精華區beta book 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我問了英國人,回答如下: The fact that Lenin had not ventured to reward him and the Soviet state had branded him a traitor only reinforced Parvus' disillusionment with Lenin's Russia. (I suspect the implication is that these were the major source of his "disillusionment".) 原譯者沒漏看nor! -- 推 enggys: 一開始討論的那個句子, 省略了括號內的字 It did not hel 07/03 19:08 → enggys: p that ..., nor (did it help) that .... 想要小題大作 07/03 19:08 → enggys: 的話, 可以說這個寫法用到了 "省略+替代+倒裝+平行" 四種 07/03 19:08 → enggys: 概念. 建議上網搜尋 ellipsis and substitution 看看, 其 07/03 19:08 → enggys: 實並不難而且還蠻有趣的. 原譯者起碼在肯定或否定這部分 07/03 19:08 → enggys: 是沒有翻錯的. 07/03 19:08 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/book/M.1656932073.A.8A3.html
Nusat: 呃所以正史上蘇俄到底沒有把帕爾烏斯定義為叛徒阿... 07/04 21:51
decorum: 贊成這質疑 等週末有空再說 07/05 06:19
※ 編輯: supercilious ( 臺灣), 07/05/2022 09:23:46