精華區beta civil86 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家都還好吧?! 其實我覺得朋友沒那麼嚴肅說... 不過是一種無法解釋的心靈契合... 該怎麼樣相處...只是多替別人想一想罷... 想想怎麼樣做對他最"適合"、最"恰當"... 而不是自顧自地以為對他最"好"... 不誠實不一定會造成傷害...誠實有時還更慘 該不該說實話...it depends... sometimes white lies are needed... but when we talk about "trust"... that's really the thing needed in any kind of relationship... just be open-minded and considerate for your friends... just happy together...OK?! enjoy your time together right now... we all have only a time of youth in life... enjoy it....... -- To be or not to be...that is the question... 貓貓在努力的想... 要怎麼活下去... 貓貓愛哈姆雷特... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.m8.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: h214.s9.ts30.hi