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http://www.wongkarwai.net/pages.php?page=Soundtrack+FAQ So I bought the Chungking Express soundtrack, but I'm still missing some songs from the film .. what's up ? Yup. Unfortunately, some of the songs that had the most impact on Chungking Express are not included on the soundtrack. The songs that are missing: . Things in Life - Dennis Brown . California Dreamin' - Mamas and Papas . What a Difference a Day Makes - Dianah Washington "Things in Life" by Dennis Brown, is the reggae song in the first part of the film, which is played over and over again on the jukebox. "What a Difference a Day Makes" by Dianah Washington is the song that is played when Tony Leung Chiu Wah makes love to Valerie Chow. And as for "California Dreamin'", I don't think I need to remind you in which scene this song was played, right? ;) Also should be mentioned that the song sung by Shirley Kwan Suk Yee, Forget him (Wang ji ta), is not included in the Fallen Angels soundtrack as well.The original song is a sung by Teresa Tang , and is thus a cover by Shirley Kwan. If you don't know which song I'm talking about, it is the song from the jukebox. What are the songs that are played in Days of Being Wild ? This info came from a visitor Many thanks to Lori Hitchcock! I don't know if you are already aware of this or interested, but the latin tracks used in "Days of Being Wild" were all (?I think?) taken from an album entitled "Best of Xavia Cugat" (1996 Mercury Music Entertainment Co., Ltd.). The tracks used in the movie are: My Shawl; Perfidia; Siboney; Jungle Drums; Maria Elena. The dreamy Hawaiian music from the beginning, is music from Los Indios Tabajaras, to be found on their CD Always in My Heart. CD Title: Los Indios Tabajaras / Always in My Heart Company : RCA Records (1964 - 1st time released) Pacific Music Co., Ltd. (1986 - re-released) Another song can be found on the latest CD of Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing. CD Title: Leslie Cheung / Crazy Love (Cong Ngoy) Company : Rock Records 1994