精華區beta ck53rd122 關於我們 聯絡資訊
 Come stop your crying  It will be all right  Just take my hand  Hold it tight  I will protect you  from all around you  I will be here  Don't you cry  For one so small  you seem so strong  My arms will hold you,  keep you safe and warm  This bond between us  can't be broken  I will be here  Don't you cry  'Cause you'll be in my heart  Yes, you'll be in my heart  From this day on  now and forever more  You'll be in my heart  No matter what they say  You'll be here   In my heart always  Always ---------------------------------- 這依然是首好歌... 同樣來自泰山... 又再經過囉... -- \ |:)==: (橫著看 這是一個小琬娃娃ㄛ!!!) / -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: t192-207.dialup