精華區beta chocolate 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在seventypercent逛了一下發現這個 謹供參考 http://www.seventypercent.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1226 The four best chocolatiers in the UK L'Artisan du chocolat Founder Gerard Coleman is the only British producer using his own chocolate, which is manufactured at his Kent atelier. 89 Lower Sloane Street, London SW1W 8DA. http://www.artisanduchocolat.com Paul A Young Fine Chocolates Young is the winner of best new chocolate shop in the academy of chocolate world awards. Everything is made by hand on site. 33 Camden Passage, Islington, London N1 8EA, 020 7424 5750 The Chocolate Society The society, a commercial organisation, is Valrhona distributor in the UK. It has two shops with cafes in London and online shopping service. Shepherd Market, London W1J 7QN, Elizabeth Street, London SW1W 9NZ. http://www.chocolate.co.uk William Curley Curley opened his shop in 2004, and won an award for best British chocolatier two years later. 10 Paved Court, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1LZ, 020 8332 3002 The four best places to buy bars: http://www.chocolatetradingco.com http://www.seventypercent.com Waitrose Selfridges http://www.guardian.co.uk/food/Story/0,,2051809,00.html ※ 引述《papillons (想要巨大的Teddy Bear)》之銘言: : : ◆ From: : : → papillons:英國哪裡?倫敦嗎?要推超市牌還是專賣店?? 12/10 17:29 : : → tkjoice:伯明罕耶!應該是買超市有的品牌吧 12/10 18:17 : 原文吃光光,我沒住過伯明罕 : 所以當地品牌就不清楚了 : 不過,超市來說,green&blacks很常見 : 也有些超市的自有牌,像是mark&spencer : 可以買一點來嘗鮮 : 然後,幾乎每個城市都有Thornton的店面 : 跟la maison du chocolat比起來會便宜到讓人哭泣 : 但這就是英國巧克力,吃起來跟法國的不太一樣 : 有人很愛,有人很討厭! : 有些城市有Hotel Chocolate這些連鎖店 : 也可以嘗試一些街邊小店 ^^ -- ※ 編輯: Gaspard 來自: (12/12 02:13)
papillons:這四家廣義來說都在倫敦,大部分我都去過 12/12 13:09
papillons:他從伯明罕就算開車過去,也要三到四個小時...... 12/12 13:10
papillons:第三個看有沒有機會找到,這是連鎖店 12/12 13:11
papillons:一有點貴就是了,不過鹽口味吃起來蠻有趣的...... 12/12 13:11
papillons:不過這都不是超市牌,所以貴是正常的 0rz 12/12 13:16
tkjoice:嗯嗯 兩個都很專業 我再請我同學幫忙留意一下 3Q~^^ 12/12 16:54
tkjoice:竟然有鹽口味 好特別!是鹹的嗎? 12/12 19:25