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余英時的「人文」 2006/11/17 【聯合報黑白集】 旅美學者余英時獲得「克魯格人文與社會科學終身成就獎」。這個獎,向被視為「人文諾 貝爾獎」。 由於余氏為我中研院院士,文章多在台灣發表,且門生故舊遍及台灣學術文化界,所以這 項消息使台灣各方「與有榮焉」。 孟子說:「頌其詩,讀其書,不知其人可乎?」那麼余英時是個什麼樣的人呢?他大學畢 業於香港新亞書院,師從近代大儒錢穆,後在美國哈佛大學取得歷史學博士學位,先後在 哈佛、耶魯和普林斯頓三大名校任教,是「自由主義知識分子」,也是「以學術為一生志 業的知識分子」。 不過余先生可不是只躲在書齋裡不問世事的讀書人,他關心中國和中國人的前途,肯定思 想有創造歷史的功能。他在廣被引用的《歷史與思想》這本書的序文中說:「正由於思想 可以創造歷史,並且實際上也一直是歷史進程中一股重要的原動力,所以人對於歷史是必 須負責的;而且越是在歷史發展中佔據著樞紐地位的個人,其責任也就越重大。」余氏很 少就實際政治問題發表意見,但這段話無疑是嚴肅地對兩岸政治人物課以無可迴避的責任 。而對於自己的信仰,余氏是篤行實踐的,「六四」天安門事件之後,他就不再往訪大陸 。以一介書生,橫眉冷對那個龐大的政權。 「自由的思想,獨立的精神」,這就是余英時的「人文」。這種人文涵養,根基在深邃與 寬容的中華文化裡。任何一個「去中國化」的地方,對余氏的成就和榮耀,在與有榮焉之 外,恐怕就只有臨淵羨魚的分。 【2006/11/17 聯合報】 ----------------------------------------------------- 相關報導 Two History Scholars Are to Split $1 Million Award By DINITIA SMITH Published: November 15, 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/15/books/15klug.html?_r=1&ref=books&oref=slogin Two historians, John Hope Franklin and Yu Ying-shih, will share this year’s $1 million John W. Kluge Prize for the Study of Humanity. It’s the prize that Alfred Nobel forgot. In 2000 Mr. Kluge, the billionaire, gave $73 million to the Library of Congress for a scholarly center and other projects, which now include the million-dollar prize. The award was specifically intended for areas that the Nobel Prizes do not cover, like history, political science, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, religion, linguistics and criticism. The prize is to be announced today in Washington. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The library’s announcement calls the second winner, Mr. Yu, 76, “the most influential Chinese intellectual working in both the Chinese and American worlds.” Mr. Yu, emeritus professor of history and Chinese studies at Princeton, is an intellectual historian with a wide reach that spans Confucianism and the modern world. He has been particularly interested in the way Chinese intellectuals have combined the religious and the secular, he said in an interview from his home in Princeton. “They have a moral, political, social purpose,” he said, “as compared to the West.” His most recent book is on the 12th-century Confucian scholar Zhu Xi, who has been compared to Thomas Aquinas. Zhu helped codify the Confucian canon and wrote extensive commentaries. Mr. Yu said he did not yet know what he would do with his prize money, though “part of it will go to taxes.” ................................................................... The prizes will be awarded at a ceremony on Dec. 5 at the library. Mr. Franklin and Mr. Yu are to give symposiums on their work at the library next year. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bucklee 來自: (11/17 07:38)