精華區beta baking 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Blog ~ http://blog.pixnet.net/novichen/post/12688658 材料 : 1. 蛋黃 4顆 2. 糖 40g 3. 沙拉油 50g 4. 水 70g 5. 鹽 一小撮 6. 低筋麵粉 120g 7. 泡打粉 3g 8. 香草精 一小匙 9. 蛋白 4顆 10. 糖 50g 11. 可可粉 5g 12. 熱水 25g 做法 : 1. 烤箱欲熱至180度C 2. 將低粉.泡打粉.鹽過篩備用 3. 將蛋黃及40g糖攪打至成為光滑的麵糊 4. 將全部乾料.油.水加入麵糊中攪打至均勻 5. 將蛋白打至乾性發泡- 用打蛋器將打至起粗大泡沫時,加入三分之一份量 的細砂糖,接著分兩次把糖加入打發的蛋白中.. 一直到乾性發泡 6. 將蛋白分三次加入麵糊中,需快速輕柔,以免蛋白消泡,攪拌均勻後即可 7. 將可可粉溶於熱水中 8. 舀出一大匙的做好的麵糊跟可可液混合均勻 9. 將原味麵糊倒入烤模中再將可可麵糊不規則的倒在上面 10. 用筷子在上面畫出想要的圖案 11. 放置烤箱烤約25分鐘直到筷子插入蛋糕拔出來後沒有蛋糕沾黏 12. 將蛋糕從烤箱取出並放在鐵架上倒扣至涼 13. 將蛋糕從烤模中取出並切成小方塊即可 14. 享用好吃的戚風蛋糕吧!! 以下是英文版的食譜,有興趣的人可以參考喔~ A marble chiffon Cake Ingredients : 1. 4 large eggs,separated ( about 240g ) 2. 100g sugar 3. 120g cake flour 4. 3g baking powder 5. a pinch of salt 6. 50g vegetable oil 7. 70g water 8. 5g cocoa powder 9. 20g hot water Directions : 1. Pre-heat oven to 180 Celsius degrees. 2. Sift together cake flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl,set aside. 3. Beat together egg yolks and 40g sugar in a bowl with a mixer until smooth. 4. Put reserved dry ingredients, vegetable oil and water into batter and stir until smooth. 5. Beat together egg whites and 60g sugar in a large bowl with a mixer until stiff peaks form. 6. Fold egg-white mixture softly into the batter. 7. Mix cocoa powder with hot water. 8. Take out a little batter and mix with cocoa mixture. 9. Pour remaining batter into pan then pour cocoa batter above it. 10. Use chopstick to draw the pattern. 11. Bake until a chopstick inserted in the middle comes out clean and the cake is golden, about 25 minutes. 12. Remove cake from oven ; invert the pan above the rack and let it cool. 13. Remove cake from pan and cut the cake into small squares. 14. Enjoy ! -- PTT-baking版~歡迎大家一起分享烹飪心得喔 *************************** 艾薇的小小世界~ http://blog.pixnet.net/novichen 紀錄Ivy在Canada的 料理.生活.旅遊 *************************** -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: