精華區beta ck54th122 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lively, lively ▆▇▆▄ Run, run Darling My little angel ▁▁Search*2 Don't look back Follow me, follow me ▇It's not where you belong We'll have great discoveries ▏▅ Find a future ﹏▁ \ ﹨ Everything to us Find a land of dreams ▎| Just you and I Find a heaven 7▉◥▊ ▏Not a thing to us Find a home that won't leave you▄▆▉▉ Just you and I No matter how long you've been / " Project Mili Pursuit*2 Don't ever give in ◢◤ - Rosetta <~Src~><~Des~>說:<~Say~> 作  者:[email protected] 投稿時間:2015.09.02 本稿件首次發表於批踢踢實業坊 Mili - Rosetta Lively, lively My little angel Follow me, follow me We'll have great discoveries Find a future Find a land of dreams Find a heaven Find a home that won’t leave you No matter how long you’ve been lost Pursuit, pursuit Don’t ever give in Rosetta For everyone everywhere everything will betray your innocent heart All of them All of them Soon will be rotten Vile, vile Shield yourself Mind my words Don’t let yourself corrupt Run, Run Darling Search, search Don’t look back It’s not where you belong to Everything to us Just you and I Lalala Just you and I Not a thing for us Just you and I Tululu Just you and I Lonely, lonely Come back to me Rosetta No-one nowhere nothing will take anything anything anything from me Nobody nobody nobody ever Nobody nobody nobody other than you