做。而我知道這樣做的重要性。我早已習慣了為自己設計舞蹈,但是為2ne1的編舞 工作,就必須使舞蹈既作為一個群體的東西,又要凸顯出每個人不同的個性和長處 ,所以這是不同的。 你對2ne1每個成員的第一印象是什麼? CL:專注的 DARA:經驗豐富,老練 minzi:活潑的,像漫畫裏的 bom:害羞的 我們對於2ne1的CB該做出如何的期待呢?是否不同的是她們從前的編排和風格? Mari:我會說請你們期待超棒的音樂,2ne1的態度和性格,並有一些有我帶來的新的風格 !女孩力量! Keone madrid 你對2NE1的第一印象如何? Keone:2ne1絕對是個讓人中毒般上癮的女子組合。她們是如此與眾不同!CL的獨特個性 總能引起巨大關注。dara是個可以吸引各類男孩的可愛韓國女孩。MINZY的舞不輸任何一個 LA的專業dancer。bom則有毒品一般讓人上癮的嗓音。 Keone:2ne1的女孩們真的很棒!工作真的非常努力。我對她們的CB也很高興。我期待她 們的新專輯大發~~! 附上兩位老師跳舞的影片 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCzufifk9ac&feature=related
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINZY的舞感一直以來都很棒,就像渾然天成 每次看她跳舞,就會想到看美國舞台跳舞的那些舞者們 他天生的音感,還有律動會讓人WA WOO ~ DARA就像百變女王不僅吸引女孩也吸引男孩,用他獨有的魅力 還有那完全童顏的臉孔征服人 CL不用說,對於喜歡看歐美明星的我來說,他的氣勢就如同那般 不是亞洲明星可以比擬,那種氣場,就是要昭告世人,即使他不是歌手 他也是某業界的閃亮明星. BOM擁有很棒的嗓音,但是肺活量練練吧!!還有不要緊張 我很擔心你演唱會要怎樣唱完全場^^,但你的聲音真的很有毒性 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CjWmC:怎麼那麼貼心 還有中文翻譯 我真的好喜歡Minzy跳舞 09/06 22:40
CjWmC:雖然Minzy的編舞能力還需要磨練 但她與生俱來的舞感天分 09/06 22:40
CjWmC:都讓人覺得她這樣跳下去會很恐怖 更過分的是 聲音也很好 09/06 22:41
CjWmC:CL是四人裡面最有舞台魅力和氣勢的 她真的只要一開口 09/06 22:42
CjWmC:眼神這樣一掃蕩 就是女王啊 很容易被她震攝到 09/06 22:42
CjWmC:BOM嗓音很有力也有辨識度 但我也覺得她的肺活量不好 09/06 22:43
CjWmC:重點是她唱歌不太會調節氣息 然後唱歌太直來直往 09/06 22:43
CjWmC:情感的鋪陳要更細膩點 當然這是四個人都要努力的方向 09/06 22:43
CjWmC:好歌手不只是要有好嗓子好唱功 更要具備好的詮釋能力~ 09/06 22:44
CjWmC:編舞老師是韓國人嗎 聽英文拼音不太確定 09/06 22:46
CjWmC:印象那邊 意外的BOM是害羞的 Dara是老練的? 09/06 22:49
chyongshy:其實與其說擔心bom不能唱全場..那該說2ne1沒辦法撐全場 09/06 22:57
chyongshy:8/20粉紅派對連唱6首歌..不覺得bom有後繼無力的現象 09/06 22:58
chyongshy:大概是慘痛的solo經驗讓大家對我們的主唱那麼多擔心 09/06 22:59
chyongshy:我個人倒是不擔心這個..畢竟主唱是組合的靈魂來的... 09/06 23:00
CjWmC:其實不是獨唱就還好 獨唱的話缺點會比較明顯 09/06 23:05
lrip:翻譯是百度的人翻的啦!!他真的很貼心xd 09/06 23:32
lrip:MINZY編舞能力蠻強的阿!! 不過加入團體反而比較少表現 09/06 23:33
lrip:BOM是體力不好!大概是韓國人唱歌都很直,很少在處理感情 09/06 23:34
lrip:不過新歌聽的出來這點改很多,不過他SOLO是因為緊張,跟大家 09/06 23:35
lrip:在一起的時候表現又挺好,所以才要他克服緊張,如果他想^^SOLO 09/06 23:35
lrip:編舞老師是菲律賓人.韓國歌手的通病,誇張卻沒感情...小胖說~ 09/06 23:38
CjWmC:Minzy我覺得編舞能力還可以再磨練 因為他有時候重複動作會多 09/07 00:31
CjWmC:點 當然是說在即席被要求的情況 可是她跳起來效果和張力都 09/07 00:32
CjWmC:很強 09/07 00:32
CjWmC:感情缺乏倒是真的 團體的話 雖然不乏歌聲唱功好的 09/07 00:32
CjWmC:但是把感情詮釋好的真的很少 如果是solo歌手應該有 09/07 00:33
CjWmC:覺得K.will不錯 09/07 00:34
CjWmC:BOM有次跟太陽一起表演 身體超僵硬的 她要試著放開來投入 09/07 00:34
CjWmC:有時候會覺得BOM可能因為緊張唱歌會太過用力 09/07 00:36
CjWmC:不過緊張感是很難克服的 有人天生一站上舞台就不緊張 09/07 00:37
lrip:恩!!太妍也算還不錯!但MING算我蠻驚訝感情部分也唱的還不錯 09/07 00:45
CjWmC:MING是Minzy? 09/07 00:47
lrip:他的暱稱...YG的人都這樣阿~~有點類似MIN吉阿~ 09/07 01:29
karena77:哇!!!換成ML的編舞喔!!!好難想像 女孩們要跳LA STYLE? 09/07 10:53
karena77:0:11左右有一秒女孩身影XD 好CHIC! http://0rz.tw/JCOEj 09/07 11:35
lrip:應該是非洲舞或者也有可能兩隻小的跳LA STYLE全體可能會不支 09/07 19:08