精華區beta ck54th122 關於我們 聯絡資訊
█▌ There's no flower that never dies │││ │││ ▄▃ █▍ There's no tide that's always high ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ /ㄢ@ ▎▏ █▎ There's no light that always shines - ▏▌ █▏- Sodagreen - What's the Trouble on Your Mind ▄▆`◥ There's no scar that never fades There's no wound that always stays There's no desperation that won't go away ▁▃ ▄▇ ● So why the sadness on your face ㄟ ﹏ ▂▄ Time goes by without a trace Life goes on without fanfare ▇◤Don't be afraid of any moment that you have Life goes (on and on and on) <~Src~><~Des~>說:<~Say~> 作  者:[email protected] 投稿時間:2011.11.21 本稿件首次發表於批踢踢實業坊