精華區beta ck54th122 關於我們 聯絡資訊
= Tizzy Bac = Life is solo, Leslie's down `◥j ▂▃▃▂▁_, ▏ _▃ Life is solo, hope is not. ㄟ\▏ ▃▃_◢ It's the only way we ever can use to▇▅▃▂_▃◢ wipe the tears of the fear.▁▂▃▃▃▄ㄟ`V = Run like the rainbow, away * ▅▆ ▂▃ \ * You wouldn't stay here forever.▃▅▆▊ _ ▄▅ * And you would run with your colors.▂▃▁▂▃ _▂▂▁_`▄ * As far as you can. ▅▆▆▅ ▁  ̄▆▄▃▃▄ * And you know how much I do care. ▂▁_ _▃ <~Src~><~Des~>說:<~Say~> 作  者:[email protected] 投稿時間:2012.11.01 本稿件首次發表於批踢踢實業坊 作者: luciferpku (在地獄的歸途中{小愛}) 看板: TizzyBac 標題: Re: [歌詞] Life is solo, Leslie's down(自譯中文) 時間: Thu Sep 27 12:50:22 2012 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : In a cold cold winter and never been found 在寒冷冬際無人能尋 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : At the age of seventeen, love with summer 在充滿愛意的十七歲夏季 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : Is there anybody care for crying? 有誰在乎為他掉淚呢? : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : And the aching void in your heart ultimately swollow the name 在你心中那空虛無盡的痛吞噬了名聲 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : Hasn't got any chance to start over again? 有沒有機會能夠從頭開始? : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : Once those hands were holding and now are setting apart 曾經緊握的手現已分開了 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : In this très très cruel world 在這個非常殘酷野蠻的世界 (歌詞原文是tres,法文e上面有一撇, 意思等同於英文的very) : we are not so welcome 我們並沒有那麼受歡迎 : Life is solo, hope is not 生命是首獨唱的歌,但『希望』不是 : It's the only way we ever can use to 唯一我們能面對的方式 : wipe the tears of the fear 就是擦乾恐懼的淚水 : Run like the rainbow, away 像虹彩般奔跑吧,跑遠遠地 : You wouldn't stay here forever 你不會永遠都待在這兒 : Run like the rainbow, away 像虹彩般奔跑吧,跑遠遠地 : And you would run with your colors 帶著你的色彩不停狂奔 : When you lose a part of your warm heart 當你溫暖的心缺了一塊 : Remember a part of me will die soon after 請牢記某部份的我也隨之亡逝 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : And my dream is limpid when I'm not around 當我不在時,夢想愈發清晰透徹 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : When you have nothing to say 當你無話可說時 : you shouldn't say it at all 你根本就不該開口 : Life is solo, Leslie's down 生命是首獨唱的歌,哥哥已經倒下了 : Can you give me somewhere to hide 你能否給我一個庇護所 : when I'm still young 於我青春尚在的時候 : Life is solo, hope is not 生命是首獨唱的歌,但『希望』不是 : It's the only way 只有這樣的方式 : we ever can use to wipe the tears of the fear 我們可以擦乾恐懼的淚水 : Run like the rainbow, away 像虹彩般奔跑吧,跑遠遠地 : You wouldn't stay here forever 你不會永遠都待在這兒 : Run like the rainbow, away 像虹彩般奔跑吧,跑遠遠地 : And you would run with your colors 帶著你的色彩不斷狂奔 : Run like the rainbow, away, away 像虹彩般奔跑吧,跑遠遠地,愈遠愈好 : As far as you can 能跑多遠就跑多遠 : Run like the rainbow, away 像虹彩般奔跑吧,跑遠遠地 : And you know how much I do care 你會知道我有多在乎 : When you lose a part of your warm heart 當你溫暖的心缺了一塊 : Remember a part of me will die soon after 請牢記某部份的我也隨之亡逝 : When you lose a part of your pure heart 當你單純的心缺了一塊 : Remember a part of me will die soon after 請牢記某部份的我也隨之亡逝