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老實說我不知道標題應該是[GG]還是[OC] XD 兩個都有看的應該會覺得很有趣~呵呵 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_U6DgIJhwM&feature=player_embedded
Any fans of The OC will appreciate this. A reader sent in a link to this video of the opening credits and theme music to Josh Schwartz's breakthrough show, only with the Gossip Girl cast, and overhead shots of Manhattan, not Orange County, mixed in. Funny stuff ... and even more so since Schwartz and Stephanie Savage are reportedly considering introducing young Jimmy and Kirsten on the Gossip Girl spinoff! From Gossip Girl Insider -- Twitter Me! http://twitter.com/hereiam9992 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lpiw:我還是比較喜歡OC的~這麼熱血的音樂感覺還是比較適合Newport 04/08 22:38
lpiw:都說是Califor~nia~了XD 不過之前也有人用friends的片頭作別 04/08 22:39
lpiw:的影集的片頭 04/08 22:40
Onuris:XDDDDDDDDDDDDD好妙,但還是喜歡o.c.+1 04/08 23:33
crystaloops:音樂真的適合海灘 陽光的感覺..不適合紐約陰雨的fu 04/09 00:38
crystaloops:不過製作的人很細心耶 做的好棒唷! 04/09 00:39
crystaloops:偷偷說 那時候看OC我都把片頭快轉XD 04/09 00:39
aniechou1:OC+1 04/09 05:29
duncan316:真棒! love OC +1 04/09 09:47
maxisam:謝謝分享 :D 04/15 19:18