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※ [本文轉錄自 media-chaos 看板] 作者: ntddt (nt) 看板: media-chaos 標題: 關於 “暗助說”中時記者的解讀 與 原文 出入...!! 時間: Thu Oct 23 23:00:14 2003 http://www.socialforce.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3296 剛好抗媒有討論串就貼過來了... 大家可以去參考一下... 雖然中時記者口口聲聲說葛萊儀的意思跟暗助根本沒關係 是民進黨污賴之類的... 但經網友查葛來儀說的原文如下: Although there is a consensus that China's leverage over Taiwan has increased, there is widespread frustration that Beijing has been unsuccessful in translating these positive trends into political success. Chen Shui-bian is portrayed as intransigent and determined to lead the island in the direction of independence. Scores of KMT delegations visiting China in the past year have urged Beijing to avoid opening a dialogue with Chen that might strengthen his position and increase his chances of re-election,Chinese analysts say. Instead, the KMT urges Chinese leaders to await the return of their party to power, promising that the KMT will pursue a cross-Strait policy that is more amenable to Beijing. Some KMT officials have even urged the Mainland to further weaken Chen Shui-bian domestically by attacking him personally as an advocate of independence. 雖然許多人同意中國對於台灣的操控能力增加,但是對於北京無法將這些有利的趨勢轉換 為政治的勝利,亦存在廣泛的挫折感。陳水扁被描繪成一位不妥協者,並且決心引領台灣 步向獨立之路。中國分析家說,過去一年,一些訪問中國的國民黨代表團呼籲北京避免與 陳展開對話,這種對話可能鞏固他的地位並增加他再次連任的機會。相對地,國民黨呼籲 中國領導人等待該黨重新掌權,承諾國民黨會追求一個能較為北京所接受的兩岸政策。某 些國民黨主管甚至呼籲大陸進一步以陳水扁鼓吹獨立為由,對其進行個人攻擊,以弱化他 的國內地位。 --- 各位看一下 跟“暗助”的意思比較一下囉... -- I'm gonna be stronger Know that I've tried my very best And put my spirit to the test If I could reach -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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