精華區beta WesternMusic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
10 | Lady Gaga ($500 million) Despite some pauses to pursue film and TV projects, Gaga’s live music prowess and wildly successful albums landed her on our list. – 9 | Katy Perry ($530 million) The 2015 Forbes cover star hit the road aggressively over the past decade, wit h two separate tours grossing nine figures. – 8. Paul McCartney ($535 million) No Beatles, no problem: McCartney continued an epic solo run, selling out stad iums and even getting his first No. 1 album since 1982. – 7. Jay-Z ($560 million) Music’s first billionaire made his fortune by building companies, but the las t ten years of touring—recently with Beyonc憿Xsure didn’t hurt. – 6. Elton John ($565 million) The Rocketman is blasting off on his last tour having fueled up his bank accou nt with a decade of stadium shows and Vegas residency dates. – 5. Diddy ($605 million) He’s had more name changes than anyone on the list, but his earnings remained strong thanks mostly to his Ciroc vodka pact with Diageo. – 4. U2 ($675 million) The group’s 360 Tour wrapped in 2011, grossing over $700 million—its inflati on-adjusted $800 million-plus tour tally is the highest ever. – 3. Beyonce ($685 million) Queen Bey began the decade newly graduated from Destiny’s Child, quickly esta blishing her business bona fides in the studio and on the road. – 2. Taylor Swift ($825 million) Not old enough to buy a beer at the decade’s outset, Swift became a stadium-p acking superstar—and music’s highest-paid woman of the 2010s. – 1. Dr. Dre ($950 million) The superproducer released one album this decade and barely toured, but had mu sic’s top business achievement: Apple’s $3B buyout of Beats. https://i.imgur.com/bOPJkZv.jpg
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vanler: 居然沒某彩妝教主?06/15 15:03
likeaprayer: Forbes關於副業(主業?)的營收統計一直都很謎06/15 15:07
likeaprayer: 所以當趣聞參考就好 因為每個歌手實際收入跟這一定06/15 15:08
likeaprayer: 不一樣06/15 15:08
※ 編輯: kingslanding ( 臺灣), 06/15/2020 15:10:02
aehvtleo: 亂排 ye光鞋子就賺到翻掉了06/15 15:23
theBATMAN56: 沒肯爺就知道可以下去了06/15 17:26
kaish870209: \Taylor/ \Taylor/ \Taylor/06/15 18:00
aehvtleo: 原來是泰勒腦粉 06/15 18:00 原來是kanye腦粉啊 經常胡言亂語頻繁出入精神病院的人宣稱的銷售額有任何參考價值?
socrazy: diddy應該也是靠副業吧?為何沒有美妝教主06/15 18:18
socrazy: 想起來了,她是美妝教主,不是音樂人啦齁~06/15 18:18
lin881102: 濕濕怎麼可能沒第一0.006/15 18:58
Sparks0917: Riri會不會最後被歸類在企業家XD06/15 19:12
※ 編輯: kingslanding ( 臺灣), 06/15/2020 19:25:34
roda23139: beats那種騙小孩的垃圾耳機也可以賣到當冠軍-.-06/15 19:32
premiumGT: Riri這十年重心確實不在音樂XD06/15 20:00
kai1470: 推Taylor06/15 20:06
light20735: Riri已經被排除音樂人了是嗎?06/15 21:03
imuimm: RiRi是成功企業家啊!音樂是玩票性質06/15 23:01
aehvtleo: https://rb.gy/c0xyyg 06/15 23:33
aehvtleo: 查一下資料再來嗆啦小朋友 06/15 23:33
aehvtleo: taylor 825M ye1.3B 是要比什麼 06/15 23:36
aehvtleo: 好好笑 一樣是富比市的計算 肯爺1.3B結果在這糞榜單排 06/15 23:40
aehvtleo: 不上xD 06/15 23:40
so what? 我給的榜是19年依照過去十年每年top收入統計出來的,你貼的是20年肯伊團隊 突然給forbes提供的數據哦 他們家造假又不是一天兩天的事惹 問問他剛被forbes揭露的 小姨子就知道
light20735: 痾要當幸運物幽默感很重要06/16 00:03
※ 編輯: kingslanding ( 臺灣), 06/16/2020 00:34:41
aehvtleo: so what? read the stats kid 06/16 00:55
light20735: to someone:get a laid ,get a real life. 06/16 01:29
aehvtleo: 樓上 是get laid不是get a laid 06/16 01:29
aehvtleo: 嗆人還嗆錯是怎樣啦 xDDDDDDDDD 06/16 01:30
light20735: 打太快了祝你get laid 06/16 01:32
aehvtleo: 英文爛就乖乖去聽中文歌06/16 01:33
light20735: 哭哭iphone就是愛多事接個a~怪手機不好 06/16 01:34
light20735: 英文爛才要多聽變好~很正面 06/16 01:37
lin881102: 聽Kanye那種水準ㄉ歌英文才慧爛吧 06/16 01:38
iamseanx: Get laid?! 06/16 01:39
mrlucas8891: 他應該是ye黑吧 這裡跟隔壁板的推文他都拿ye來擋 06/16 17:59
mrlucas8891: 負面工商大師 06/16 17:59
tenghui: 對啊竟然沒肯爺 06/16 23:13
※ 編輯: kingslanding ( 臺灣), 06/18/2020 07:45:28
hankxtina: 某人get laid還不夠,直接get laid off,結局皆大歡喜 06/18 20:49
hankxtina: 。^^ 06/18 20:49
light20735: 樓上XD 06/19 00:10
mfo7: 聽肯爺的歌,人生都亂了 06/19 04:22
ayuboy: 怎麼會沒有瑪丹娜 06/19 17:13
tenghui: get laid不是這樣用的啦鄉親XDDD 06/20 12:12
Xibunbun: 某樓是在悲憤什麼 06/25 13:31