精華區beta asciiart 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that \◥ indirectly causes itself to become true.Altho ◣▕ of such prophecies can be found in human ˍ▂◢ back as ancient Greece and ancient Ind sociologist Robert K. Merton who is c | ▆▄ expression "self-fulfilling prophecy structure and consequences. In his b ▏﹨ Social Structure, Merton gives as a prophecy:“ The Self-fulfilling pro ╱▍︳ / a false definition of the situation ∕▍ | /makes the original false conception / //█ validity of the self-fulfilling pro ╱◢◤error. For the prophet will cite th ██ proof that he was right from the ve PINKY In other words, a true prophetic st GIVE as truth when it is not — may suff / ◥ ME▉ either through fear or logical co ∕╲ ultimately fulfill the false proph / \ By Pinkygiveme @Ptt |  ̄ \ ◤— By Pinkygiveme -- ▂▄▅▆▅▄▂ ╭───────────────────╮ 批踢踢2 ▆_▄▆▃ 3 自然就是美 傾聽‧自然之美 12 NB_ARCTIC 浮冰 Σ 北 極 海 ˙ 1 Pinkygiveme 一極 ◎我的個人版 ╰╯╯ ╰───────────────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
funnykids:庫喔~ 10/26 21:43
luh4:這很棒@@" 10/26 21:50
fishhzy123:好帥 10/26 21:52
cute12:好好看 10/26 21:58
fhj:推:D 10/26 22:02
YourHighness:我喜歡這個 10/26 22:08
rexx:好帥 10/26 22:13
※ 編輯: pinkygiveme 來自: (10/26 22:37)
GUDU:讚 10/26 22:53
ForSinSoKing: 10/26 23:12
sky1987:借轉批兔個版收藏 感謝 10/26 23:44
Athrun7611:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/27 00:42
yuzki:推 10/27 01:15
Makishi: 明暗和衣褲的感覺 好讚喔!!! 高手耶 (╯▽╰)/ 10/27 01:54
SKnight:好強 10/27 02:21
wind1234:真棒~ 10/27 02:40
mtdas:推 10/27 02:42
Spitfire:領帶真是唯妙唯肖! 10/27 08:24
kikuno:真有形 :D 10/27 09:57
aassd:酷!!!!!!!!!!! 10/27 10:36
diwai:大推啊@口@ 10/27 11:10
wearytolove:借轉p2個版收藏:) 10/27 14:04
minminco:我也想收藏 10/27 15:49
dapa2:好棒 @@ 10/27 16:34
feedingdream:推 10/27 20:00
fiShiri:@@ 我喜歡這種感覺的男生XDDD 推推~~~ 10/28 00:58
dancinglight:好帥! 怎嚜有工藤新一的感覺@@" 10/28 16:18
garnier:同樓上~ 10/29 14:48
octant:超帥氣借轉~謝謝原PO!!! 11/02 17:00
blueknight76:借轉收藏 11/08 00:52
jarieme:coooooool!!!!! 11/17 23:36